cmake version 2.8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction cmake-variables - Reference of CMake variables. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variables that Provide Information variables defined by cmake, that give information about the project, and cmake CMAKE_AR Name of archiving tool for static libraries. This specifies name of the program that creates archive or static libraries. CMAKE_BINARY_DIR The path to the top level of the build tree. This is the full path to the top level of the current CMake build tree. For an in-source build, this would be the same as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR. CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL Tool used for the actual build process. This variable is set to the program that will be needed to build the output of CMake. If the generator selected was Visual Studio 6, the CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM will be set to msdev, for Unix makefiles it will be set to make or gmake, and for Visual Studio 7 it set to devenv. For Nmake Makefiles the value is nmake. This can be useful for adding special flags and commands based on the final build environment. CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR The directory with the CMakeCache.txt file. This is the full path to the directory that has the CMakeCache.txt file in it. This is the same as CMAKE_BINARY_DIR. CMAKE_CACHE_MAJOR_VERSION Major version of CMake used to create the CMakeCache.txt file This is stores the major version of CMake used to write a CMake cache file. It is only different when a different version of CMake is run on a previously created cache file. CMAKE_CACHE_MINOR_VERSION Minor version of CMake used to create the CMakeCache.txt file This is stores the minor version of CMake used to write a CMake cache file. It is only different when a different version of CMake is run on a previously created cache file. CMAKE_CACHE_PATCH_VERSION Patch version of CMake used to create the CMakeCache.txt file This is stores the patch version of CMake used to write a CMake cache file. It is only different when a different version of CMake is run on a previously created cache file. CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR Build-time reference to per-configuration output subdirectory. For native build systems supporting multiple configurations in the build tree (such as Visual Studio and Xcode), the value is a reference to a build-time variable specifying the name of the per-configuration output subdirectory. On Makefile generators this evaluates to "." because there is only one configuration in a build tree. Example values: $(IntDir) = Visual Studio 6 $(OutDir) = Visual Studio 7, 8, 9 $(Configuration) = Visual Studio 10 $(CONFIGURATION) = Xcode . = Make-based tools Since these values are evaluated by the native build system, this variable is suitable only for use in command lines that will be evaluated at build time. Example of intended usage: add_executable(mytool mytool.c) add_custom_command( OUTPUT out.txt COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/mytool ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/in.txt out.txt DEPENDS mytool in.txt ) add_custom_target(drive ALL DEPENDS out.txt) Note that CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR is no longer necessary for this purpose but has been left for compatibility with existing projects. Instead add_custom_command() recognizes executable target names in its COMMAND option, so "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/mytool" can be replaced by just "mytool". This variable is read-only. Setting it is undefined behavior. In multi-configuration build systems the value of this variable is passed as the value of preprocessor symbol "CMAKE_INTDIR" to the compilation of all source files. CMAKE_COMMAND The full path to the cmake executable. This is the full path to the CMake executable cmake which is useful from custom commands that want to use the cmake -E option for portable system commands. (e.g. /usr/local/bin/cmake CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING Is CMake currently cross compiling. This variable will be set to true by CMake if CMake is cross compiling. Specifically if the build platform is different from the target platform. CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND Full path to ctest command installed with cmake. This is the full path to the CTest executable ctest which is useful from custom commands that want to use the cmake -E option for portable system commands. CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR The path to the binary directory currently being processed. This the full path to the build directory that is currently being processed by cmake. Each directory added by add_subdirectory will create a binary directory in the build tree, and as it is being processed this variable will be set. For in-source builds this is the current source directory being processed. CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE Full path to the listfile currently being processed. As CMake processes the listfiles in your project this variable will always be set to the one currently being processed. The value has dynamic scope. When CMake starts processing commands in a source file it sets this variable to the location of the file. When CMake finishes processing commands from the file it restores the previous value. Therefore the value of the variable inside a macro or function is the file invoking the bottom-most entry on the call stack, not the file containing the macro or function definition. See also CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE. CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE The line number of the current file being processed. This is the line number of the file currently being processed by cmake. CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR The path to the source directory currently being processed. This the full path to the source