/* * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility * Copyright (C) 2012 Bolton Software Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2005 Chris Schoeneman * * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "synergy/KeyMap.h" #include "synergy/key_types.h" #include "base/Log.h" #include #include #include CKeyMap::CNameToKeyMap* CKeyMap::s_nameToKeyMap = NULL; CKeyMap::CNameToModifierMap* CKeyMap::s_nameToModifierMap = NULL; CKeyMap::CKeyToNameMap* CKeyMap::s_keyToNameMap = NULL; CKeyMap::CModifierToNameMap* CKeyMap::s_modifierToNameMap = NULL; CKeyMap::CKeyMap() : m_numGroups(0), m_composeAcrossGroups(false) { m_modifierKeyItem.m_id = kKeyNone; m_modifierKeyItem.m_group = 0; m_modifierKeyItem.m_button = 0; m_modifierKeyItem.m_required = 0; m_modifierKeyItem.m_sensitive = 0; m_modifierKeyItem.m_generates = 0; m_modifierKeyItem.m_dead = false; m_modifierKeyItem.m_lock = false; m_modifierKeyItem.m_client = 0; } CKeyMap::~CKeyMap() { // do nothing } void CKeyMap::swap(CKeyMap& x) { m_keyIDMap.swap(x.m_keyIDMap); m_modifierKeys.swap(x.m_modifierKeys); m_halfDuplex.swap(x.m_halfDuplex); m_halfDuplexMods.swap(x.m_halfDuplexMods); SInt32 tmp1 = m_numGroups; m_numGroups = x.m_numGroups; x.m_numGroups = tmp1; bool tmp2 = m_composeAcrossGroups; m_composeAcrossGroups = x.m_composeAcrossGroups; x.m_composeAcrossGroups = tmp2; } void CKeyMap::addKeyEntry(const KeyItem& item) { // ignore kKeyNone if (item.m_id == kKeyNone) { return; } // resize number of groups for key SInt32 numGroups = item.m_group + 1; if (getNumGroups() > numGroups) { numGroups = getNumGroups(); } KeyGroupTable& groupTable = m_keyIDMap[item.m_id]; if (groupTable.size() < static_cast(numGroups)) { groupTable.resize(numGroups); } // make a list from the item KeyItemList items; items.push_back(item); // set group and dead key flag on the item KeyItem& newItem = items.back(); newItem.m_dead = isDeadKey(item.m_id); // mask the required bits with the sensitive bits newItem.m_required &= newItem.m_sensitive; // see if we already have this item; just return if so KeyEntryList& entries = groupTable[item.m_group]; for (size_t i = 0, n = entries.size(); i < n; ++i) { if (entries[i].size() == 1 && newItem == entries[i][0]) { return; } } // add item list entries.push_back(items); LOG((CLOG_DEBUG5 "add key: %04x %d %03x %04x (%04x %04x %04x)%s", newItem.m_id, newItem.m_group, newItem.m_button, newItem.m_client, newItem.m_required, newItem.m_sensitive, newItem.m_generates, newItem.m_dead ? " dead" : "")); } void CKeyMap::addKeyAliasEntry(KeyID targetID, SInt32 group, KeyModifierMask targetRequired, KeyModifierMask targetSensitive, KeyID sourceID, KeyModifierMask sourceRequired, KeyModifierMask sourceSensitive) { // if we can already generate the target as desired then we're done. if (findCompatibleKey(targetID, group, targetRequired, targetSensitive) != NULL) { return; } // find a compatible source, preferably in the same group for (SInt32 gd = 0, n = getNumGroups(); gd < n; ++gd) { SInt32 eg = getEffectiveGroup(group, gd); const KeyItemList* sourceEntry = findCompatibleKey(sourceID, eg, sourceRequired, sourceSensitive); if (sourceEntry != NULL && sourceEntry->size() == 1) { CKeyMap::KeyItem targetItem = sourceEntry->back(); targetItem.m_id = targetID; targetItem.m_group = eg; addKeyEntry(targetItem); break; } } } bool CKeyMap::addKeyCombinationEntry(KeyID id, SInt32 group, const KeyID* keys, UInt32 numKeys) { // disallow kKeyNone if (id == kKeyNone) { return false; } SInt32 numGroups = group + 1; if (getNumGroups() > numGroups) { numGroups = getNumGroups(); } KeyGroupTable& groupTable = m_keyIDMap[id]; if (groupTable.size() < static_cast(numGroups)) { groupTable.resize(numGroups); } if (!groupTable[group].empty()) { // key is already in the table return false; } // convert to buttons KeyItemList items; for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numKeys; ++i) { KeyIDMap::const_iterator gtIndex = m_keyIDMap.find(keys[i]); if (gtIndex == m_keyIDMap.end()) { return false; } const KeyGroupTable& groupTable = gtIndex->second; // if we allow group switching during composition then search all // groups for keys, otherwise search just