<?php namespace Graker\PhotoAlbums\Components; use Cms\Classes\ComponentBase; use Cms\Classes\Page; use Graker\PhotoAlbums\Models\Photo as PhotoModel; use Cache; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; class RandomPhotos extends ComponentBase { public function componentDetails() { return [ 'name' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.random_photos', 'description' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.random_photos_description', ]; } public function defineProperties() { return [ 'photosCount' => [ 'title' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.photos_count_label', 'description' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.photos_count_description', 'default' => 5, 'type' => 'string', 'validationMessage' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.errors.photos_count_error', 'validationPattern' => '^[0-9]+$', 'required' => FALSE, ], 'cacheLifetime' => [ 'title' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.cache_lifetime_label', 'description' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.cache_lifetime_description', 'default' => 0, 'type' => 'string', 'validationMessage' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.errors.cache_lifetime_error', 'validationPattern' => '^[0-9]+$', 'required' => FALSE, ], 'thumbMode' => [ 'title' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.thumb_mode_label', 'description' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.thumb_mode_description', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'default' => 'auto', ], 'thumbWidth' => [ 'title' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.thumb_width_label', 'description' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.thumb_width_description', 'default' => 640, 'type' => 'string', 'validationMessage' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.errors.thumb_width_error', 'validationPattern' => '^[0-9]+$', 'required' => FALSE, ], 'thumbHeight' => [ 'title' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.thumb_height_label', 'description' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.thumb_height_description', 'default' => 480, 'type' => 'string', 'validationMessage' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.errors.thumb_height_error', 'validationPattern' => '^[0-9]+$', 'required' => FALSE, ], 'photoPage' => [ 'title' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.photo_page_label', 'description' => 'graker.photoalbums::lang.components.photo_page_description', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'default' => 'blog/post', ], ]; } /** * * Returns pages list for album page select box setting * * @return mixed */ public function getPhotoPageOptions() { return Page::sortBy('baseFileName')->lists('baseFileName', 'baseFileName'); } /** * * Returns thumb resize mode options for thumb mode select box setting * * @return array */ public function getThumbModeOptions() { return [ 'auto' => 'Auto', 'exact' => 'Exact', 'portrait' => 'Portrait', 'landscape' => 'Landscape', 'crop' => 'Crop', ]; } /** * * Returns an array of photosCount random photos * Array is returned if from Cache, Collection otherwise * * @return array|Collection */ public function photos() { $photos = []; if ($this->property('cacheLifetime')) { $photos = Cache::get('photoalbums_random_photos'); } if (empty($photos)) { $photos = $this->getPhotos(); } return $photos; } /** * * Returns a collection of random photos * Works for MySQL and Sqlite, for other drivers returns non-random selection * * @return Collection */ protected function getPhotos() { $count = $this->property('photosCount'); if (DB::connection()->getDriverName() == 'mysql') { $photos = PhotoModel::orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()')); } else if (DB::connection()->getDriverName() == 'sqlite') { $photos = PhotoModel::orderBy(DB::raw('RANDOM()')); } else { $photos = PhotoModel::orderBy('id'); } $photos = $photos->with('image')->take($count)->get(); foreach ($photos as $photo) { $photo->url = $photo->setUrl($this->property('photoPage'), $this->controller); $photo->thumb = $photo->image->getThumb( $this->property('thumbWidth'), $this->property('thumbHeight'), ['mode' => $this->property('thumbMode')] ); } $this->cachePhotos($photos); return $photos; } /** * * Cache photos if caching is enabled * * @param Collection $photos */ protected function cachePhotos($photos) { $cache = $this->property('cacheLifetime'); if ($cache) { Cache::put('photoalbums_random_photos', $photos->toArray(), $cache); } } }