directory that is currently being processed by cmake. CMAKE_DL_LIBS Name of library containing dlopen and dlcose. The name of the library that has dlopen and dlclose in it, usually -ldl on most UNIX machines. CMAKE_EDIT_COMMAND Full path to cmake-gui or ccmake. This is the full path to the CMake executable that can graphically edit the cache. For example, cmake-gui, ccmake, or cmake -i. CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX The suffix for executables on this platform. The suffix to use for the end of an executable if any, .exe on Windows. CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX_ overrides this for language . CMAKE_EXTRA_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES Additional suffixes for shared libraries. Extensions for shared libraries other than that specified by CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX, if any. CMake uses this to recognize external shared library files during analysis of libraries linked by a target. CMAKE_GENERATOR The generator used to build the project. The name of the generator that is being used to generate the build files. (e.g. "Unix Makefiles", "Visual Studio 6", etc.) CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY Path to top of source tree. This is the path to the top level of the source tree. CMAKE_IMPORT_LIBRARY_PREFIX The prefix for import libraries that you link to. The prefix to use for the name of an import library if used on this platform. CMAKE_IMPORT_LIBRARY_PREFIX_ overrides this for language . CMAKE_IMPORT_LIBRARY_SUFFIX The suffix for import libraries that you link to. The suffix to use for the end of an import library if used on this platform. CMAKE_IMPORT_LIBRARY_SUFFIX_ overrides this for language . CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_SUFFIX The suffix for libraries that you link to. The suffix to use for the end of a library, .lib on Windows. CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION The Major version of cmake (i.e. the 2 in 2.X.X) This specifies the major version of the CMake executable being run. CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM See CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL. This variable is around for backwards compatibility, see CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL. CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION The Minor version of cmake (i.e. the 4 in X.4.X). This specifies the minor version of the CMake executable being run. CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE Full path to the parent listfile of the one currently being processed. As CMake processes the listfiles in your project this variable will always be set to the listfile that included or somehow invoked the one currently being processed. See also CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE. CMAKE_PATCH_VERSION The patch version of cmake (i.e. the 3 in X.X.3). This specifies the patch version of the CMake executable being run. CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME The name of the current project. This specifies name of the current project from the closest inherited PROJECT command. CMAKE_RANLIB Name of randomizing tool for static libraries. This specifies name of the program that randomizes libraries on UNIX, not used on Windows, but may be present. CMAKE_ROOT Install directory for running cmake. This is the install root for the running CMake and the Modules directory can be found here. This is commonly used in this format: ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX The prefix for shared libraries that you link to. The prefix to use for the name of a shared library, lib on UNIX. CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX_ overrides this for language . CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX The suffix for shared libraries that you link to. The suffix to use for the end of a shared library, .dll on Windows. CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX_ overrides this for language . CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_PREFIX The prefix for loadable modules that you link to. The prefix to use for the name of a loadable module on this platform. CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_PREFIX_ overrides this for language . CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX The suffix for shared libraries that you link to. The suffix to use for the end of a loadable module on this platform CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX_ overrides this for language . CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P Size of a void pointer. This is set to the size of a pointer on the machine, and is determined by a try compile. If a 64 bit size is found, then the library search path is modified to look for 64 bit libraries first. CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH If true, do not add run time path information. If this is set to TRUE, then the rpath information is not added to compiled executables. The default is to add rpath information if the platform supports it.This allows for easy running from the build tree. CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR The path to the top level of the source tree. This is the full path to the top level of the current CMake source tree. For an in-source build, this would be the same as CMAKE_BINARY_DIR. CMAKE_STANDARD_LIBRARIES Libraries linked into every executable and shared library. This is the list of libraries that are linked into all executables and libraries. CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX The prefix for static libraries that you link to. The prefix to use for the name of a static library, lib on UNIX. CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX_ overrides this for language . CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX The suffix for static libraries that you link to. The suffix to use for the end of a static library, .lib on Windows. CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX_ overrides this for language . CMAKE_USING_VC_FREE_TOOLS True if free visual studio tools being used. This is set to true if the compiler is Visual Studio free tools. CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE Create verbose makefiles if on. This variable defaults to false. You can set this variable to true to make CMake produce verbose makefiles that show each command line as it is used. CMAKE_VERSION The full version of cmake in major.minor.patch format. This specifies the full version of the CMake executable being run. This variable is defined by versions 2.6.3 and higher. See variables CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION, CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION, and CMAKE_PATCH_VERSION for individual version components. PROJECT_BINARY_DIR Full path to build directory for project. This is the binary directory of the most recent PROJECT command. PROJECT_NAME Name of the project given to the project command. This is the name given to the most recent PROJECT command. PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR Top level source directory for the current project. This is the source directory of the most recent PROJECT command. [Project name]_BINARY_DIR Top level binary directory for the named project. A variable is created with the name used in the PROJECT command, and is the binary directory for the project. This can be useful when SUBDIR is used to connect several projects. [Project name]_SOURCE_DIR Top level source directory for the named project. A variable is created with the name used in the PROJECT command, and is the source directory for the project. This can be useful when add_subdirectory is used to connect several projects. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variables That Change Behavior BUILD_SHARED_LIBS Global flag to cause add_library to create shared libraries if on. If present and true, this will cause all libraries to be built shared unless the library was explicitly added as a static library. This variable is often added to projects as an OPTION so that each user of a project can decide if they want to build the project using shared or static libraries. CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY Version of cmake required to build project From the point of view of backwards compatibility, this specifies what version of CMake should be supported. By default this value is the version number of CMake that you are running. You can set this to an older version of CMake to support deprecated commands of CMake in projects that were written to use older versions of CMake. This can be set by the user or set at the beginning of a CMakeLists file. CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Specifies the build type for make based generators. This specifies what build type will be built in this tree. Possible values are empty, Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel. This variable is only supported for make based generators. If this variable is supported, then CMake will also provide initial values for the variables with the name CMAKE_C_FLAGS_[Debug|Release|RelWithDebInfo|MinSizeRel]. For example, if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is Debug, then CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG will be added to the CMAKE_C_FLAGS. CMAKE_COLOR_MAKEFILE Enables color output when using the Makefile generator. When enabled, the generated Makefiles will produce colored output. Default is ON. CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES Specifies the available build types. This specifies what build types will be available such as Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo etc. This has reasonable defaults on most platforms. But can be extended to provide other build types. See also CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE. CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_PREFIXES Prefixes to prepend when looking for libraries. This specifies what prefixes to add to library names when the find_library command looks for libraries. On UNIX systems this is typically lib, meaning that when trying to find the foo library it will look for libfoo. CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES Suffixes to append when looking for libraries. This specifies what suffixes to add to library names when the find_library command looks for libraries. On Windows systems this is typically .lib and .dll, meaning that when trying to find the foo library it will look for foo.dll etc. CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH Path used for searching by FIND_FILE() and FIND_PATH(). Specifies a path which will be used both by FIND_FILE() and FIND_PATH(). Both commands will check each of the contained directories for the existence of the file which is currently searched. By default it is empty, it is intended to be set by the project. See also CMAKE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH, CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Install directory used by install. If "make install" is invoked or INSTALL is built, this directory is pre-pended onto all install directories. This variable defaults to /usr/local on UNIX and c:/Program Files on Windows. CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH Path used for searching by FIND_LIBRARY(). Specifies a path which will be used by FIND_LIBRARY(). FIND_LIBRARY() will check each of the contained directories for the existence of the library which is currently searched. By default it is empty, it is intended to be set by the project. See also CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH, CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. CMAKE_MFC_FLAG Tell cmake to use MFC for an executable or dll. This can be set in a CMakeLists.txt file and will enable MFC in the application. It should be set to 1 for static the static MFC library, and 2 for the shared MFC library. This is used in visual studio 6 and 7 project files. The CMakeSetup dialog used