Merge branch 'chore/none-cleanup' into integration

This commit is contained in:
Iron_E 2020-09-05 13:02:59 -04:00
commit 0c5e427953
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B0B37DE7EDC2335F
1 changed files with 103 additions and 103 deletions

View File

@ -183,143 +183,143 @@ local purple_light = {'#af60af', 63, 'magenta'}
--[[ DO NOT EDIT `BG`, `FG`, or `NONE`.
Feel free to uncomment `BG`. It is not used by default so it is commented out.
Feel free to uncomment `BG` and `NONE`. They are not used by default so they are commented out.
-- local BG = 'bg'
local FG = 'fg'
local NONE = 'NONE'
-- local NONE = 'NONE'
--[[ These are the ones you should edit. ]]
-- This is the only highlight that must be defined separately.
local highlight_group_normal = {bg=black, fg=gray_light, style=NONE}
local highlight_group_normal = {bg=black, fg=gray_light}
-- This is where the rest of your highlights should go.
local highlight_groups = {
--[[ 4.1. Text Analysis ]]
Comment = {bg=NONE, fg=gray, style='italic'},
Comment = {fg=gray, style='italic'},
NonText = {fg=gray_darker},
EndOfBuffer = 'NonText',
NonText = {bg=NONE, fg=gray_darker, style=NONE},
Whitespace = 'NonText',
--[[ 4.1.1. Literals]]
Constant = {bg=NONE, fg=orange_light, style=NONE},
String = {bg=NONE, fg=green, style=NONE},
Character = {bg=NONE, fg=red_light, style=NONE},
Number = {bg=NONE, fg=pink_light, style=NONE},
Boolean = {bg=NONE, fg=yellow, style=NONE},
Constant = {fg=orange_light},
String = {fg=green},
Character = {fg=red_light},
Number = {fg=pink_light},
Boolean = {fg=yellow},
Float = 'Number',
--[[ 4.1.2. Identifiers]]
Identifier = {bg=NONE, fg=FG, style=NONE},
Function = {bg=NONE, fg=purple, style=NONE},
Identifier = {fg=FG},
Function = {fg=purple},
--[[ 4.1.3. Syntax]]
Statement = {bg=NONE, fg=ice, style=NONE },
Conditional = {bg=NONE, fg=ice, style='italic'},
Repeat = {bg=NONE, fg=turqoise, style='bold' },
Label = {bg=NONE, fg=pink, style='italic'},
Operator = {bg=NONE, fg=green_dark, style=NONE },
Keyword = {bg=NONE, fg=teal, style=NONE },
Exception = {bg=NONE, fg=red_light, style='bold' },
Statement = {fg=ice},
Conditional = {fg=ice, style='italic'},
Repeat = {fg=turqoise, style='bold'},
Label = {fg=pink, style='italic'},
Operator = {fg=green_dark},
Keyword = {fg=teal},
Exception = {fg=red_light, style='bold'},
Noise = 'Delimiter',
--[[ 4.1.4. Metatextual Information]]
PreProc = {bg=NONE, fg=tan, style=NONE },
Include = {bg=NONE, fg=green_light, style='nocombine'},
Define = {bg=NONE, fg=blue, style='nocombine'},
Macro = {bg=NONE, fg=blue, style='italic' },
PreCondit = {bg=NONE, fg=tan, style='italic' },
PreProc = {fg=tan},
Include = {fg=green_light, style='nocombine'},
Define = {fg=blue, style='nocombine'},
Macro = {fg=blue, style='italic'},
PreCondit = {fg=tan, style='italic'},
--[[ 4.1.5. Semantics]]
Type = {bg=NONE, fg=cyan, style=NONE },
StorageClass = {bg=NONE, fg=orange_light, style='bold' },
Structure = {bg=NONE, fg=blue, style='bold' },
Typedef = {bg=NONE, fg=cyan, style='italic'},
Type = {fg=cyan},
StorageClass = {fg=orange_light, style='bold'},
Structure = {fg=blue, style='bold'},
Typedef = {fg=cyan, style='italic'},
--[[ 4.1.6. Edge Cases]]
Special = {bg=NONE, fg=magenta, style='bold'},
SpecialChar = {bg=NONE, fg=red_light, style='italic'},
Special = {fg=magenta, style='bold'},
