<?php namespace RainLab\Builder\Classes; use RainLab\Builder\Models\Settings as PluginSettings; use System\Classes\UpdateManager; use System\Classes\PluginManager; use Exception; use File; /** * Manages plugin basic information. * * @package rainlab\builder * @author Alexey Bobkov, Samuel Georges */ class PluginBaseModel extends PluginYamlModel { public $name; public $namespace; public $description; public $author; public $icon; public $author_namespace; public $homepage; protected $localizedName; protected $localizedDescription; protected $yamlSection = "plugin"; protected static $fillable = [ 'name', 'author', 'namespace', 'author_namespace', 'description', 'icon', 'homepage' ]; protected $validationRules = [ 'name' => 'required', 'author' => ['required'], 'namespace' => ['required', 'regex:/^[a-z]+[a-z0-9]+$/i', 'reserved'], 'author_namespace' => ['required', 'regex:/^[a-z]+[a-z0-9]+$/i', 'reserved'], 'homepage' => 'url' ]; public function getIconOptions() { return IconList::getList(); } public function initDefaults() { $settings = PluginSettings::instance(); $this->author = $settings->author_name; $this->author_namespace = $settings->author_namespace; } public function getPluginCode() { return $this->author_namespace.'.'.$this->namespace; } public static function listAllPluginCodes() { $plugins = PluginManager::instance()->getPlugins(); return array_keys($plugins); } protected function initPropertiesFromPluginCodeObject($pluginCodeObj) { $this->author_namespace = $pluginCodeObj->getAuthorCode(); $this->namespace = $pluginCodeObj->getPluginCode(); } /** * Converts the model's data to an array before it's saved to a YAML file. * @return array */ protected function modelToYamlArray() { return [ 'name' => $this->name, 'description' => $this->description, 'author' => $this->author, 'icon' => $this->icon, 'homepage' => $this->homepage ]; } /** * Load the model's data from an array. * @param array $array An array to load the model fields from. */ protected function yamlArrayToModel($array) { $this->name = $this->getArrayKeySafe($array, 'name'); $this->description = $this->getArrayKeySafe($array, 'description'); $this->author = $this->getArrayKeySafe($array, 'author'); $this->icon = $this->getArrayKeySafe($array, 'icon'); $this->homepage = $this->getArrayKeySafe($array, 'homepage'); } protected function beforeCreate() { $this->localizedName = $this->name; $this->localizedDescription = $this->description; $pluginCode = strtolower($this->author_namespace.'.'.$this->namespace); $this->name = $pluginCode.'::lang.plugin.name'; $this->description = $pluginCode.'::lang.plugin.description'; } protected function afterCreate() { try { $this->initPluginStructure(); $this->forcePluginRegistration(); $this->initBuilderSettings(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->rollbackPluginCreation(); throw $ex; } } protected function initPluginStructure() { $basePath = $this->getPluginPath(); $defaultLanguage = LocalizationModel::getDefaultLanguage(); $structure = [ $basePath.'/Plugin.php' => 'plugin.php.tpl', $basePath.'/updates/version.yaml' => 'version.yaml.tpl', $basePath.'/classes', $basePath.'/lang/'.$defaultLanguage.'/lang.php' => 'lang.php.tpl' ]; $variables = [ 'authorNamespace' => $this->author_namespace, 'pluginNamespace' => $this->namespace, 'pluginNameSanitized' => $this->sanitizePHPString($this->localizedName), 'pluginDescriptionSanitized' => $this->sanitizePHPString($this->localizedDescription), ]; $generator = new FilesystemGenerator('$', $structure, '$/rainlab/builder/classes/pluginbasemodel/templates'); $generator->setVariables($variables); $generator->generate(); } protected function forcePluginRegistration() { PluginManager::instance()->loadPlugins(); UpdateManager::instance()->update(); } protected function rollbackPluginCreation() { $basePath = '$/'.$this->getPluginPath(); $basePath = File::symbolizePath($basePath); if (basename($basePath) == strtolower($this->namespace)) { File::deleteDirectory($basePath); } } protected function sanitizePHPString($str) { return str_replace("'", "\'", $str); } /** * Returns a file path to save the model to. * @return string Returns a path. */ protected function getFilePath() { return $this->getPluginPathObj()->toPluginFilePath(); } protected function getPluginPath() { return $this->getPluginPathObj()->toFilesystemPath(); } protected function getPluginPathObj() { return new PluginCode($this->getPluginCode()); } protected function initBuilderSettings() { // Initialize Builder configuration - author name and namespace // if it was not set yet. $settings = PluginSettings::instance(); if (strlen($settings->author_name) || strlen($settings->author_namespace)) { return; } $settings->author_name = $this->author; $settings->author_namespace = $this->author_namespace; $settings->save(); } }