Merge pull request #4 from Iron-E/integration
Begin Light Theme Development Support
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ lua << EOF
* Author: Iron-E (
* Repository:
Rewrite of RNB, a Vim colorsheme template.
Initially forked from vim-rnb, a Vim colorsheme template:
* Author: Romain Lafourcade (
* Canonical URL:
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ lua << EOF
| colorscheme name | module name | template filename |
| foobar | foobar | foobar.lua |
| foo-bar | foo_bar | foo-bar.lua |
| foo bar | foo_bar | foo-bar.lua or |
| foo-bar | foo_bar | foo_bar.lua |
| foo bar | foo_bar | foo_bar.lua |
| foo_bar | foo_bar | foo_bar.lua |
Rename the following files:
@ -44,13 +44,23 @@ lua << EOF
* `lua/highlite.lua`
Where 'highlite' is the name of your colorscheme.
TIP: If you are on a Unix-based system (or have WSL on Windows) you can use the setup script at the root of this repo.
See the README for more details.
--[[ Step 2: Information
This is the name of your colorscheme which will be used as per |g:colors_name|.
In this step you will define information that helps Neovim process:
1. How users access your colorscheme;
2. How your colorscheme should be rendered.
-- This is the name of your colorscheme which will be used as per |g:colors_name|.
vim.g.colors_name = 'highlite'
-- This is the kind of colorscheme you are creating. Either 'light' or 'dark'
vim.o.background = 'dark'
--[[ Step 3: Colors
Next you will define all of the colors that you will use for the color scheme.
@ -60,8 +70,8 @@ vim.g.colors_name = 'highlite'
<color name> = { -- Give each color a distinctive name.
'#<hex color code>', -- Hexadecimal color used in GVim/MacVim or 'NONE'.
<256-bit color code>, -- Integer 0–255 used by terminals supporting 256 colors or 'NONE'.
'<16-bit color code>' -- color name used by less capable color terminals, can be 'darkred',
<16-bit color code>, -- Integer 0–255 used by terminals supporting 256 colors or 'NONE'.
'<ANSI color name>' -- color name used by less capable color terminals, can be 'darkred',
'red', 'darkgreen', 'green', 'darkyellow', 'yellow', 'darkblue',
'blue', 'darkmagenta', 'magenta', 'black', 'darkgrey', 'grey',
'white', or 'NONE'
@ -114,31 +124,32 @@ local purple_light = {'#af60af', 63, 'magenta'}
<highlight group name> = {
bg=<color>, -- The color used for background color, or use 'NONE', 'fg' or 'bg'
fg=<color>, -- The color used for foreground color, or use 'NONE', 'fg' or 'bg'
bg=<color>, -- The color used for background color, or use `NONE`, `FG` or `BG`
fg=<color>, -- The color used for foreground color, or use `NONE`, `FG` or `BG`
blend=<integer> -- The |highlight-blend| value, if one is desired.
-- Style can be 'bold', 'italic', and more. See |attr-list| for more information. It can also have a color, and/or multiple <cterm>s.
style=<cterm>|{<cterm> [, <cterm>] [color=<color>]})
Or you can link an highlight group to another.
You can also link one highlight group to another:
<highlight group name> = '<highlight group name>'
Here is an example:
Here is an example to define `SpellBad` and then link some new group `SpellWorse` to it:
SpellBad = { -- ← name of the highlight group
bg='NONE', -- background color
bg=NONE, -- background color
fg=red, -- foureground color
style={ -- the style
'undercurl', -- undercurl (squiggly line)
color=red -- the color of the undercurl
SpellWorse = 'SpellBad'
If you weren't satisfied with undercurl, and also wanted another effect, you can
@ -164,7 +175,7 @@ local purple_light = {'#af60af', 63, 'magenta'}
NOTE: |Replace-mode| will probably be useful here.
