<?php namespace RainLab\Builder\Components; use Lang; use Cms\Classes\ComponentBase; use RainLab\Builder\Classes\ComponentHelper;; use SystemException; class RecordDetails extends ComponentBase { /** * A model instance to display * @var \October\Rain\Database\Model */ public $record = null; /** * Message to display if the record is not found. * @var string */ public $notFoundMessage; /** * Model column to display on the details page. * @var string */ public $displayColumn; /** * Model column to use as a record identifier for fetching the record from the database. * @var string */ public $modelKeyColumn; /** * Identifier value to load the record from the database. * @var string */ public $identifierValue; public function componentDetails() { return [ 'name' => 'rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_title', 'description' => 'rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_description' ]; } // // Properties // public function defineProperties() { return [ 'modelClass' => [ 'title' => 'rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_model', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'showExternalParam' => false ], 'identifierValue' => [ 'title' => 'rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_identifier_value', 'description' => 'rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_identifier_value_description', 'type' => 'string', 'default' => '{{ :id }}', 'validation' => [ 'required' => [ 'message' => Lang::get('rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_identifier_value_required') ] ] ], 'modelKeyColumn' => [ 'title' => 'rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_key_column', 'description' => 'rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_key_column_description', 'type' => 'autocomplete', 'default' => 'id', 'validation' => [ 'required' => [ 'message' => Lang::get('rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_key_column_required') ] ], 'showExternalParam' => false ], 'displayColumn' => [ 'title' => 'rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_display_column', 'description' => 'rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_display_column_description', 'type' => 'autocomplete', 'depends' => ['modelClass'], 'validation' => [ 'required' => [ 'message' => Lang::get('rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_display_column_required') ] ], 'showExternalParam' => false ], 'notFoundMessage' => [ 'title' => 'rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_not_found_message', 'description' => 'rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_not_found_message_description', 'default' => Lang::get('rainlab.builder::lang.components.details_not_found_message_default'), 'type' => 'string', 'showExternalParam' => false ] ]; } public function getModelClassOptions() { return ComponentHelper::instance()->listGlobalModels(); } public function getDisplayColumnOptions() { return ComponentHelper::instance()->listModelColumnNames(); } public function getModelKeyColumnOptions() { return ComponentHelper::instance()->listModelColumnNames(); } // // Rendering and processing // public function onRun() { $this->prepareVars(); $this->record = $this->page['record'] = $this->loadRecord(); } protected function prepareVars() { $this->notFoundMessage = $this->page['notFoundMessage'] = Lang::get($this->property('notFoundMessage')); $this->displayColumn = $this->page['displayColumn'] = $this->property('displayColumn'); $this->modelKeyColumn = $this->page['modelKeyColumn'] = $this->property('modelKeyColumn'); $this->identifierValue = $this->page['identifierValue'] = $this->property('identifierValue'); if (!strlen($this->displayColumn)) { throw new SystemException('The display column name is not set.'); } if (!strlen($this->modelKeyColumn)) { throw new SystemException('The model key column name is not set.'); } } protected function loadRecord() { if (!strlen($this->identifierValue)) { return; } $modelClassName = $this->property('modelClass'); if (!strlen($modelClassName) || !class_exists($modelClassName)) { throw new SystemException('Invalid model class name'); } $model = new $modelClassName(); return $model->where($this->modelKeyColumn, '=', $this->identifierValue)->first(); } }