the given group. SInt32 n = 1; if (m_composeAcrossGroups) { n = (SInt32)groupTable.size(); } bool found = false; for (SInt32 gd = 0; gd < n && !found; ++gd) { SInt32 eg = (group + gd) % getNumGroups(); const KeyEntryList& entries = groupTable[eg]; for (size_t j = 0; j < entries.size(); ++j) { if (entries[j].size() == 1) { found = true; items.push_back(entries[j][0]); break; } } } if (!found) { // required key is not in keyboard group return false; } } // add key groupTable[group].push_back(items); return true; } void CKeyMap::allowGroupSwitchDuringCompose() { m_composeAcrossGroups = true; } void CKeyMap::addHalfDuplexButton(KeyButton button) { m_halfDuplex.insert(button); } void CKeyMap::clearHalfDuplexModifiers() { m_halfDuplexMods.clear(); } void CKeyMap::addHalfDuplexModifier(KeyID key) { m_halfDuplexMods.insert(key); } void CKeyMap::finish() { m_numGroups = findNumGroups(); // make sure every key has the same number of groups for (KeyIDMap::iterator i = m_keyIDMap.begin(); i != m_keyIDMap.end(); ++i) { i->second.resize(m_numGroups); } // compute keys that generate each modifier setModifierKeys(); } void CKeyMap::foreachKey(ForeachKeyCallback cb, void* userData) { for (KeyIDMap::iterator i = m_keyIDMap.begin(); i != m_keyIDMap.end(); ++i) { KeyGroupTable& groupTable = i->second; for (size_t group = 0; group < groupTable.size(); ++group) { KeyEntryList& entryList = groupTable[group]; for (size_t j = 0; j < entryList.size(); ++j) { KeyItemList& itemList = entryList[j]; for (size_t k = 0; k < itemList.size(); ++k) { (*cb)(i->first, static_cast(group), itemList[k], userData); } } } } } const CKeyMap::KeyItem* CKeyMap::mapKey(Keystrokes& keys, KeyID id, SInt32 group, ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers, KeyModifierMask& currentState, KeyModifierMask desiredMask, bool isAutoRepeat) const { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "mapKey %04x (%d) with mask %04x, start state: %04x", id, id, desiredMask, currentState)); // handle group change if (id == kKeyNextGroup) { keys.push_back(Keystroke(1, false, false)); return NULL; } else if (id == kKeyPrevGroup) { keys.push_back(Keystroke(-1, false, false)); return NULL; } const KeyItem* item; switch (id) { case kKeyShift_L: case kKeyShift_R: case kKeyControl_L: case kKeyControl_R: case kKeyAlt_L: case kKeyAlt_R: case kKeyMeta_L: case kKeyMeta_R: case kKeySuper_L: case kKeySuper_R: case kKeyAltGr: case kKeyCapsLock: case kKeyNumLock: case kKeyScrollLock: item = mapModifierKey(keys, id, group, activeModifiers, currentState, desiredMask, isAutoRepeat); break; case kKeySetModifiers: if (!keysForModifierState(0, group, activeModifiers, currentState, desiredMask, desiredMask, 0, keys)) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "unable to set modifiers %04x", desiredMask)); return NULL; } return &m_modifierKeyItem; case kKeyClearModifiers: if (!keysForModifierState(0, group, activeModifiers, currentState, currentState & ~desiredMask, desiredMask, 0, keys)) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "unable to clear modifiers %04x", desiredMask)); return NULL; } return &m_modifierKeyItem; default: if (isCommand(desiredMask)) { item = mapCommandKey(keys, id, group, activeModifiers, currentState, desiredMask, isAutoRepeat); } else { item = mapCharacterKey(keys, id, group, activeModifiers, currentState, desiredMask, isAutoRepeat); } break; } if (item != NULL) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "mapped to %03x, new state %04x", item->m_button, currentState)); } return item; } SInt32 CKeyMap::getNumGroups() const { return m_numGroups; } SInt32 CKeyMap::getEffectiveGroup(SInt32 group, SInt32 offset) const { return (group + offset + getNumGroups()) % getNumGroups(); } const CKeyMap::KeyItemList* CKeyMap::findCompatibleKey(KeyID id, SInt32 group, KeyModifierMask required, KeyModifierMask sensitive) const { assert(group >= 0 && group < getNumGroups()); KeyIDMap::const_iterator i = m_keyIDMap.find(id); if (i == m_keyIDMap.end()) { return NULL; } const KeyEntryList& entries = i->second[group]; for (size_t j = 0; j < entries.size(); ++j) { if ((entries[j].back().m_sensitive & sensitive) == 0 || (entries[j].back().m_required & sensitive) == (required & sensitive)) { return &entries[j]; } } return NULL; } bool CKeyMap::isHalfDuplex(KeyID key, KeyButton button) const { return (m_halfDuplex.count(button) + m_halfDuplexMods.count(key) > 0); } bool CKeyMap::isCommand(KeyModifierMask mask) const { return ((mask & getCommandModifiers()) != 0); } KeyModifierMask CKeyMap::getCommandModifiers() const { // we currently treat ctrl, alt, meta and super as command modifiers. // some platforms may have a more limited set (OS X only needs Alt) // but this works anyway. return KeyModifierControl | KeyModifierAlt | KeyModifierAltGr | KeyModifierMeta | KeyModifierSuper; } void CKeyMap::collectButtons(const ModifierToKeys& mods, ButtonToKeyMap& keys) { keys.clear(); for (ModifierToKeys::const_iterator i = mods.begin(); i != mods.end(); ++i) { keys.insert(std::make_pair(i->second.m_button, &i->second)); } } void CKeyMap::initModifierKey(KeyItem& item) { item.m_generates = 0; item.m_lock = false; switch (item.m_id) { case kKeyShift_L: case kKeyShift_R: item.m_generates = KeyModifierShift; break; case kKeyControl_L: case kKeyControl_R: item.m_generates = KeyModifierControl; break; case kKeyAlt_L: case kKeyAlt_R: item.m_generates = KeyModifierAlt; break; case kKeyMeta_L: case kKeyMeta_R: item.m_generates = KeyModifierMeta; break; case kKeySuper_L: case kKeySuper_R: item.m_generates = KeyModifierSuper; break; case kKeyAltGr: item.m_generates = KeyModifierAltGr; break; case kKeyCapsLock: item.m_generates = KeyModifierCapsLock; item.m_lock = true; break; case kKeyNumLock: item.m_generates = KeyModifierNumLock; item.m_lock = true; break; case kKeyScrollLock: item.m_generates = KeyModifierScrollLock; item.m_lock = true; break; default: // not a modifier break; } } SInt32 CKeyMap::findNumGroups() const { size_t max = 0; for (KeyIDMap::const_iterator i = m_keyIDMap.begin(); i != m_keyIDMap.end(); ++i) { if (i->second.size() > max) { max = i->second.size(); } } return static_cast(max); } void CKeyMap::setModifierKeys() { m_modifierKeys.clear(); m_modifierKeys.resize(kKeyModifierNumBits * getNumGroups()); for (KeyIDMap::const_iterator i = m_keyIDMap.begin(); i != m_keyIDMap.end(); ++i) { const KeyGroupTable& groupTable = i->second; for (size_t g = 0; g < groupTable.size(); ++g) { const KeyEntryList& entries = groupTable[g]; for (size_t j = 0; j < entries.size(); ++j) { // skip multi-key sequences if (entries[j].size() != 1) { continue; } // skip keys that don't generate a modifier const KeyItem& item = entries[j].back(); if (item.m_generates == 0) { continue; } // add key to each indicated modifier in this group for (SInt32 b = 0; b < kKeyModifierNumBits; ++b) { // skip if item doesn't generate bit b if (((1u << b) & item.m_generates) != 0) { SInt32 mIndex = (SInt32)g * kKeyModifierNumBits + b; m_modifierKeys[mIndex].push_back(&item); } } } } } } const CKeyMap::KeyItem* CKeyMap::mapCommandKey(Keystrokes& keys, KeyID id, SInt32 group, ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers, KeyModifierMask& currentState, KeyModifierMask desiredMask, bool isAutoRepeat) const { static const KeyModifierMask s_overrideModifiers = 0xffffu; // find KeySym in table KeyIDMap::const_iterator i = m_keyIDMap.find(id); if (i == m_keyIDMap.end()) { // unknown key LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "key %04x is not on keyboard", id)); return NULL; } const KeyGroupTable& keyGroupTable = i->second; // find the first key that generates this KeyID const KeyItem* keyItem = NULL; SInt32 numGroups = getNumGroups(); for (SInt32 groupOffset = 0; groupOffset < numGroups; ++groupOffset) { SInt32 effectiveGroup = getEffectiveGroup(group, groupOffset); const KeyEntryList& entryList = keyGroupTable[effectiveGroup]; for (size_t i = 0; i < entryList.size(); ++i) { if (entryList[i].size() != 1) { // ignore multikey entries continue; } // only match based on shift; we're after the right button // not the right character. we'll use desiredMask as-is, // overriding the key's required modifiers, when synthesizing // this button. const KeyItem& item = entryList[i].back(); if ((item.m_required & KeyModifierShift & desiredMask) == (item.m_sensitive & KeyModifierShift & desiredMask)) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "found key in group %d", effectiveGroup)); keyItem = &item; break; } } if (keyItem != NULL) { break; } } if (keyItem == NULL) { // no mapping for this keysym LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "no mapping for key %04x", id)); return NULL; } // make working copy of modifiers ModifierToKeys newModifiers = activeModifiers; KeyModifierMask newState = currentState; SInt32 newGroup = group; // don't try to change CapsLock desiredMask = (desiredMask & ~KeyModifierCapsLock) | (currentState & KeyModifierCapsLock); // add the key if (!keysForKeyItem(*keyItem, newGroup, newModifiers, newState, desiredMask, s_overrideModifiers, isAutoRepeat, keys)) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "can't map key")); keys.clear(); return NULL; } // add keystrokes to restore modifier keys if (!keysToRestoreModifiers(*keyItem, group, newModifiers, newState, activeModifiers, keys)) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "failed to restore modifiers")); keys.clear(); return NULL; } // add keystrokes to restore group if (newGroup != group) { keys.push_back(Keystroke(group, true, true)); } // save new modifiers activeModifiers = newModifiers; currentState = newState; return keyItem; } const CKeyMap::KeyItem* CKeyMap::mapCharacterKey(Keystrokes& keys, KeyID id, SInt32 group, ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers, KeyModifierMask& currentState, KeyModifierMask desiredMask, bool isAutoRepeat) const { // find KeySym in table KeyIDMap::const_iterator i = m_keyIDMap.find(id); if (i == m_keyIDMap.end()) { // unknown key LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "key %04x is not on keyboard", id)); return NULL; } const KeyGroupTable& keyGroupTable = i->second; // find best key in any group, starting with the active group SInt32 keyIndex = -1; SInt32 numGroups = getNumGroups(); SInt32 groupOffset; LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "find best: %04x %04x", currentState, desiredMask)); for (groupOffset = 0; groupOffset < numGroups; ++groupOffset) { SInt32 effectiveGroup = getEffectiveGroup(group, groupOffset); keyIndex = findBestKey(keyGroupTable[effectiveGroup], currentState, desiredMask); if (keyIndex != -1) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "found key in group %d", effectiveGroup)); break; } } if (keyIndex == -1) { // no mapping for this keysym LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "no mapping for key %04x", id)); return NULL; } // get keys to press for key SInt32 effectiveGroup = getEffectiveGroup(group, groupOffset); const KeyItemList& itemList = keyGroupTable[effectiveGroup][keyIndex]; if (itemList.empty()) { return NULL; } const KeyItem& keyItem = itemList.back(); // make working copy of modifiers ModifierToKeys newModifiers = activeModifiers; KeyModifierMask newState = currentState; SInt32 newGroup = group; // add each key for (size_t j = 0; j < itemList.size(); ++j) { if (!keysForKeyItem(itemList[j], newGroup, newModifiers, newState, desiredMask, 0, isAutoRepeat, keys)) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "can't map key")); keys.clear(); return NULL; } } // add keystrokes to restore modifier keys if (!keysToRestoreModifiers(keyItem, group, newModifiers, newState, activeModifiers, keys)) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "failed to restore modifiers")); keys.clear(); return NULL; } // add keystrokes to restore group if (newGroup != group) { keys.push_back(Keystroke(group, true, true)); } // save new modifiers activeModifiers = newModifiers; currentState = newState; return &keyItem; } const CKeyMap::KeyItem* CKeyMap::mapModifierKey(Keystrokes& keys, KeyID id, SInt32 group, ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers, KeyModifierMask& currentState, KeyModifierMask desiredMask, bool isAutoRepeat) const { return mapCharacterKey(keys, id, group, activeModifiers, currentState, desiredMask, isAutoRepeat); } SInt32 CKeyMap::findBestKey(const KeyEntryList& entryList, KeyModifierMask /*currentState*/, KeyModifierMask desiredState) const { // check for an item that can accommodate the desiredState exactly for (SInt32 i = 0; i < (SInt32)entryList.size(); ++i) { const KeyItem& item = entryList[i].back(); if ((item.m_required & desiredState) == (item.m_sensitive & desiredState)) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "best key index %d of %d (exact)", i, entryList.size())); return i; } } // choose the item that requires the fewest modifier changes SInt32 bestCount = 32; SInt32 bestIndex = -1; for (SInt32 i = 0; i < (SInt32)entryList.size(); ++i) { const KeyItem& item = entryList[i].back(); KeyModifierMask change = ((item.m_required ^ desiredState) & item.m_sensitive); SInt32 n = getNumModifiers(change); if (n < bestCount) { bestCount = n; bestIndex = i; } } if (bestIndex != -1) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "best key index %d of %d (%d modifiers)", bestIndex, entryList.size(), bestCount)); } return bestIndex; } const CKeyMap::KeyItem* CKeyMap::keyForModifier(KeyButton button, SInt32 group, SInt32 modifierBit) const { assert(modifierBit >= 0 && modifierBit < kKeyModifierNumBits); assert(group >= 0 && group < getNumGroups()); // find a key that generates the given modifier in the given group // but doesn't use the given button, presumably because we're trying // to generate a KeyID that's only bound the the given button. // this is important when a shift button is modified by shift; we // must use the other shift button to do the shifting. const ModifierKeyItemList& items = m_modifierKeys[group * kKeyModifierNumBits + modifierBit]; for (ModifierKeyItemList::const_iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->m_button != button) { return (*i); } } return NULL; } bool CKeyMap::keysForKeyItem(const KeyItem& keyItem, SInt32& group, ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers, KeyModifierMask& currentState, KeyModifierMask desiredState, KeyModifierMask overrideModifiers, bool isAutoRepeat, Keystrokes& keystrokes) const { static const KeyModifierMask s_notRequiredMask = KeyModifierAltGr | KeyModifierNumLock | KeyModifierScrollLock; // add keystrokes to adjust the group if (group != keyItem.m_group) { group = keyItem.m_group; keystrokes.push_back(Keystroke(group, true, false)); } EKeystroke type; if (keyItem.m_dead) { // adjust modifiers for dead key if (!keysForModifierState(keyItem.m_button, group, activeModifiers, currentState, keyItem.m_required, keyItem.m_sensitive, 0, keystrokes)) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "unable to match modifier state for dead key %d", keyItem.m_button)); return false; } // press and release the dead key type = kKeystrokeClick; } else { // if this a command key then we don't have to match some of the // key's required modifiers. KeyModifierMask sensitive = keyItem.m_sensitive & ~overrideModifiers; // XXX -- must handle pressing a modifier. in particular, if we want // to synthesize a KeyID on level 1 of a KeyButton that has Shift_L // mapped to level 0 then we must release that button if it's down // (in order to satisfy a shift modifier) then press a different // button (any other button) mapped to the shift modifier and then // the Shift_L button. // match key's required state LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "state: %04x,%04x,%04x", currentState, keyItem.m_required, sensitive)); if (!keysForModifierState(keyItem.m_button, group, activeModifiers, currentState, keyItem.m_required, sensitive, 0, keystrokes)) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "unable to match modifier state (%04x,%04x) for key %d", keyItem.m_required, keyItem.m_sensitive, keyItem.m_button)); return false; } // match desiredState as closely as possible. we must not // change any modifiers in keyItem.m_sensitive. and if the key // is a modifier, we don't want to change that modifier. LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "desired state: %04x %04x,%04x,%04x", desiredState, currentState, keyItem.m_required, keyItem.m_sensitive)); if (!keysForModifierState(keyItem.m_button, group, activeModifiers, currentState, desiredState, ~(sensitive | keyItem.m_generates), s_notRequiredMask, keystrokes)) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "unable to match desired modifier state (%04x,%04x) for