date = 2020-05-02T12:39:54+01:00
title = "My Developer Resources"
description = "The best resources you never knew you forgot. You won't believe number 9!"
tags = ["Resources", "Assets"]
categories = ["Development"]
featured_image = "/images/undraw-02.svg"

Yesterday I discovered the excellent [unDraw](https://undraw.co). Apparently,
it's been around for quite a few years now.

Anyway, after a little 'how did I not know about this earlier?' moment and a
quick investigation, it was bookmarked and, with a determination not to
completely forget about it within minutes as I usually do, I happily went about
my day.

It's now one day later and I just so happen to be starting a little personal
web project of mine. And what would be the perfect little touch to start it off
with? That's right, a nice little vector illustration.

alt="A stylised illustration of a developer sitting alongside a huge laptop."

So, I go to find the bookmark and it turns out, there's two bookmarks. Exactly the
same. So, I did know about this site. For how long? Who knows. I haven't got the
best memory so it could reasonably be anywhere from a month or two, to years.

And, I'm fairly certain it's not the only duplicate in there ...

Anyway, the point of all this rambling? It's about time I did something
and that's where this post comes in.

My resource 'Hall of Fame' if you will. A place to memorialise the less used,
but nonetheless worthy resources of mine. Never again, to be lost in the annals
of time.

Probably not too much use to anyone else, but just the thing for me.

## Analytics

* [Open Web Analytics](http://www.openwebanalytics.com/) &ndash; an open source alternative to Google Analytics.

## Assets

### Favicons

* [Favicon Generator](https://realfavicongenerator.net/)

### Icons

* [Iconify](https://iconify.design/)

### Illustrations

* [manypixels](https://www.manypixels.co/gallery/?page=1&style=image)
* [IRA Design](https://iradesign.io/)
* [Humaaans](https://www.humaaans.com/)  &ndash; a library for Figma, XD, etc.
* [undraw](https://undraw.co/)

### Stock Images

* [Librestock](https://librestock.com/)
* [Pexels](https://pexels.com/)
* [Pixabay](https://pixabay.com/)
* [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/)

### SVG

* [SVG Wave Generator](https://getwaves.io)

### Placeholder Images

* [Placeholder.com](https://placeholder.com/)

### Public Domain Assets

* [Creative Commons](https://search.creativecommons.org/)
* [Flicker - British Library Albums](https://www.flickr.com/photos/britishlibrary/albums)
* [Internet Archive](https://archive.org/)
* [Public Domain Archive](http://publicdomainarchive.com/)
* [Public Domain Photos](http://www.photos-public-domain.com/)
* [Wikimedia Commons](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page)

## Design

* [Colors and Fonts](https://www.colorsandfonts.com/) &ndash; a curated library of
colors and fonts for digital designers and web developers.
* [Figma](https://www.figma.com)

## Fonts

* [Google Fonts](http://www.google.com/fonts)

## Frameworks and Libraries

### CSS

* [Bulma](https://bulma.io/documentation/)
* [Pure](http://purecss.io/)

#### Classless CSS

* [Drop-in Minimal CSS](https://dohliam.github.io/dropin-minimal-css/)
* [CSS Bed](https://www.cssbed.com/)

### JavaScript

* [Loopback](https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb4/index.html)
* [Nodemailer](https://github.com/nodemailer/nodemailer)
* [ScrollMagic](https://github.com/janpaepke/ScrollMagic)
* [Socket.io](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io)

## Maps

* [Mapbox](https://www.mapbox.com/) &ndash; an open source alternative to Google Maps.
* [Snazzy Maps](https://snazzymaps.com/) &ndash; styles for Google Maps.

## PHP

* [PHPmailer](https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer)

## Reference

* [A big list of naughty strings](https://github.com/minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings)
* [HTML Ampersand Character Codes](http://rabbit.eng.miami.edu/info/htmlchars.html)
* [HTML Symbols](https://www.toptal.com/designers/htmlarrows/)
* [TL;DR Legal](https://tldrlegal.com/) &ndash; software licences in plain English.

## Tools

* [Can I Use](http://caniuse.com/)
* [Base64 Encoder/decoder]( http://www.mobilefish.com/services/base64/base64.php )
* [GitHub - svg/svgo](https://github.com/svg/svgo) &ndash; a Node.js based tool for optimizing SVG files.
* [Hex RGBA to Proper RGBA](https://kilianvalkhof.com/2016/css-html/css-hexadecimal-colors-with-transparency-a-conversion-tool/)
* [Lets Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/)
* [Neumorphism/Soft UI CSS shadow generator](https://neumorphism.io/)

### Fake User Generators

* [Fake Name Generator](http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/gen-male-nl-bg.php)
* [Fake Number Generator](https://fakenumber.org/united-kingdom)
* [Faker](https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker)
* [Random User Generator](https://randomuser.me/)

### Gradients

* [Gradient Finder](http://gradientfinder.com/)
* [UI Gradients](https://uigradients.com/#)

## API Directories

* [ProgrammableWeb](http://www.programmableweb.com/apis/directory)
* [The Open Source Discovery Service](https://libraries.io/)

## CSS Animations

* [Animista](http://animista.net/)
* [cubic-bezier.com](http://cubic-bezier.com/#.17,.88,.32,1.2)
* [Easing Functions Cheat Sheet](http://easings.net/#)

## Colour Palettes

* [Adobe Color CC](https://color.adobe.com/create/image/)
* [Coolors.co](https://coolors.co/)
* [Degreave Color Palette Generator](http://www.degraeve.com/color-palette/index.php?q=http://www.degraeve.com/images/beach.jpg,3040356B9FA390AEADB1C5CB43729C,28513540C2CC8EDAD6BEEEFE005AC3/)
* [Paletton](http://paletton.com/#uid=13z0u0k++NutuZOLB+V+WuI+5oa)

## Validators

* [Google Mobile Friendly Test](https://www.google.co.uk/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/)
* [PageSpeed Insights](https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/)
* [The W3C CSS Validation Service](http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/#validate_by_input)
* [The W3C Markup Validation Service](http://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_input)
* [Website Speed test](https://www.dotcom-tools.com/website-speed-test.aspx)

## Telemetry

* [builtwith.com](https://builtwith.com)
* [WordPress Theme Detector](http://www.wpthemedetector.com)
* [What WordPress Theme Is That?](http://whatwpthemeisthat.com/)

## Search Engines

* [Picular](https://picular.co/beetroot) &ndash; a search engine for colours.
* [Symbol Hound](http://symbolhound.com/) &ndash; a programming search engine.

## Hosting

* [Cloudways](https://www.cloudways.com/en/)
* [Netlify](https://app.netlify.com/)

## Content Management Systems

* [Octobercms](https://github.com/octobercms/october)

### WordPress
* [Fakerpress](https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/fakerpress/) &ndash; generate
		fake user data.
* [Plugin Update Checker](https://github.com/YahnisElsts/plugin-update-checker)
* [Sage](https://roots.io/sage/) &ndash; a WordPress starter theme.
* [Simba Plugin Updates Manager](https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/simba-plugin-updates-manager/#descriptio/)
* [Underscores](http://underscores.me/) &ndash; a WordPress starter theme.