#! /usr/bin/env python # hm.py: 'Help Me', is a simple wrapper for all build tools. # # This script was created for the Synergy+ project. # http://code.google.com/p/synergy-plus # # The idea behind this is to simplify the build system, # however, it's not a dependancy of building Synergy+. # In other words, you don't need to use this script! # # If you don't wish to run this script, simply run: # cmake . # make # This will create an in-source UNIX Makefile. import sys, os from build import commands # list of valid commands as keys. the values are optarg strings, but most # are None for now (this is mainly for extensibility) cmd_dict = { 'about' : [None, []], 'setup' : [None, []], 'configure' : [None, []], 'build' : ['dr', []], 'clean' : ['dr', []], 'update' : [None, []], 'install' : [None, []], 'package' : [None, []], 'destroy' : [None, []], 'kill' : [None, []], 'usage' : [None, []], 'revision' : [None, []], 'hammer' : [None, []], 'reformat' : [None, []], 'open' : [None, []], } # aliases to valid commands cmd_alias_dict = { 'info' : 'about', 'help' : 'usage', 'dist' : 'package', 'make' : 'build', 'cmake' : 'configure', } def complete_command(arg): completions = [] for cmd, optarg in cmd_dict.iteritems(): if cmd.startswith(arg): completions.append(cmd) for alias, cmd in cmd_alias_dict.iteritems(): if alias.startswith(arg): completions.append(alias) return completions def start_cmd(argv): cmd_arg = '' if len(argv) > 1: cmd_arg = argv[1] # change common help args to help command if cmd_arg in ('--help', '-h', '--usage', '-u', '/?'): cmd_arg = 'usage' completions = complete_command(cmd_arg) if cmd_arg and len(completions) > 0: if len(completions) == 1: # get the only completion (since in this case we have 1) cmd = completions[0] # build up the first part of the map (for illustrative purposes) cmd_map = list() if cmd_arg != cmd: cmd_map.append(cmd_arg) cmd_map.append(cmd) # map an alias to the command, and build up the map if cmd in cmd_alias_dict.keys(): alias = cmd if cmd_arg == cmd: cmd_map.append(alias) cmd = cmd_alias_dict[cmd] cmd_map.append(cmd) # show command map to avoid confusion if len(cmd_map) != 0: print 'Mapping command: %s' % ' -> '.join(cmd_map) run_cmd(cmd, argv[2:]) return 0 else: print ( 'Command `%s` too ambiguous, ' 'could mean any of: %s' ) % (cmd_arg, ', '.join(completions)) else: if len(argv) == 1: print 'No command specified, showing usage.\n' else: print 'Command not recognised: %s\n' % cmd_arg run_cmd('usage') # generic error code if not returned sooner return 1 def run_cmd(cmd, args = []): # pass args and optarg data to command handler, which figures out # how to handle the arguments optarg_data = cmd_dict[cmd] handler = commands.CommandHandler(args, optarg_data) # use reflection to get the function pointer cmd_func = getattr(handler, cmd) cmd_func() def main(argv): if sys.version_info < (2, 4): print 'Python version must be at least: 2.4' sys.exit(1) try: sys.exit(start_cmd(argv)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\n\nUser aborted, exiting.' # Start the program. main(sys.argv)