key %d", desiredState, ~keyItem.m_sensitive & 0xffffu, keyItem.m_button)); return false; } // repeat or press of key type = isAutoRepeat ? kKeystrokeRepeat : kKeystrokePress; } addKeystrokes(type, keyItem, activeModifiers, currentState, keystrokes); return true; } bool CKeyMap::keysToRestoreModifiers(const KeyItem& keyItem, SInt32, ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers, KeyModifierMask& currentState, const ModifierToKeys& desiredModifiers, Keystrokes& keystrokes) const { // XXX -- we're not considering modified modifiers here ModifierToKeys oldModifiers = activeModifiers; // get the pressed modifier buttons before and after ButtonToKeyMap oldKeys, newKeys; collectButtons(oldModifiers, oldKeys); collectButtons(desiredModifiers, newKeys); // release unwanted keys for (ModifierToKeys::const_iterator i = oldModifiers.begin(); i != oldModifiers.end(); ++i) { KeyButton button = i->second.m_button; if (button != keyItem.m_button && newKeys.count(button) == 0) { EKeystroke type = kKeystrokeRelease; if (i->second.m_lock) { type = kKeystrokeUnmodify; } addKeystrokes(type, i->second, activeModifiers, currentState, keystrokes); } } // press wanted keys for (ModifierToKeys::const_iterator i = desiredModifiers.begin(); i != desiredModifiers.end(); ++i) { KeyButton button = i->second.m_button; if (button != keyItem.m_button && oldKeys.count(button) == 0) { EKeystroke type = kKeystrokePress; if (i->second.m_lock) { type = kKeystrokeModify; } addKeystrokes(type, i->second, activeModifiers, currentState, keystrokes); } } return true; } bool CKeyMap::keysForModifierState(KeyButton button, SInt32 group, ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers, KeyModifierMask& currentState, KeyModifierMask requiredState, KeyModifierMask sensitiveMask, KeyModifierMask notRequiredMask, Keystrokes& keystrokes) const { // compute which modifiers need changing KeyModifierMask flipMask = ((currentState ^ requiredState) & sensitiveMask); // if a modifier is not required then don't even try to match it. if // we don't mask out notRequiredMask then we'll try to match those // modifiers but succeed if we can't. however, this is known not // to work if the key itself is a modifier (the numlock toggle can // interfere) so we don't try to match at all. flipMask &= ~notRequiredMask; LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "flip: %04x (%04x vs %04x in %04x - %04x)", flipMask, currentState, requiredState, sensitiveMask & 0xffffu, notRequiredMask & 0xffffu)); if (flipMask == 0) { return true; } // fix modifiers. this is complicated by the fact that a modifier may // be sensitive to other modifiers! (who thought that up?) // // we'll assume that modifiers with higher bits are affected by modifiers // with lower bits. there's not much basis for that assumption except // that we're pretty sure shift isn't changed by other modifiers. for (SInt32 bit = kKeyModifierNumBits; bit-- > 0; ) { KeyModifierMask mask = (1u << bit); if ((flipMask & mask) == 0) { // modifier is already correct continue; } // do we want the modifier active or inactive? bool active = ((requiredState & mask) != 0); // get the KeyItem for the modifier in the group const KeyItem* keyItem = keyForModifier(button, group, bit); if (keyItem == NULL) { if ((mask & notRequiredMask) == 0) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "no key for modifier %04x", mask)); return false; } else { continue; } } // if this modifier is sensitive to modifiers then adjust those // modifiers. also check if our assumption was correct. note // that we only need to adjust the modifiers on key down. KeyModifierMask sensitive = keyItem->m_sensitive; if ((sensitive & mask) != 0) { // modifier is sensitive to itself. that makes no sense // so ignore it. LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "modifier %04x modified by itself", mask)); sensitive &= ~mask; } if (sensitive != 0) { if (sensitive > mask) { // our assumption is incorrect LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "modifier %04x modified by %04x", mask, sensitive)); return false; } if (active && !keysForModifierState(button, group, activeModifiers, currentState, keyItem->m_required, sensitive, notRequiredMask, keystrokes)) { return