NOTE: /As long as you do not remove any highlight groups or colors/, you can safely
ignore any highlight groups that are `link`ed others.
ignore any highlight groups that are `link`ed to others.
For example, programming languages almost exclusively link to the 1st
and 2nd sections, so as long as you define everything there you will automatically
be defining the rest of the highlights, which is one of the benefits of using
@ -172,73 +183,73 @@ local purple_light = {'#af60af', 63, 'magenta'}
--[[ DO NOT EDIT `BG`, `FG`, or `NONE`.
Feel free to uncomment `BG`. It is not used by default so it is commented out.
Feel free to uncomment `BG` and `NONE`. They are not used by default so they are commented out.
-- local BG = 'bg'
local FG = 'fg'
local NONE = 'NONE'
-- local NONE = 'NONE'
--[[ These are the ones you should edit. ]]
-- This is the only highlight that must be defined separately.
local highlight_group_normal = {bg=black, fg=gray_light, style=NONE}
local highlight_group_normal = {bg=black, fg=gray_light}
-- This is where the rest of your highlights should go.
local highlight_groups = {
--[[ 4.1. Text Analysis ]]
Comment = {bg=NONE, fg=gray, style='italic'},
Comment = {fg=gray, style='italic'},
NonText = {fg=gray_darker},
EndOfBuffer = 'NonText',
NonText = {bg=NONE, fg=gray_darker, style=NONE},
Whitespace = 'NonText',
--[[ 4.1.1. Literals]]
Constant = {bg=NONE, fg=orange_light, style=NONE},
String = {bg=NONE, fg=green, style=NONE},
Character = {bg=NONE, fg=red_light, style=NONE},
Number = {bg=NONE, fg=pink_light, style=NONE},
Boolean = {bg=NONE, fg=yellow, style=NONE},
Constant = {fg=orange_light},
String = {fg=green},
Character = {fg=red_light},
Number = {fg=pink_light},
Boolean = {fg=yellow},
Float = 'Number',
--[[ 4.1.2. Identifiers]]
Identifier = {bg=NONE, fg=FG, style=NONE},
Function = {bg=NONE, fg=purple, style=NONE},
Identifier = {fg=FG},
Function = {fg=purple},
--[[ 4.1.3. Syntax]]
Statement = {bg=NONE, fg=ice, style=NONE },
Conditional = {bg=NONE, fg=ice, style='italic'},
Repeat = {bg=NONE, fg=turqoise, style='bold' },
Label = {bg=NONE, fg=pink, style='italic'},
Operator = {bg=NONE, fg=green_dark, style=NONE },
Keyword = {bg=NONE, fg=teal, style=NONE },
Exception = {bg=NONE, fg=red_light, style='bold' },
Statement = {fg=ice},
Conditional = {fg=ice, style='italic'},
Repeat = {fg=turqoise, style='bold'},
Label = {fg=pink, style='italic'},
Operator = {fg=green_dark},
Keyword = {fg=teal},
Exception = {fg=red_light, style='bold'},
Noise = 'Delimiter',
--[[ 4.1.4. Metatextual Information]]
PreProc = {bg=NONE, fg=tan, style=NONE },
Include = {bg=NONE, fg=green_light, style='nocombine'},
Define = {bg=NONE, fg=blue, style='nocombine'},
Macro = {bg=NONE, fg=blue, style='italic' },
PreCondit = {bg=NONE, fg=tan, style='italic' },
PreProc = {fg=tan},
Include = {fg=green_light, style='nocombine'},
Define = {fg=blue, style='nocombine'},
Macro = {fg=blue, style='italic'},
PreCondit = {fg=tan, style='italic'},
--[[ 4.1.5. Semantics]]
Type = {bg=NONE, fg=cyan, style=NONE },
StorageClass = {bg=NONE, fg=orange_light, style='bold' },
Structure = {bg=NONE, fg=blue, style='bold' },
