<?php namespace RainLab\Builder\Classes; use Cache; use Input; use Exception; use October\Rain\Support\Traits\Singleton; use ApplicationException; /** * Provides helper methods for Builder CMS components. * * @package rainlab\builder * @author Alexey Bobkov, Samuel Georges */ class ComponentHelper { use Singleton; protected $modelListCache = null; public function listGlobalModels() { if ($this->modelListCache !== null) { return $this->modelListCache; } $key = 'builder-global-model-list'; $cached = Cache::get($key, false); if ($cached !== false && ($cached = @unserialize($cached)) !== false) { return $this->modelListCache = $cached; } $plugins = PluginBaseModel::listAllPluginCodes(); $result = []; foreach ($plugins as $pluginCode) { try { $pluginCodeObj = new PluginCode($pluginCode); $models = ModelModel::listPluginModels($pluginCodeObj); $pluginCodeStr = $pluginCodeObj->toCode(); $pluginModelsNamespace = $pluginCodeObj->toPluginNamespace().'\\Models\\'; foreach ($models as $model) { $fullClassName = $pluginModelsNamespace.$model->className; $result[$fullClassName] = $pluginCodeStr.' - '.$model->className; } } catch (Exception $ex) { // Ignore invalid plugins and models } } Cache::put($key, serialize($result), 1); return $this->modelListCache = $result; } public function getModelClassDesignTime() { $modelClass = trim(Input::get('modelClass')); if ($modelClass && !is_scalar($modelClass)) { throw new ApplicationException('Model class name should be a string.'); } if (!strlen($modelClass)) { $models = $this->listGlobalModels(); $modelClass = key($models); } if (!ModelModel::validateModelClassName($modelClass)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid model class name.'); } return $modelClass; } public function listModelColumnNames() { $modelClass = $this->getModelClassDesignTime(); $key = md5('builder-global-model-list-'.$modelClass); $cached = Cache::get($key, false); if ($cached !== false && ($cached = @unserialize($cached)) !== false) { return $cached; } $pluginCodeObj = PluginCode::createFromNamespace($modelClass); $modelClassParts = explode('\\', $modelClass); // The full class name is already validated in PluginCode::createFromNamespace() $modelClass = array_pop($modelClassParts); $columnNames = ModelModel::getModelFields($pluginCodeObj, $modelClass); $result = []; foreach ($columnNames as $columnName) { $result[$columnName] = $columnName; } Cache::put($key, serialize($result), 1); return $result; } }