MFC and the CMakeLists.txt looks like this: add_definitions(-D_AFXDLL) set(CMAKE_MFC_FLAG 2) add_executable(CMakeSetup WIN32 ${SRCS}) CMAKE_MODULE_PATH Path to look for cmake modules to load. Specifies a path to override the default search path for CMake modules. For example include commands will look in this path first for modules to include. CMAKE_NOT_USING_CONFIG_FLAGS Skip _BUILD_TYPE flags if true. This is an internal flag used by the generators in CMake to tell CMake to skip the _BUILD_TYPE flags. CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH Path used for searching by FIND_XXX(), with appropriate suffixes added. Specifies a path which will be used by the FIND_XXX() commands. It contains the "base" directories, the FIND_XXX() commands append appropriate subdirectories to the base directories. So FIND_PROGRAM() adds /bin to each of the directories in the path, FIND_LIBRARY() appends /lib to each of the directories, and FIND_PATH() and FIND_FILE() append /include . By default it is empty, it is intended to be set by the project. See also CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH, CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH, CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH, CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH. CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH Path used for searching by FIND_PROGRAM(). Specifies a path which will be used by FIND_PROGRAM(). FIND_PROGRAM() will check each of the contained directories for the existence of the program which is currently searched. By default it is empty, it is intended to be set by the project. See also CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROGRAM_PATH, CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY Don't make the install target depend on the all target. By default, the "install" target depends on the "all" target. This has the effect, that when "make install" is invoked or INSTALL is built, first the "all" target is built, then the installation starts. If CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY is set to TRUE, this dependency is not created, so the installation process will start immediately, independent from whether the project has been completely built or not. CMAKE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH Path used for searching by FIND_FILE() and FIND_PATH(). Specifies a path which will be used both by FIND_FILE() and FIND_PATH(). Both commands will check each of the contained directories for the existence of the file which is currently searched. By default it contains the standard directories for the current system. It is NOT intended to be modified by the project, use CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH for this. See also CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH. CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH Path used for searching by FIND_LIBRARY(). Specifies a path which will be used by FIND_LIBRARY(). FIND_LIBRARY() will check each of the contained directories for the existence of the library which is currently searched. By default it contains the standard directories for the current system. It is NOT intended to be modified by the project, use CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH for this. See also CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH. CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH Path used for searching by FIND_XXX(), with appropriate suffixes added. Specifies a path which will be used by the FIND_XXX() commands. It contains the "base" directories, the FIND_XXX() commands append appropriate subdirectories to the base directories. So FIND_PROGRAM() adds /bin to each of the directories in the path, FIND_LIBRARY() appends /lib to each of the directories, and FIND_PATH() and FIND_FILE() append /include . By default this contains the standard directories for the current system. It is NOT intended to be modified by the project, use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH for this. See also CMAKE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH, CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH, CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROGRAM_PATH. CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROGRAM_PATH Path used for searching by FIND_PROGRAM(). Specifies a path which will be used by FIND_PROGRAM(). FIND_PROGRAM() will check each of the contained directories for the existence of the program which is currently searched. By default it contains the standard directories for the current system. It is NOT intended to be modified by the project, use CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH for this. See also CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH. CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE Specify a file that can change the build rule variables. If this variable is set, it should to point to a CMakeLists.txt file that will be read in by CMake after all the system settings have been set, but before they have been used. This would allow you to override any variables that need to be changed for some special project. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variables That Describe the System APPLE True if running on Mac OSX. Set to true on Mac OSX. BORLAND True of the borland compiler is being used. This is set to true if the Borland compiler is being used. CMAKE_CL_64 Using the 64 bit compiler from Microsoft Set to true when using the 64 bit cl compiler from Microsoft. CMAKE_COMPILER_2005 Using the Visual Studio 2005 compiler from Microsoft Set to true when using the Visual Studio 2005 compiler from Microsoft. CMAKE_HOST_APPLE True for Apple OSXoperating systems. Set to true when the host system is Apple OSX. CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM Name of system cmake is being run on. The same as CMAKE_SYSTEM but for the host system instead of the target system when cross compiling. CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME Name of the OS CMake is running on. The same as CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME but for the host system instead of the target system when cross compiling. CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR The name of the CPU CMake is running on. The same as CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR but for the host system instead of the target system when cross compiling. CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_VERSION OS version CMake is running on. The same as CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION but for the host system instead of the target system when cross compiling. CMAKE_HOST_UNIX True for UNIX and UNIX like operating systems. Set to true when the host system is UNIX or UNIX like (i.e. APPLE and CYGWIN). CMAKE_HOST_WIN32 True on windows systems, including win64. Set to true when the host system is Windows and on cygwin. CMAKE_OBJECT_PATH_MAX Maximum object file full-path length allowed by native build tools. CMake computes for every source file an object file name that is unique to the source file and deterministic with respect to the full path to the source file. This allows multiple source files in a target to share the same name if they lie in different directories without rebuilding when one is added or removed. However, it can produce long full paths in a few cases, so CMake shortens the path using a hashing scheme when the full path to an object file exceeds a limit. CMake has a built-in limit for each platform that is sufficient for common tools, but some native tools may have a lower limit. This variable may be set to specify the limit explicitly. The value must be an integer no less than 128. CMAKE_SYSTEM Name of system cmake is compiling for. This variable is the composite of CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME and CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION, like this ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}-${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}. If CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION is not set, then CMAKE_SYSTEM is the same as CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME. CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Name of the OS CMake is building for. This is the name of the operating system on which CMake is targeting. On systems that have the uname command, this variable is set to the output of uname -s. Linux, Windows, and Darwin for Mac OSX are the values found on the big three operating systems. CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR The name of the CPU CMake is building for. On systems that support uname, this variable is set to the output of uname -p, on windows it is set to the value of the environment variable PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION OS version CMake is building for. A numeric version string for the system, on systems that support uname, this variable is set to the output of uname -r. On other systems this is set to major-minor version numbers. CYGWIN True for cygwin. Set to true when using CYGWIN. MSVC True when using Microsoft Visual C Set to true when the compiler is some version of Microsoft Visual C. MSVC80 True when using Microsoft Visual C 8.0 Set to true when the compiler is version 8.0 of Microsoft Visual C. MSVC_IDE True when using the Microsoft Visual C IDE Set to true when the target platform is the Microsoft Visual C IDE, as opposed to the command line compiler. MSVC_VERSION The version of Microsoft Visual C/C++ being used if any. The version of Microsoft Visual C/C++ being used if any. For example 1300 is MSVC 6.0. UNIX True for UNIX and UNIX like operating systems. Set to true when the target system is UNIX or UNIX like (i.e. APPLE and CYGWIN). WIN32 True on windows systems, including win64. Set to true when the target system is Windows and on cygwin. XCODE_VERSION Version of Xcode (Xcode generator only). Under the Xcode generator, this is the version of Xcode as specified in "" (such as "3.1.2"). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variables that Control the Build CMAKE__POSTFIX Default filename postfix for libraries under configuration . When a non-executable target is created its _POSTFIX target property is initialized with the value of this variable if it is set. CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY Where to put all the ARCHIVE targets when built. This variable is used to initialize the ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY property on all the targets. See that target property for additional information. CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH Use the install path for the RPATH Normally CMake uses the build tree for the RPATH when building executables etc on systems that use RPATH. When the software is installed the executables etc are relinked by CMake to have the install RPATH. If this variable is set to true then the software is always built with the install path for the RPATH and does not need to be relinked when installed. CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX See variable CMAKE__POSTFIX. This variable is a special case of the more-general CMAKE__POSTFIX variable for the DEBUG configuration. CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS Linker flags used to create executables. Flags used by the linker when creating an executable. CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_[CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE] Flag used when linking an executable. Same as CMAKE_C_FLAGS_* but used by the linker when creating executables. CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY Fortran module output directory. This variable is used to initialize the Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY property on all the targets. See that target property for additional information. CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR Automatically add the current source- and build directories to the include path. If