SpecialChar = {fg=red_light, style='italic'},
SpecialKey = 'Character',
Tag = 'Underlined',
Delimiter = {bg=NONE, fg=white, style=NONE},
SpecialComment = {bg=NONE, fg=gray, style={'bold', 'nocombine'}},
Delimiter = {fg=white},
SpecialComment = {fg=gray, style={'bold', 'nocombine'}},
Debug = 'WarningMsg',
--[[ 4.1.7. Help Syntax]]
Underlined = {bg=NONE, fg=turqoise, style='underline'},
Ignore = {bg=NONE, fg=gray, style=NONE },
Error = {bg=red_dark, fg=white, style='bold' },
Todo = {bg=NONE, fg=yellow, style={'bold', 'underline'}},
Underlined = {fg=turqoise, style='underline'},
Ignore = {fg=gray},
Error = {bg=red_dark, fg=white, style='bold'},
Todo = {fg=yellow, style={'bold', 'underline'}},
helpHyperTextJump = 'Underlined',
helpSpecial = 'Function',
Hint = {bg=magenta, fg=black, style='bold'},
Info = {bg=pink_light, fg=black, style='bold'},
Warning = {bg=orange, fg=black, style='bold'},
Hint = {bg=magenta, fg=black, style='bold'},
Info = {bg=pink_light, fg=black, style='bold'},
Warning = {bg=orange, fg=black, style='bold'},
--[[ 4.2... Editor UI ]]
--[[ 4.2.1. Status Line]]
StatusLine = {bg=gray_darker, fg=green_light, style=NONE},
StatusLineNC = {bg=gray_darker, fg=gray, style=NONE},
StatusLine = {bg=gray_darker, fg=green_light},
StatusLineNC = {bg=gray_darker, fg=gray},
StatusLineTerm = 'StatusLine',
StatusLineTermNC = 'StatusLineNC',
--[[ 4.2.2. Separators]]
VertSplit = {bg=NONE, fg=gray_darker, style=NONE},
TabLine = {bg=gray_darker, fg=FG, style=NONE},
TabLineFill = {bg=NONE, fg=FG, style=NONE},
TabLineSel = {bg=gray_darker, fg=FG, style='inverse'},
Title = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='bold' },
VertSplit = {fg=gray_darker},
TabLine = {bg=gray_darker, fg=FG},
TabLineFill = {fg=FG},
TabLineSel = {bg=gray_darker, fg=FG, style='inverse'},
Title = {style='bold'},
--[[ 4.2.3. Conditional Line Highlighting]]
CursorLine = {bg=gray_dark, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
CursorLineNr = {bg=gray_dark, fg=pink, style=NONE},
CursorLine = {bg=gray_dark},
CursorLineNr = {bg=gray_dark, fg=pink},
debugBreakpoint = 'ErrorMsg',
debugPC = 'ColorColumn',
LineNr = {bg=NONE, fg=gray, style=NONE},
QuickFixLine = {bg=gray_darker, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
Visual = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='inverse'},
VisualNOS = {bg=gray_darker, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
LineNr = {fg=gray},
QuickFixLine = {bg=gray_darker},
Visual = {style='inverse'},
VisualNOS = {bg=gray_darker},
--[[ 4.2.4. Popup Menu]]
Pmenu = {bg=gray_dark, fg=FG, style=NONE},
PmenuSbar = {bg=black, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
PmenuSel = {bg=NONE, fg=FG, style=NONE},
PmenuThumb = {bg=white, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
WildMenu = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
Pmenu = {bg=gray_dark, fg=FG},
PmenuSbar = {bg=black},
PmenuSel = {fg=FG},
PmenuThumb = {bg=white},
WildMenu = {},
--[[ 4.2.5. Folds]]
FoldColumn = {bg=gray_darker, fg=NONE, style='bold' },
Folded = {bg=purple_light, fg=black, style='italic'},
FoldColumn = {bg=gray_darker, style='bold'},
Folded = {bg=purple_light, fg=black, style='italic'},
--[[ 4.2.6. Diffs]]
DiffAdd = {bg=NONE, fg=green_dark, style='inverse'},
DiffChange = {bg=NONE, fg=yellow, style='inverse'},
