/* * synergy -- mouse and keyboard sharing utility * Copyright (C) 2002 Chris Schoeneman * * This package is free software you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * found in the file COPYING that should have accompanied this file. * * This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "CArch.h" #include "CLog.h" #undef ARCH_CONSOLE #undef ARCH_DAEMON #undef ARCH_FILE #undef ARCH_LOG #undef ARCH_MULTITHREAD #undef ARCH_NETWORK #undef ARCH_SLEEP #undef ARCH_STRING #undef ARCH_SYSTEM #undef ARCH_TASKBAR #undef ARCH_TIME // include appropriate architecture implementation #if SYSAPI_WIN32 # include "CArchConsoleWindows.h" # include "CArchDaemonWindows.h" # include "CArchFileWindows.h" # include "CArchLogWindows.h" # include "CArchMiscWindows.h" # include "CArchMultithreadWindows.h" # include "CArchNetworkWinsock.h" # include "CArchSleepWindows.h" # include "CArchStringWindows.h" # include "CArchSystemWindows.h" # include "CArchTaskBarWindows.h" # include "CArchTimeWindows.h" # include "CArchAppUtilWindows.h" #elif SYSAPI_UNIX # include "CArchConsoleUnix.h" # include "CArchDaemonUnix.h" # include "CArchFileUnix.h" # include "CArchLogUnix.h" # if HAVE_PTHREAD # include "CArchMultithreadPosix.h" # endif # include "CArchNetworkBSD.h" # include "CArchSleepUnix.h" # include "CArchStringUnix.h" # include "CArchSystemUnix.h" # include "CArchTaskBarXWindows.h" # include "CArchTimeUnix.h" # include "CArchAppUtilUnix.h" #endif #if !defined(ARCH_CONSOLE) # error unsupported platform for console #endif #if !defined(ARCH_DAEMON) # error unsupported platform for daemon #endif #if !defined(ARCH_FILE) # error unsupported platform for file #endif #if !defined(ARCH_LOG) # error unsupported platform for logging #endif #if !defined(ARCH_MULTITHREAD) # error unsupported platform for multithreading #endif #if !defined(ARCH_NETWORK) # error unsupported platform for network #endif #if !defined(ARCH_SLEEP) # error unsupported platform for sleep #endif #if !defined(ARCH_STRING) # error unsupported platform for string #endif #if !defined(ARCH_SYSTEM) # error unsupported platform for system #endif #if !defined(ARCH_TASKBAR) # error unsupported platform for taskbar #endif #if !defined(ARCH_TIME) # error unsupported platform for time #endif #if !defined(ARCH_APPUTIL) # error unsupported platform for app util #endif // // CArch // CArch* CArch::s_instance = NULL; CArch::CArch() { // only once instance of CArch assert(s_instance == NULL); s_instance = this; // create architecture implementation objects m_mt = new ARCH_MULTITHREAD; m_system = new ARCH_SYSTEM; m_file = new ARCH_FILE; m_log = new ARCH_LOG; m_net = new ARCH_NETWORK; m_sleep = new ARCH_SLEEP; m_string = new ARCH_STRING; m_time = new ARCH_TIME; m_console = new ARCH_CONSOLE; m_daemon = new ARCH_DAEMON; m_taskbar = new ARCH_TASKBAR; m_appUtil = new ARCH_APPUTIL; #if SYSAPI_WIN32 CArchMiscWindows::init(); #endif } CArch::~CArch() { // clean up delete m_taskbar; delete m_daemon; delete m_console; delete m_time; delete m_string; delete m_sleep; delete m_net; delete m_log; delete m_file; delete m_system; delete m_mt; delete m_appUtil; // no instance s_instance = NULL; } CArch* CArch::getInstance() { assert(s_instance != NULL); return s_instance; } void CArch::openConsole(const char* title) { m_console->openConsole(title); } void CArch::closeConsole() { m_console->closeConsole(); } void CArch::showConsole(bool showIfEmpty) { m_console->showConsole(showIfEmpty); } void CArch::writeConsole(const char* str) { m_console->writeConsole(str); } void CArch::installDaemon(const char* name, const char* description, const char* pathname, const char* commandLine, const char* dependencies, bool allUsers) { m_daemon->installDaemon(name, description, pathname, commandLine, dependencies, allUsers); } void CArch::uninstallDaemon(const char* name, bool allUsers) { m_daemon->uninstallDaemon(name, allUsers); } int CArch::daemonize(const char* name, DaemonFunc func) { return m_daemon->daemonize(name, func); } bool CArch::canInstallDaemon(const char* name, bool allUsers) { return m_daemon->canInstallDaemon(name, allUsers); } bool CArch::isDaemonInstalled(const char* name, bool allUsers) { return m_daemon->isDaemonInstalled(name, allUsers); } const char* CArch::getBasename(const char* pathname) { return m_file->getBasename(pathname); } std::string CArch::getUserDirectory() { return m_file->getUserDirectory(); } std::string CArch::getSystemDirectory() { return m_file->getSystemDirectory(); } std::string CArch::concatPath(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& suffix) { return m_file->concatPath(prefix, suffix); } void CArch::openLog(const char* name) { m_log->openLog(name); } void CArch::closeLog() { m_log->closeLog(); } void CArch::showLog(bool showIfEmpty) { m_log->showLog(showIfEmpty); } void CArch::writeLog(ELevel level, const char* msg) { m_log->writeLog(level, msg); } CArchCond CArch::newCondVar() { return m_mt->newCondVar(); } void CArch::closeCondVar(CArchCond cond) { m_mt->closeCondVar(cond); } void CArch::signalCondVar(CArchCond cond) { m_mt->signalCondVar(cond); } void CArch::broadcastCondVar(CArchCond cond) { m_mt->broadcastCondVar(cond); } bool CArch::waitCondVar(CArchCond cond, CArchMutex mutex, double timeout) { return m_mt->waitCondVar(cond, mutex, timeout); } CArchMutex CArch::newMutex() { return m_mt->newMutex(); } void CArch::closeMutex(CArchMutex mutex) { m_mt->closeMutex(mutex); } void CArch::lockMutex(CArchMutex mutex) { m_mt->lockMutex(mutex); } void CArch::unlockMutex(CArchMutex mutex) { m_mt->unlockMutex(mutex); } CArchThread CArch::newThread(ThreadFunc func, void* data) { return m_mt->newThread(func, data); } CArchThread CArch::newCurrentThread() { return m_mt->newCurrentThread(); } CArchThread CArch::copyThread(CArchThread thread) { return m_mt->copyThread(thread); } void CArch::closeThread(CArchThread thread) { m_mt->closeThread(thread); } void CArch::cancelThread(CArchThread thread) { m_mt->cancelThread(thread); } void CArch::setPriorityOfThread(CArchThread thread, int n) { m_mt->setPriorityOfThread(thread, n); } void CArch::testCancelThread() { m_mt->testCancelThread(); } bool CArch::wait(CArchThread thread, double timeout) { return m_mt->wait(thread, timeout); } bool CArch::isSameThread(CArchThread thread1, CArchThread thread2) { return m_mt->isSameThread(thread1, thread2); } bool CArch::isExitedThread(CArchThread thread) { return m_mt->isExitedThread(thread); } void* CArch::getResultOfThread(CArchThread thread) { return m_mt->getResultOfThread(thread); } IArchMultithread::ThreadID CArch::getIDOfThread(CArchThread thread) { return m_mt->getIDOfThread(thread); } void CArch::setSignalHandler(ESignal signal, SignalFunc func, void* userData) { m_mt->setSignalHandler(signal, func, userData); } void CArch::raiseSignal(ESignal signal) { m_mt->raiseSignal(signal); } CArchSocket CArch::newSocket(EAddressFamily family, ESocketType type) { return m_net->newSocket(family, type); } CArchSocket CArch::copySocket(CArchSocket s) { return m_net->copySocket(s); } void CArch::closeSocket(CArchSocket s) { m_net->closeSocket(s); } void CArch::closeSocketForRead(CArchSocket s) { m_net->closeSocketForRead(s); } void CArch::closeSocketForWrite(CArchSocket s) { m_net->closeSocketForWrite(s); } void