<?php return [ 'plugin' => [ 'name' => 'Photo Albums', 'description' => 'Create, display and manage galleries of photos arranged in albums.', 'settings_description' => 'Photo Albums plugin settings', 'tab' => 'Photo Albums', 'manage_albums' => 'Manage photo albums', 'access_permission' => 'Access Settings', 'upload_photos' => 'Upload photos', 'new_album' => 'New album', 'create_album' => 'Create album', 'edit_album' => 'Edit album', 'preview_album' => 'Preview album', 'creating_album' => 'Creating album...', 'saving_album' => 'Saving album...', 'deleting_album' => 'Deleting album...', 'list_title' => 'Manage albums', 'album' => 'Album', 'albums' => 'Albums', 'manage_photos' => 'Manage photos', 'new_photo' => 'New photo', 'create_photo' => 'Create photo', 'edit_photo' => 'Edit photo', 'preview_photo' => 'Preview photo', 'creating_photo' => 'Creating photo...', 'saving_photo' => 'Saving photo...', 'deleting_photo' => 'Deleting photo...', 'photo' => 'Photo', 'photos' => 'Photos', 'photo_description' => 'Description', 'set_front_button' => 'Set as front', 'reorder_button' => 'Reorder photos', 'bool_positive' => 'Yes', 'reorder_title' => 'Reorder album :name', 'reorder' => 'Reorder', 'saving_upload' => 'Saving upload...', 'upload_photos_title' => 'Upload multiple photos', 'album_to_upload' => 'Album to upload to', 'save_upload' => 'Save upload', 'title_label' => 'Title', 'title_placeholder_album' => 'Album title', 'title_placeholder_photo' => 'Photo title', 'created_label' => 'Created', 'updated_label' => 'Updated', 'slug_label' => 'Slug', 'slug_description' => 'URL slug parameter', 'slug_placeholder_album' => 'album-title', 'description_label' => 'Description', 'front_label' => 'Front', 'code_label' => 'Code', 'code_description' => 'Type in default markdown to use for photo insert. There are two placeholders: %id% and %title%, they will be replaced with photo id and photo title automatically.', 'selecting_photo' => 'Selecting photo', 'insert' => 'Insert', 'not_selected' => 'Not selected', 'back_to_albums' => 'Back to albums', 'all_photo_albums' => 'All Photo Albums', 'all_photos' => 'All Photos', ], 'errors' => [ 'album_not_found' => 'Album not found!', 'cant_find_selected' => 'Can\'t find selected photo!', 'not_this_album' => 'Selected photo doesn\'t belong to this album!', 'return_to_albums' => 'Return to albums list', 'return_to_photos' => 'Return to photos list', 'no_file' => 'No file in request', 'invalid_file' => 'File :name is not valid.', 'thumb_width_error' => 'Thumb width must be a number', 'thumb_height_error' => 'Thumb height must be a number', 'photos_on_page_error' => 'Photos on page value must be a number', 'albums_on_page_error' => 'Albums on page value must be a number', 'photos_count_error' => 'Photos count must be a number', 'cache_lifetime_error' => 'Cache lifetime must be a number', 'no_albums' => 'You don\'t have any albums yet.', ], 'messages' => [ 'set_front' => 'Are you sure to set this photo as front for the album?', 'delete' => 'Do you really want to delete this album?', 'delete_photo' => 'Do you really want to delete this photo?', 'photos_saved' => 'Photos are saved!', ], 'components' => [ 'photo_description' => 'Single photo component', 'album_description' => 'Component to output one photo album with all its photos.', 'photo_page_label' => 'Photo page', 'photo_page_description' => 'Page used to display a single photo', 'thumb_mode_label' => 'Thumb mode', 'thumb_mode_description' => 'Mode of thumb generation', 'thumb_width_label' => 'Thumb width', 'thumb_width_description' => 'Width of the thumb to be generated', 'thumb_height_label' => 'Thumb height', 'thumb_height_description' => 'Height of the thumb to be generated', 'photos_on_page_label' => 'Photos on page', 'photos_on_page_description' => 'Amount of photos on one page (to use in pagination)', 'albums_on_page_label' => 'Albums on page', 'albums_on_page_description' => 'Amount of albums on one page (to use in pagination)', 'albums_list' => 'Albums list', 'albums_list_description' => 'Lists all photo albums on site', 'album_page_label' => 'Album page', 'album_page_description' => 'Page used to display photo albums', 'id_label' => 'ID', 'id_description' => 'Photo id parameter', 'random_photos' => 'Random Photos', 'random_photos_description' => 'Output predefined number of random photos', 'photos_count_label' => 'Photos to output', 'photos_count_description' => 'Amount of random photos to output', 'cache_lifetime_label' => 'Cache lifetime', 'cache_lifetime_description' => 'Number of minutes selected photos are stored in cache. 0 for no caching.', ], ];