<?php namespace RainLab\Builder\FormWidgets; use Backend\Classes\FormWidgetBase; use RainLab\Builder\Classes\ControlLibrary; use ApplicationException; use Input; use Lang; /** * Form builder widget. * * @package october\backend * @author Alexey Bobkov, Samuel Georges */ class FormBuilder extends FormWidgetBase { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected $defaultAlias = 'formbuilder'; protected $designTimeProviders = []; protected $tabConfigurationSchema = null; protected $tabsConfigurationSchema = null; protected $controlInfoCache = []; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function init() { } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function render() { $this->prepareVars(); return $this->makePartial('body'); } /** * Prepares the list data */ public function prepareVars() { $this->vars['model'] = $this->model; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function loadAssets() { $this->addJs('js/formbuilder.js', 'builder'); $this->addJs('js/formbuilder.domtopropertyjson.js', 'builder'); $this->addJs('js/formbuilder.tabs.js', 'builder'); $this->addJs('js/formbuilder.controlpalette.js', 'builder'); } public function renderControlList($controls, $listName = '') { return $this->makePartial('controllist', [ 'controls' => $controls, 'listName' => $listName ]); } /* * Event handlers */ public function onModelFormRenderControlWrapper() { $type = Input::get('controlType'); $controlId = Input::get('controlId'); $properties = Input::get('properties'); $controlInfo = $this->getControlInfo($type); return [ 'markup' => $this->renderControlWrapper($type, $properties), 'controlId' => $controlId, 'controlTitle' => Lang::get($controlInfo['name']), 'description' => Lang::get($controlInfo['description']), 'type' => $type ]; } public function onModelFormRenderControlBody() { $type = Input::get('controlType'); $controlId = Input::get('controlId'); $properties = Input::get('properties'); return [ 'markup' => $this->renderControlBody($type, $properties, $this), 'controlId' => $controlId ]; } public function onModelFormLoadControlPalette() { $controlId = Input::get('controlId'); $library = ControlLibrary::instance(); $controls = $library->listControls(); $this->vars['registeredControls'] = $controls; $this->vars['controlGroups'] = array_keys($controls); return [ 'markup' => $this->makePartial('controlpalette'), 'controlId' => $controlId ]; } public function getPluginCode() { $pluginCode = Input::get('plugin_code'); if (strlen($pluginCode)) { return $pluginCode; } return $this->model->getPluginCodeObj()->toCode(); } // // Methods for the internal use // protected function getControlDesignTimeProvider($providerClass) { if (array_key_exists($providerClass, $this->designTimeProviders)) { return $this->designTimeProviders[$providerClass]; } return $this->designTimeProviders[$providerClass] = new $providerClass($this->controller); } protected function getPropertyValue($properties, $property) { if (array_key_exists($property, $properties)) { return $properties[$property]; } return null; } protected function propertiesToInspectorSchema($propertyConfiguration) { $result = []; $fieldNameProperty = [ 'title' => Lang::get('rainlab.builder::lang.form.property_field_name_title'), 'property' => 'oc.fieldName', 'type' => 'autocomplete', 'fillFrom' => 'model-fields', 'validation' => [ 'required' => [ 'message' => Lang::get('rainlab.builder::lang.form.property_field_name_required') ], 'regex' => [ 'message' => Lang::get('rainlab.builder::lang.form.property_field_name_regex'), 'pattern' => '^[a-zA-Z\_]+[0-9a-z\_\[\]]*$' ] ] ]; $result[] = $fieldNameProperty; foreach ($propertyConfiguration as $property=>$propertyData) { $propertyData['property'] = $property; if ($propertyData['type'] === 'control-container') { // Control container type properties are handled with the form builder UI and // should not be available in Inspector. // continue; } $result[] = $propertyData; } return $result; } protected function getControlInfo($type) { if (array_key_exists($type, $this->controlInfoCache)) { return $this->controlInfoCache[$type]; } $library = ControlLibrary::instance(); $controlInfo = $library->getControlInfo($type); if (!