CArch::bindSocket(CArchSocket s, CArchNetAddress addr) { m_net->bindSocket(s, addr); } void CArch::listenOnSocket(CArchSocket s) { m_net->listenOnSocket(s); } CArchSocket CArch::acceptSocket(CArchSocket s, CArchNetAddress* addr) { return m_net->acceptSocket(s, addr); } bool CArch::connectSocket(CArchSocket s, CArchNetAddress name) { return m_net->connectSocket(s, name); } int CArch::pollSocket(CPollEntry pe[], int num, double timeout) { return m_net->pollSocket(pe, num, timeout); } void CArch::unblockPollSocket(CArchThread thread) { m_net->unblockPollSocket(thread); } size_t CArch::readSocket(CArchSocket s, void* buf, size_t len) { return m_net->readSocket(s, buf, len); } size_t CArch::writeSocket(CArchSocket s, const void* buf, size_t len) { return m_net->writeSocket(s, buf, len); } void CArch::throwErrorOnSocket(CArchSocket s) { m_net->throwErrorOnSocket(s); } bool CArch::setNoDelayOnSocket(CArchSocket s, bool noDelay) { return m_net->setNoDelayOnSocket(s, noDelay); } bool CArch::setReuseAddrOnSocket(CArchSocket s, bool reuse) { return m_net->setReuseAddrOnSocket(s, reuse); } std::string CArch::getHostName() { return m_net->getHostName(); } CArchNetAddress CArch::newAnyAddr(EAddressFamily family) { return m_net->newAnyAddr(family); } CArchNetAddress CArch::copyAddr(CArchNetAddress addr) { return m_net->copyAddr(addr); } CArchNetAddress CArch::nameToAddr(const std::string& name) { return m_net->nameToAddr(name); } void CArch::closeAddr(CArchNetAddress addr) { m_net->closeAddr(addr); } std::string CArch::addrToName(CArchNetAddress addr) { return m_net->addrToName(addr); } std::string CArch::addrToString(CArchNetAddress addr) { return m_net->addrToString(addr); } IArchNetwork::EAddressFamily CArch::getAddrFamily(CArchNetAddress addr) { return m_net->getAddrFamily(addr); } void CArch::setAddrPort(CArchNetAddress addr, int port) { m_net->setAddrPort(addr, port); } int CArch::getAddrPort(CArchNetAddress addr) { return m_net->getAddrPort(addr); } bool CArch::isAnyAddr(CArchNetAddress addr) { return m_net->isAnyAddr(addr); } bool CArch::isEqualAddr(CArchNetAddress a, CArchNetAddress b) { return m_net->isEqualAddr(a, b); } void CArch::sleep(double timeout) { m_sleep->sleep(timeout); } int CArch::vsnprintf(char* str, int size, const char* fmt, va_list ap) { return m_string->vsnprintf(str, size, fmt, ap); } int CArch::convStringMBToWC(wchar_t* dst, const char* src, UInt32 n, bool* errors) { return m_string->convStringMBToWC(dst, src, n, errors); } int CArch::convStringWCToMB(char* dst, const wchar_t* src, UInt32 n, bool* errors) { return m_string->convStringWCToMB(dst, src, n, errors); } IArchString::EWideCharEncoding CArch::getWideCharEncoding() { return m_string->getWideCharEncoding(); } std::string CArch::getOSName() const { return m_system->getOSName(); } std::string CArch::getPlatformName() const { return m_system->getPlatformName(); } void CArch::addReceiver(IArchTaskBarReceiver* receiver) { m_taskbar->addReceiver(receiver); } void CArch::removeReceiver(IArchTaskBarReceiver* receiver) { m_taskbar->removeReceiver(receiver); } void CArch::updateReceiver(IArchTaskBarReceiver* receiver) { m_taskbar->updateReceiver(receiver); } double CArch::time() { return m_time->time(); } bool CArch::parseArg(const int& argc, const char* const* argv, int& i) { return m_appUtil->parseArg(argc, argv, i); } void CArch::adoptApp(CApp* app) { m_appUtil->adoptApp(app); } CApp& CArch::app() const { return m_appUtil->app(); } int CArch::run(int argc, char** argv, CreateTaskBarReceiverFunc createTaskBarReceiver) { return m_appUtil->run(argc, argv, createTaskBarReceiver); }