DiffDelete = {bg=NONE, fg=red, style='inverse'},
DiffText = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='inverse'},
DiffAdd = {fg=green_dark, style='inverse'},
DiffChange = {fg=yellow, style='inverse'},
DiffDelete = {fg=red, style='inverse'},
DiffText = {style='inverse'},
--[[ 4.2.7. Searching]]
IncSearch = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='inverse'},
Search = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'underline', color=white}},
MatchParen = {bg=NONE, fg=green, style={'bold', 'underline' }},
IncSearch = {style='inverse'},
Search = {style={'underline', color=white}},
MatchParen = {fg=green, style={'bold', 'underline'}},
--[[ 4.2.8. Spelling]]
SpellBad = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color=red }},
SpellCap = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color=yellow}},
SpellLocal = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color=green }},
SpellRare = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color=orange}},
SpellBad = {style={'undercurl', color=red}},
SpellCap = {style={'undercurl', color=yellow}},
SpellLocal = {style={'undercurl', color=green}},
SpellRare = {style={'undercurl', color=orange}},
--[[ 4.2.9. Conditional Column Highlighting]]
ColorColumn = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='inverse'},
SignColumn = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
ColorColumn = {style='inverse'},
SignColumn = {},
--[[ 4.2.10. Messages]]
ErrorMsg = {bg=NONE, fg=red, style='bold'},
HintMsg = {bg=NONE, fg=magenta, style='bold'},
InfoMsg = {bg=NONE, fg=pink_light, style='bold'},
ModeMsg = {bg=NONE, fg=yellow, style=NONE },
WarningMsg = {bg=NONE, fg=orange, style='bold'},
Question = {bg=NONE, fg=orange_light, style='underline'},
ErrorMsg = {fg=red, style='bold'},
HintMsg = {fg=magenta, style='bold'},
InfoMsg = {fg=pink_light, style='bold'},
ModeMsg = {fg=yellow},
WarningMsg = {fg=orange, style='bold'},
Question = {fg=orange_light, style='underline'},
--[[ 4.2.11. LSP ]]
LspDiagnosticsError = 'Error',
@ -338,19 +338,19 @@ local highlight_groups = {
LspDiagnosticsInformationFloating = 'InfoMsg',
LspDiagnosticsInformationSign = 'InfoMsg',
LspDiagnosticsUnderline = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color=white}},
LspDiagnosticsUnderline = {style={'undercurl', color=white}},
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError = 'CocErrorHighlight',
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint = 'CocHintHighlight',
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInfo = 'CocInfoHighlight',
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint = 'CocHintHighlight',
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInfo = 'CocInfoHighlight',
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning = 'CocWarningHighlight',
--[[ 4.2.12. Cursor ]]
Cursor = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='inverse'},
Cursor = {style='inverse'},
CursorIM = 'Cursor',
CursorColumn = {bg=gray_dark, fg=NONE, style=NONE },
CursorColumn = {bg=gray_dark},
--[[ 4.2.13. Misc ]]
Directory = {bg=NONE, fg=ice, style='bold'},
Directory = {fg=ice, style='bold'},
Terminal = 'Normal',
--[[ 4.3. Programming Languages
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ local highlight_groups = {
goFormatSpecifier = 'Character',
goFunction = 'Function',
goFunctionCall = 'goFunction',
goFunctionReturn = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
goFunctionReturn = {},
goMethodCall = 'goFunctionCall',
goParamType = 'goReceiverType',
goPointerOperator = 'SpecialChar',
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ local highlight_groups = {
--[[ 4.3.8. HTML ]]
htmlArg = 'Label',
htmlBold = {bg=NONE, fg=gray_light, style='bold'},
htmlBold = {fg=gray_light, style='bold'},
htmlTitle = 'htmlBold',
htmlEndTag = 'htmlTag',
htmlH1 = 'markdownH1',
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ local highlight_groups = {
htmlH4 = 'markdownH4',
htmlH5 = 'markdownH5',
htmlH6 = 'markdownH6',
htmlItalic = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='italic'},
htmlItalic = {style='italic'},
htmlSpecialTagName = 'Keyword',
htmlTag = 'Special',
htmlTagN = 'Typedef',
@ -492,12 +492,12 @@ local highlight_groups = {
makeSpecTarget = 'Type',
--[[ 4.3.13. Markdown ]]
markdownH1 = {bg=NONE, fg=red, style='bold'},
markdownH2 = {bg=NONE, fg=orange, style='bold'},
markdownH3 = {bg=NONE, fg=yellow, style='bold'},
markdownH4 = {bg=NONE, fg=green_dark, style='bold'},
markdownH5 = {bg=NONE, fg=cyan, style='bold'},
markdownH6 = {bg=NONE, fg=purple_light, style='bold'},
markdownH1 = {fg=red, style='bold'},
markdownH2 = {fg=orange, style='bold'},
markdownH3 = {fg=yellow, style='bold'},
markdownH4 = {fg=green_dark, style='bold'},
markdownH5 = {fg=cyan, style='bold'},
markdownH6 = {fg=purple_light, style='bold'},
mkdBold = 'SpecialChar',
mkdCode = 'Comment',
mkdCodeDelimiter = 'mkdBold',
@ -606,10 +606,10 @@ local highlight_groups = {
ALEWarningSign = 'WarningMsg',
--[[ 4.4.2. coc.nvim ]]
CocErrorHighlight = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color='red' }},
CocHintHighlight = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color='magenta' }},
CocInfoHighlight = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color='pink_light'}},
CocWarningHighlight = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color='orange' }},
CocErrorHighlight = {style={'undercurl', color='red'}},
CocHintHighlight = {style={'undercurl', color='magenta'}},
CocInfoHighlight = {style={'undercurl', color='pink_light'}},
CocWarningHighlight = {style={'undercurl', color='orange'}},
CocErrorSign = 'ALEErrorSign',
CocHintSign = 'HintMsg',
CocInfoSign = 'InfoMsg',
@ -620,10 +620,10 @@ local highlight_groups = {
JumpMotion = 'EasyMotion',
--[[ 4.4.4. vim-gitgutter / vim-signify ]]
GitGutterAdd = {bg=NONE, fg=green, style=NONE},
GitGutterChange = {bg=NONE, fg=yellow, style=NONE},
GitGutterDelete = {bg=NONE, fg=red, style=NONE},
GitGutterChangeDelete = {bg=NONE, fg=orange, style=NONE},
GitGutterAdd = {fg=green},
GitGutterChange = {fg=yellow},
GitGutterDelete = {fg=red},
GitGutterChangeDelete = {fg=orange},
SignifySignAdd = 'GitGutterAdd',
SignifySignChange = 'GitGutterChange',
@ -631,8 +631,8 @@ local highlight_groups = {
SignifySignChangeDelete = 'GitGutterChangeDelete',
--[[ 4.4.5. vim-indent-guides ]]
IndentGuidesOdd = {bg=gray_darker, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
IndentGuidesEven = {bg=gray_dark, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
IndentGuidesOdd = {bg=gray_darker},
IndentGuidesEven = {bg=gray_dark},
--[[ 4.4.7. NERDTree ]]
NERDTreeCWD = 'Label',