false; } else if (!active) { // release the modifier // XXX -- this doesn't work! if Alt and Meta are mapped // to one key and we want to release Meta we can't do // that without also releasing Alt. // need to think about support for modified modifiers. } } // current state should match required state if ((currentState & sensitive) != (keyItem->m_required & sensitive)) { LOG((CLOG_DEBUG1 "unable to match modifier state for modifier %04x (%04x vs %04x in %04x)", mask, currentState, keyItem->m_required, sensitive)); return false; } // add keystrokes EKeystroke type = active ? kKeystrokeModify : kKeystrokeUnmodify; addKeystrokes(type, *keyItem, activeModifiers, currentState, keystrokes); } return true; } void CKeyMap::addKeystrokes(EKeystroke type, const KeyItem& keyItem, ModifierToKeys& activeModifiers, KeyModifierMask& currentState, Keystrokes& keystrokes) const { KeyButton button = keyItem.m_button; UInt32 data = keyItem.m_client; switch (type) { case kKeystrokePress: keystrokes.push_back(Keystroke(button, true, false, data)); if (keyItem.m_generates != 0) { if (!keyItem.m_lock || (currentState & keyItem.m_generates) == 0) { // add modifier key and activate modifier activeModifiers.insert(std::make_pair( keyItem.m_generates, keyItem)); currentState |= keyItem.m_generates; } else { // deactivate locking modifier activeModifiers.erase(keyItem.m_generates); currentState &= ~keyItem.m_generates; } } break; case kKeystrokeRelease: keystrokes.push_back(Keystroke(button, false, false, data)); if (keyItem.m_generates != 0 && !keyItem.m_lock) { // remove key from active modifiers std::pair range = activeModifiers.equal_range(keyItem.m_generates); for (ModifierToKeys::iterator i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { if (i->second.m_button == button) { activeModifiers.erase(i); break; } } // if no more keys for this modifier then deactivate modifier if (activeModifiers.count(keyItem.m_generates) == 0) { currentState &= ~keyItem.m_generates; } } break; case kKeystrokeRepeat: keystrokes.push_back(Keystroke(button, false, true, data)); keystrokes.push_back(Keystroke(button, true, true, data)); // no modifier changes on key repeat break; case kKeystrokeClick: keystrokes.push_back(Keystroke(button, true, false, data)); keystrokes.push_back(Keystroke(button, false, false, data)); // no modifier changes on key click break; case kKeystrokeModify: case kKeystrokeUnmodify: if (keyItem.m_lock) { // we assume there's just one button for this modifier if (m_halfDuplex.count(button) > 0) { if (type == kKeystrokeModify) { // turn half-duplex toggle on (press) keystrokes.push_back(Keystroke(button, true, false, data)); } else { // turn half-duplex toggle off (release) keystrokes.push_back(Keystroke(button, false, false, data)); } } else { // toggle (click) keystrokes.push_back(Keystroke(button, true, false, data)); keystrokes.push_back(Keystroke(button, false, false, data)); } } else if (type == kKeystrokeModify) { // press modifier keystrokes.push_back(Keystroke(button, true, false, data)); } else { // release all the keys that generate the modifier that are // currently down std::pair range = activeModifiers.equal_range(keyItem.m_generates); for (ModifierToKeys::const_iterator i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { keystrokes.push_back(Keystroke(i->second.m_button, false, false, i->second.m_client)); } } if (type == kKeystrokeModify) { activeModifiers.insert(std::make_pair( keyItem.m_generates, keyItem)); currentState |= keyItem.m_generates; } else { activeModifiers.erase(keyItem.m_generates); currentState &= ~keyItem.m_generates; } break; } } SInt32 CKeyMap::getNumModifiers(KeyModifierMask state) { SInt32 n = 0; for (; state != 0; state >>= 1) { if ((state & 1) != 0) { ++n; } } return n; } bool CKeyMap::isDeadKey(KeyID key) { return (key == kKeyCompose || (key >= 0x0300 && key <= 0x036f)); } KeyID CKeyMap::getDeadKey(KeyID key) { if (isDeadKey(key)) { // already dead return key; } switch (key) { case '`': return kKeyDeadGrave; case 0xb4u: return kKeyDeadAcute; case '^': case 0x2c6: return kKeyDeadCircumflex; case '~': case 0x2dcu: return