#!/bin/sh if [ "$apache2_version" != 'latest' ] ; then echo 'ERROR: unable to install Apache2 - only '"'latest'"' version currently supported' exit 30 fi # check we have ssh access [ -z "$ssh_root" ] && echo "Error: no root ssh configuration specified" && exit 5 ssh -T $ssh_root << EOSSH echo "Installing Apache2" export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive echo "Installing packages .." apt-get install -qq -y apache2 echo "Packages installed" ufw allow in "WWW Full" sed -i '/export APACHE_RUN_USER=/c\export APACHE_RUN_USER='"$user" /etc/apache2/envvars sed -i '/export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=/c\export APACHE_RUN_GROUP='"$group" /etc/apache2/envvars chown -R "$user:$group" "/var/www/html" echo "Nothing here ..." > /var/www/html/index.html systemctl restart apache2 EOSSH