October CMS Webpack Theme Boilerplate ========== This is a starter theme for October CMS that includes: - Webpack (using Laravel Mix) - PostCSS - Hot module reloading To use it: - [Install October CMS](https://octobercms.com/docs/setup/installation) - Clone the repo in your theme directory - Inside cloned directory run `npm install` (node_modules folder will be created) - Install more packages using `npm install --save` - Require your installed packages in src/js/app.js - Modify the js and css files - Run `npm run dev` (`npm run watch` to recompile when something changes) - [Add new pages, partials, content files...](https://octobercms.com/docs/cms/themes) When you are ready for production: - Run `npm run prod` ## To add ajax framework ```sh npm install jquery ``` Add framework tag to `layouts/default.htm`: ``` {% framework extras %} {% scripts %} ```