this variable is enabled, CMake automatically adds in each directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} and ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} to the include path for this directory. These additional include directories do not propagate down to subdirectories. This is useful mainly for out-of-source builds, where files generated into the build tree are included by files located in the source tree. By default CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR is OFF. CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR Mac OSX directory name for installed targets. CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR is used to initialize the INSTALL_NAME_DIR property on all targets. See that target property for more information. CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH The rpath to use for installed targets. A semicolon-separated list specifying the rpath to use in installed targets (for platforms that support it). This is used to initialize the target property INSTALL_RPATH for all targets. CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH Add paths to linker search and installed rpath. CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH is a boolean that if set to true will append directories in the linker search path and outside the project to the INSTALL_RPATH. This is used to initialize the target property INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH for all targets. CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY Where to put all the LIBRARY targets when built. This variable is used to initialize the LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY property on all the targets. See that target property for additional information. CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH_FLAG The flag used to add a library search path to a compiler. The flag used to specify a library directory to the compiler. On most compilers this is "-L". CMAKE_LINK_DEF_FILE_FLAG Linker flag used to specify a .def file for dll creation. The flag used to add a .def file when creating a dll on Windows, this is only defined on Windows. CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FILE_FLAG Flag used to link a library specified by a path to its file. The flag used before a library file path is given to the linker. This is needed only on very few platforms. CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG Flag used to link a library into an executable. The flag used to specify a library to link to an executable. On most compilers this is "-l". CMAKE_NO_BUILTIN_CHRPATH Do not use the builtin ELF editor to fix RPATHs on installation. When an ELF binary needs to have a different RPATH after installation than it does in the build tree, CMake uses a builtin editor to change the RPATH in the installed copy. If this variable is set to true then CMake will relink the binary before installation instead of using its builtin editor. CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY Where to put all the RUNTIME targets when built. This variable is used to initialize the RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY property on all the targets. See that target property for additional information. CMAKE_SKIP_BUILD_RPATH Do not include RPATHs in the build tree. Normally CMake uses the build tree for the RPATH when building executables etc on systems that use RPATH. When the software is installed the executables etc are relinked by CMake to have the install RPATH. If this variable is set to true then the software is always built with no RPATH. CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS Use relative paths (May not work!). If this is set to TRUE, then the CMake will use relative paths between the source and binary tree. This option does not work for more complicated projects, and relative paths are used when possible. In general, it is not possible to move CMake generated makefiles to a different location regardless of the value of this variable. EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH Old executable location variable. The target property RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY supercedes this variable for a target if it is set. Executable targets are otherwise placed in this directory. LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH Old library location variable. The target properties ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, and RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY supercede this variable for a target if they are set. Library targets are otherwise placed in this directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variables for Languages CMAKE__ARCHIVE_APPEND Rule variable to append to a static archive. This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to append to a static archive. It is used in place of CMAKE__CREATE_STATIC_LIBRARY on some platforms in order to support large object counts. See also CMAKE__ARCHIVE_CREATE and CMAKE__ARCHIVE_FINISH. CMAKE__ARCHIVE_CREATE Rule variable to create a new static archive. This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to create a static archive. It is used in place of CMAKE__CREATE_STATIC_LIBRARY on some platforms in order to support large object counts. See also CMAKE__ARCHIVE_APPEND and CMAKE__ARCHIVE_FINISH. CMAKE__ARCHIVE_FINISH Rule variable to finish an existing static archive. This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to finish a static archive. It is used in place of CMAKE__CREATE_STATIC_LIBRARY on some platforms in order to support large object counts. See also CMAKE__ARCHIVE_CREATE and CMAKE__ARCHIVE_APPEND. CMAKE__COMPILER The full path to the compiler for LANG. This is the command that will be used as the compiler. Once set, you can not change this variable. CMAKE__COMPILER_ABI An internal variable subject to change. This is used in determining the compiler ABI and is subject to change. CMAKE__COMPILER_ID An internal variable subject to change. This is