
92 lines
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#ifndef ICLIENT_H
#define ICLIENT_H
#include "IInterface.h"
#include "ClipboardTypes.h"
#include "KeyTypes.h"
#include "MouseTypes.h"
#include "CString.h"
class IClient : public IInterface {
// manipulators
// open client
virtual void open() = 0;
// service client
virtual void run() = 0;
// close client
virtual void close() = 0;
// enter the screen. the cursor should be warped to xAbs,yAbs.
// the client should record seqNum for future reporting of
// clipboard changes. mask is the expected toggle button state.
// screenSaver is true if the screen is being entered because
// the screen saver is starting.
virtual void enter(SInt32 xAbs, SInt32 yAbs,
UInt32 seqNum, KeyModifierMask mask,
bool screenSaver) = 0;
// leave the screen. returns false if the user may not leave the
// client's screen.
virtual bool leave() = 0;
// FIXME -- methods for setting clipboard. on proxy side these
// will set/reset the gotClipboard flag and send the clipboard
// when not gotClipboard is false. grabbing goes in here too.
// basically, figure out semantics of these methods. note that
// ISecondaryScreen wants an IClipboard* passed to set not a
// string; will that be a problem?
// update the client's clipboard. this implies that the client's
// clipboard is now up to date. if the client's clipboard was
// already known to be up to date then this can do nothing.
virtual void setClipboard(ClipboardID, const CString&) = 0;
// grab the client's clipboard. since this is called when another
// client takes ownership of the clipboard it implies that the
// client's clipboard is dirty.
virtual void grabClipboard(ClipboardID) = 0;
// called to set the client's clipboard as dirty or clean
virtual void setClipboardDirty(ClipboardID, bool dirty) = 0;
// handle input events
virtual void keyDown(KeyID, KeyModifierMask) = 0;
virtual void keyRepeat(KeyID, KeyModifierMask, SInt32 count) = 0;
virtual void keyUp(KeyID, KeyModifierMask) = 0;
virtual void mouseDown(ButtonID) = 0;
virtual void mouseUp(ButtonID) = 0;
// FIXME -- if server uses IClient as interface to primary screen
// (should this class be renamed?) then be careful of absolute/relative
// coordinates here; move on primary and move on secondary take
// different values. probably not relevant, though.
virtual void mouseMove(SInt32 xAbs, SInt32 yAbs) = 0;
virtual void mouseWheel(SInt32 delta) = 0;
virtual void screenSaver(bool activate) = 0;
// accessors
// get the client's identifier
virtual CString getName() const = 0;
// get the screen's shape
// FIXME -- may want center pixel too
virtual void getShape(SInt32& x, SInt32& y,
SInt32& width, SInt32& height) const = 0;
// get the center pixel
virtual void getCenter(SInt32& x, SInt32& y) const = 0;
// get the size of jump zone
virtual SInt32 getJumpZoneSize() const = 0;
// what about getClipboard()? don't really want proxy to ask for it;
// it's a push data model. screen info is cached in proxy so it's
// different. will need to keep onClipboardChanged() in CClient.