kKeyDeadTilde; case 0xafu: return kKeyDeadMacron; case 0x2d8u: return kKeyDeadBreve; case 0x2d9u: return kKeyDeadAbovedot; case 0xa8u: return kKeyDeadDiaeresis; case 0xb0u: case 0x2dau: return kKeyDeadAbovering; case '\"': case 0x2ddu: return kKeyDeadDoubleacute; case 0x2c7u: return kKeyDeadCaron; case 0xb8u: return kKeyDeadCedilla; case 0x2dbu: return kKeyDeadOgonek; default: // unknown return kKeyNone; } } CString CKeyMap::formatKey(KeyID key, KeyModifierMask mask) { // initialize tables initKeyNameMaps(); CString x; for (SInt32 i = 0; i < kKeyModifierNumBits; ++i) { KeyModifierMask mod = (1u << i); if ((mask & mod) != 0 && s_modifierToNameMap->count(mod) > 0) { x += s_modifierToNameMap->find(mod)->second; x += "+"; } } if (key != kKeyNone) { if (s_keyToNameMap->count(key) > 0) { x += s_keyToNameMap->find(key)->second; } // XXX -- we're assuming ASCII here else if (key >= 33 && key < 127) { x += (char)key; } else { x += synergy::string::sprintf("\\u%04x", key); } } else if (!x.empty()) { // remove trailing '+' x.erase(x.size() - 1); } return x; } bool CKeyMap::parseKey(const CString& x, KeyID& key) { // initialize tables initKeyNameMaps(); // parse the key key = kKeyNone; if (s_nameToKeyMap->count(x) > 0) { key = s_nameToKeyMap->find(x)->second; } // XXX -- we're assuming ASCII encoding here else if (x.size() == 1) { if (!isgraph(x[0])) { // unknown key return false; } key = (KeyID)x[0]; } else if (x.size() == 6 && x[0] == '\\' && x[1] == 'u') { // escaped unicode (\uXXXX where XXXX is a hex number) char* end; key = (KeyID)strtol(x.c_str() + 2, &end, 16); if (*end != '\0') { return false; } } else if (!x.empty()) { // unknown key return false; } return true; } bool CKeyMap::parseModifiers(CString& x, KeyModifierMask& mask) { // initialize tables initKeyNameMaps(); mask = 0; CString::size_type tb = x.find_first_not_of(" \t", 0); while (tb != CString::npos) { // get next component CString::size_type te = x.find_first_of(" \t+)", tb); if (te == CString::npos) { te = x.size(); } CString c = x.substr(tb, te - tb); if (c.empty()) { // missing component return false; } if (s_nameToModifierMap->count(c) > 0) { KeyModifierMask mod = s_nameToModifierMap->find(c)->second; if ((mask & mod) != 0) { // modifier appears twice return false; } mask |= mod; } else { // unknown string x.erase(0, tb); CString::size_type tb = x.find_first_not_of(" \t"); CString::size_type te = x.find_last_not_of(" \t"); if (tb == CString::npos) { x = ""; } else { x = x.substr(tb, te - tb + 1); } return true; } // check for '+' or end of string tb = x.find_first_not_of(" \t", te); if (tb != CString::npos) { if (x[tb] != '+') { // expected '+' return false; } tb = x.find_first_not_of(" \t", tb + 1); } } // parsed the whole thing x = ""; return true; } void CKeyMap::initKeyNameMaps() { // initialize tables if (s_nameToKeyMap == NULL) { s_nameToKeyMap = new CNameToKeyMap; s_keyToNameMap = new CKeyToNameMap; for (const KeyNameMapEntry* i = kKeyNameMap; i->m_name != NULL; ++i) { (*s_nameToKeyMap)[i->m_name] = i->m_id; (*s_keyToNameMap)[i->m_id] = i->m_name; } } if (s_nameToModifierMap == NULL) { s_nameToModifierMap = new CNameToModifierMap; s_modifierToNameMap = new CModifierToNameMap; for (const KeyModifierNameMapEntry* i = kModifierNameMap; i->m_name != NULL; ++i) { (*s_nameToModifierMap)[i->m_name] = i->m_mask; (*s_modifierToNameMap)[i->m_mask] = i->m_name; } } } // // CKeyMap::KeyItem // bool CKeyMap::KeyItem::operator==(const KeyItem& x) const { return (m_id == x.m_id && m_group == x.m_group && m_button == x.m_button && m_required == x.m_required && m_sensitive == x.m_sensitive && m_generates == x.m_generates && m_dead == x.m_dead && m_lock == x.m_lock && m_client == x.m_client); } // // CKeyMap::Keystroke // CKeyMap::Keystroke::Keystroke(KeyButton button, bool press, bool repeat, UInt32 data) : m_type(kButton) { m_data.m_button.m_button = button; m_data.m_button.m_press = press; m_data.m_button.m_repeat = repeat; m_data.m_button.m_client = data; } CKeyMap::Keystroke::Keystroke(SInt32 group, bool absolute, bool restore) : m_type(kGroup) { m_data.m_group.m_group = group; m_data.m_group.m_absolute = absolute; m_data.m_group.m_restore = restore; }