used in determining the compiler and is subject to change. CMAKE__COMPILER_LOADED Defined to true if the language is enabled. When language is enabled by project() or enable_language() this variable is defined to 1. CMAKE__COMPILE_OBJECT Rule variable to compile a single object file. This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to compile a single object file for for the language . CMAKE__CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY Rule variable to create a shared library. This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to create a shared library for the language . CMAKE__CREATE_SHARED_MODULE Rule variable to create a shared module. This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to create a shared library for the language . CMAKE__CREATE_STATIC_LIBRARY Rule variable to create a static library. This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to create a static library for the language . CMAKE__FLAGS_DEBUG Flags for Debug build type or configuration. flags used when CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is Debug. CMAKE__FLAGS_MINSIZEREL Flags for MinSizeRel build type or configuration. flags used when CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is MinSizeRel.Short for minimum size release. CMAKE__FLAGS_RELEASE Flags for Release build type or configuration. flags used when CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is Release CMAKE__FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO Flags for RelWithDebInfo type or configuration. flags used when CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is RelWithDebInfo. Short for Release With Debug Information. CMAKE__IGNORE_EXTENSIONS File extensions that should be ignored by the build. This is a list of file extensions that may be part of a project for a given language but are not compiled. CMAKE__IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES Directories implicitly searched by the compiler for header files. CMake does not explicitly specify these directories on compiler command lines for language . This prevents system include directories from being treated as user include directories on some compilers. CMAKE__IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES Implicit linker search path detected for language . Compilers typically pass directories containing language runtime libraries and default library search paths when they invoke a linker. These paths are implicit linker search directories for the compiler's language. CMake automatically detects these directories for each language and reports the results in this variable. CMAKE__IMPLICIT_LINK_LIBRARIES Implicit link libraries and flags detected for language . Compilers typically pass language runtime library names and other flags when they invoke a linker. These flags are implicit link options for the compiler's language. CMake automatically detects these libraries and flags for each language and reports the results in this variable. CMAKE__LINKER_PREFERENCE Preference value for linker language selection. The "linker language" for executable, shared library, and module targets is the language whose compiler will invoke the linker. The LINKER_LANGUAGE target property sets the language explicitly. Otherwise, the linker language is that whose linker preference value is highest among languages compiled and linked into the target. See also the CMAKE__LINKER_PREFERENCE_PROPAGATES variable. CMAKE__LINKER_PREFERENCE_PROPAGATES True if CMAKE__LINKER_PREFERENCE propagates across targets. This is used when CMake selects a linker language for a target. Languages compiled directly into the target are always considered. A language compiled into static libraries linked by the target is considered if this variable is true. CMAKE__LINK_EXECUTABLE Rule variable to link and executable. Rule variable to link and executable for the given language. CMAKE__OUTPUT_EXTENSION Extension for the output of a compile for a single file. This is the extension for an object file for the given . For example .obj for C on Windows. CMAKE__PLATFORM_ID An internal variable subject to change. This is used in determining the platform and is subject to change. CMAKE__SIZEOF_DATA_PTR Size of pointer-to-data types for language . This holds the size (in bytes) of pointer-to-data types in the target platform ABI. It is defined for languages C and CXX (C++). CMAKE__SOURCE_FILE_EXTENSIONS Extensions of source files for the given language. This is the list of extensions for a given languages source files. CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNU True if the compiler is GNU. If the selected compiler is the GNU compiler then this is TRUE, if not it is FALSE. CMAKE_INTERNAL_PLATFORM_ABI An internal variable subject to change. This is used in determining the compiler ABI and is subject to change. CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE_ Specify a file that can change the build rule variables. If this variable is set, it should to point to a CMakeLists.txt file that will be read in by CMake after all the system settings have been set, but before they have been used. This would allow you to override any variables that need to be changed for some language. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the names of Kitware, Inc., the Insight Software Consortium, nor the names of their contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See Also The following resources are available to get help using CMake: Home Page The primary starting point for learning about CMake. Frequently Asked Questions A Wiki is provided containing answers to frequently asked questions. Online Documentation Links to available documentation may be found on this web page. Mailing List For help and discussion about using cmake, a mailing list is provided at The list is member-post-only but one may sign up on the CMake web page. Please first read the full documentation at before posting questions to the list. Summary of helpful links: Home: Docs: Mail: FAQ: