@import 'buefy'; @import 'base'; .thumb-overlay { $color: $color__neutral-100; // color of overlay box-shadow: 0 0 12px 0 $color__neutral-400 inset, 0 2px 12px 3px rgba($color__neutral-300, .5); transition: filter 1s; filter: grayscale(.5); @media (min-width: $bp__layout) { filter: grayscale(.95); &:hover { filter: grayscale(.5); } } &::before, &::after { content: ''; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; } &::before { background: linear-gradient( to bottom, rgba($color, .5), rgba($color, 0), rgba($color, .7) ); } &::after { background: linear-gradient( to left, rgba($color, .2), rgba($color, 0), rgba($color, .2) ); } } .btn-link { padding: .4em .8em; color: $color__neutral-900; border: 2px solid $color__neutral-900; @include font-title(); &::before { content: ''; z-index: -1; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 0; top: 0; background-color: $color__neutral-200; background: linear-gradient( to bottom left, $color__neutral-400, $color__neutral-200 ); transition: opacity .3s; opacity: .4; } &:link, &:visited { color: $color__neutral-900; } &:hover, &:active { &::before { opacity: .8; } } &:focus { } } .background-tint { background-color: rgba($color__primary-100, .7); }