
namespace Graker\PhotoAlbums\Widgets;

use Backend\Classes\WidgetBase;
use Graker\PhotoAlbums\Models\Album;
use Graker\PhotoAlbums\Models\Photo;
use Graker\PhotoAlbums\Models\Settings;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

 * Class PhotoSelector
 * Creates a widget allowing to navigate through albums and photos
 * in order to select one of the photos (to insert it into text, for example)
 * @package Graker\PhotoAlbums\Widgets
class PhotoSelector extends WidgetBase {

     * @var string unique widget alias
    protected $defaultAlias = 'photoSelector';

     * Render the widget
     * @return string
    public function render() {
        // if we have current album id, open the album, otherwise open albums list
        $album_id = input('album');

        if ($album_id) {
            $this->vars['albums'] = NULL;
            $this->vars['album'] = $this->album($album_id);
        } else {
            $this->vars['albums'] = $this->albums();
            $this->vars['album'] = NULL;

        return $this->makePartial('body');

     * Loads widget assets
    protected function loadAssets() {

     * Callback for when the dialog is initially open
     * @return string
    public function onDialogOpen() {
        return $this->render();

     * Callback to generate albums list
     * @return array
    public function onAlbumListLoad() {
        $this->vars['albums'] = $this->albums();

        return [
          '#listContainer' => $this->makePartial('albums'),

     * Callback to generate photos list
     * Photos list is to replace albums list in dialog markup
     * @return array
    public function onAlbumLoad() {
        $album_id = input('id');
        $album = $this->album($album_id);
        $this->vars['album'] = $album;

        return [
          '#listContainer' => $this->makePartial('photos'),

     * Returns a collection of all user's albums
     * @return Collection
    protected function albums() {
        $albums = Album::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
          ->with(['latestPhoto' => function ($query) {
          ->with(['front' => function ($query) {

        foreach ($albums as $album) {
            // prepare thumb from $album->front if it is set or from latestPhoto otherwise
            $image = ($album->front) ? $album->front->image : $album->latestPhoto->image;
            $album->thumb = $image->getThumb(
              ['mode' => 'crop']

        return $albums;

     * Returns album with its photos loaded and prepared for display in dialog
     * @param int $album_id
     * @return Album
    protected function album($album_id) {
        $album = Album::where('id', $album_id)
          ->with(['photos' => function ($query) {
              $query->orderBy('sort_order', 'desc');
              // TODO implement pagination

        if ($album) {
            //prepare photo urls and thumbs
            foreach ($album->photos as $photo) {
                // set thumb
                $photo->thumb = $photo->image->getThumb(
                  ['mode' => 'crop']
                // set code
                $photo->code = $this->createPhotoCode($photo);

        return $album;

     * Create an insert markdown code for photo from plugin settings
     * @param Photo $photo
     * @return string
    protected function createPhotoCode($photo) {
        $code_template = Settings::get('code', '![%title%]([photo:%id%])');
        $code = str_replace(
          array('%id%', '%title%'),
          array($photo->id, $photo->title),
        return $code;