$controlInfo) { throw new ApplicationException('The requested control type is not found.'); } return $this->controlInfoCache[$type] = $controlInfo; } protected function renderControlBody($type, $properties) { $controlInfo = $this->getControlInfo($type); $provider = $this->getControlDesignTimeProvider($controlInfo['designTimeProvider']); return $this->makePartial('controlbody', [ 'hasLabels' => $provider->controlHasLabels($type), 'body' => $provider->renderControlBody($type, $properties, $this), 'properties' => $properties ]); } protected function renderControlStaticBody($type, $properties, $controlConfiguration) { // The control body footer is never updated with AJAX and currently // used only by the Repeater widget to display its controls. $controlInfo = $this->getControlInfo($type); $provider = $this->getControlDesignTimeProvider($controlInfo['designTimeProvider']); return $provider->renderControlStaticBody($type, $properties, $controlConfiguration, $this); } protected function renderControlWrapper($type, $properties = [], $controlConfiguration = []) { // This method renders the entire control, including // the wrapping element. $controlInfo = $this->getControlInfo($type); // Builder UI displays Comment and Comment Above properties // as Comment and Comment Position properties. if (array_key_exists('comment', $properties) && strlen($properties['comment'])) { $properties['oc.comment'] = $properties['comment']; $properties['oc.commentPosition'] = 'below'; } if (array_key_exists('commentAbove', $properties) && strlen($properties['commentAbove'])) { $properties['oc.comment'] = $properties['commentAbove']; $properties['oc.commentPosition'] = 'above'; } $provider = $this->getControlDesignTimeProvider($controlInfo['designTimeProvider']); return $this->makePartial('controlwrapper', [ 'fieldsConfiguration' => $this->propertiesToInspectorSchema($controlInfo['properties']), 'controlConfiguration' => $controlConfiguration, 'type' => $type, 'properties' => $properties ]); } protected function getSpan($currentSpan, $prevSpan, $isPlaceholder = false) { if ($currentSpan == 'auto' || !strlen($currentSpan)) { if ($prevSpan == 'left') { return 'right'; } else { return $isPlaceholder ? 'full' : 'left'; } } return $currentSpan; } protected function preprocessPropertyValues($controlName, $properties, $controlInfo) { $properties['oc.fieldName'] = $controlName; // Remove the control container type property values. // if (isset($controlInfo['properties'])) { foreach ($controlInfo['properties'] as $property=>$propertyConfig) { if (isset($propertyConfig['type']) && $propertyConfig['type'] === 'control-container' && isset($properties[$property])) { unset($properties[$property]); } } } return $properties; } protected function getControlRenderingInfo($controlName, $properties, $prevProperties) { $type = isset($properties['type']) ? $properties['type'] : 'text'; $spanFixed = isset($properties['span']) ? $properties['span'] : 'auto'; $prevSpan = isset($prevProperties['span']) ? $prevProperties['span'] : 'auto'; $span = $this->getSpan($spanFixed, $prevSpan); $spanClass = 'span-'.$span; $controlInfo = $this->getControlInfo($type); $properties = $this->preprocessPropertyValues($controlName, $properties, $controlInfo); return [ 'title' => Lang::get($controlInfo['name']), 'description' => Lang::get($controlInfo['description']), 'type' => $type, 'span' => $span, 'spanFixed' => $spanFixed, 'spanClass' => $spanClass, 'properties' => $properties, 'unknownControl' => isset($controlInfo['unknownControl']) && $controlInfo['unknownControl'] ]; } protected function getTabConfigurationSchema() { if ($this->tabConfigurationSchema !== null) { return $this->tabConfigurationSchema; } $result = [ [ 'title' => Lang::get('rainlab.builder::lang.form.tab_title'), 'property' => 'title', 'type' => 'builderLocalization', 'validation' => [ 'required' => [ 'message' => Lang::get('rainlab.builder::lang.form.property_tab_title_required') ] ] ] ]; return $this->tabConfigurationSchema = json_encode($result); } protected function getTabsConfigurationSchema() { if ($this->tabsConfigurationSchema !== null) { return $this->tabsConfigurationSchema; } $result = [ [ 'title' => Lang::get('rainlab.builder::lang.form.tab_stretch'), 'description' => Lang::get('rainlab.builder::lang.form.tab_stretch_description'), 'property' => 'stretch', 'type' => 'checkbox' ], [ 'title' => Lang::get('rainlab.builder::lang.form.tab_css_class'), 'description' => Lang::get('rainlab.builder::lang.form.tab_css_class_description'), 'property' => 'cssClass', 'type' => 'string' ] ]; return $this->tabsConfigurationSchema = json_encode($result); } protected function getTabConfigurationValues($values) { if (!count($values)) { return '{}'; } return json_encode($values); } protected function getTabsConfigurationValues($values) { if (!count($values)) { return '{}'; } return json_encode($values); } protected function getTabsFields($tabsName, $fields) { $result = []; if (!is_array($fields)) { return $result; } if (!array_key_exists($tabsName, $fields) || !array_key_exists('fields', $fields[$tabsName])) { return $result; } $defaultTab = Lang::get('backend::lang.form.undefined_tab'); if (array_key_exists('defaultTab', $fields[$tabsName])) { $defaultTab = Lang::get($fields[$tabsName]['defaultTab']); } foreach ($fields[$tabsName]['fields'] as $fieldName=>$fieldConfiguration) { if (!isset($fieldConfiguration['tab'])) { $fieldConfiguration['tab'] = $defaultTab; } $tab = $fieldConfiguration['tab']; if (!array_key_exists($tab, $result)) { $result[$tab] = []; } $result[$tab][$fieldName] = $fieldConfiguration; } return $result; } }