Typedef = {bg=NONE, fg=cyan, style='italic'},
Type = {fg=cyan},
StorageClass = {fg=orange_light, style='bold'},
Structure = {fg=blue, style='bold'},
Typedef = {fg=cyan, style='italic'},
--[[ 4.1.6. Edge Cases]]
Special = {bg=NONE, fg=magenta, style='bold'},
SpecialChar = {bg=NONE, fg=red_light, style='italic'},
Special = {fg=magenta, style='bold'},
SpecialChar = {fg=red_light, style='italic'},
SpecialKey = 'Character',
Tag = 'Underlined',
Delimiter = {bg=NONE, fg=white, style=NONE},
SpecialComment = {bg=NONE, fg=gray, style={'bold', 'nocombine'}},
Delimiter = {fg=white},
SpecialComment = {fg=gray, style={'bold', 'nocombine'}},
Debug = 'WarningMsg',
--[[ 4.1.7. Help Syntax]]
Underlined = {bg=NONE, fg=turqoise, style='underline'},
Ignore = {bg=NONE, fg=gray, style=NONE },
Underlined = {fg=turqoise, style='underline'},
Ignore = {fg=gray},
Error = {bg=red_dark, fg=white, style='bold'},
Todo = {bg=NONE, fg=yellow, style={'bold', 'underline'}},
Todo = {fg=yellow, style={'bold', 'underline'}},
helpHyperTextJump = 'Underlined',
helpSpecial = 'Function',
Hint = {bg=magenta, fg=black, style='bold'},
@ -247,68 +258,68 @@ local highlight_groups = {
--[[ 4.2... Editor UI ]]
--[[ 4.2.1. Status Line]]
StatusLine = {bg=gray_darker, fg=green_light, style=NONE},
StatusLineNC = {bg=gray_darker, fg=gray, style=NONE},
StatusLine = {bg=gray_darker, fg=green_light},
StatusLineNC = {bg=gray_darker, fg=gray},
StatusLineTerm = 'StatusLine',
StatusLineTermNC = 'StatusLineNC',
--[[ 4.2.2. Separators]]
VertSplit = {bg=NONE, fg=gray_darker, style=NONE},
TabLine = {bg=gray_darker, fg=FG, style=NONE},
TabLineFill = {bg=NONE, fg=FG, style=NONE},
VertSplit = {fg=gray_darker},
TabLine = {bg=gray_darker, fg=FG},
TabLineFill = {fg=FG},
TabLineSel = {bg=gray_darker, fg=FG, style='inverse'},
Title = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='bold' },
Title = {style='bold'},
--[[ 4.2.3. Conditional Line Highlighting]]
CursorLine = {bg=gray_dark, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
CursorLineNr = {bg=gray_dark, fg=pink, style=NONE},
CursorLine = {bg=gray_dark},
CursorLineNr = {bg=gray_dark, fg=pink},
debugBreakpoint = 'ErrorMsg',
debugPC = 'ColorColumn',
LineNr = {bg=NONE, fg=gray, style=NONE},
QuickFixLine = {bg=gray_darker, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
Visual = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='inverse'},
VisualNOS = {bg=gray_darker, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
LineNr = {fg=gray},
QuickFixLine = {bg=gray_darker},
Visual = {style='inverse'},
VisualNOS = {bg=gray_darker},
--[[ 4.2.4. Popup Menu]]
Pmenu = {bg=gray_dark, fg=FG, style=NONE},
PmenuSbar = {bg=black, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
PmenuSel = {bg=NONE, fg=FG, style=NONE},
PmenuThumb = {bg=white, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
WildMenu = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
Pmenu = {bg=gray_dark, fg=FG},
PmenuSbar = {bg=black},
PmenuSel = {fg=FG},
PmenuThumb = {bg=white},
WildMenu = {},
--[[ 4.2.5. Folds]]
FoldColumn = {bg=gray_darker, fg=NONE, style='bold' },
FoldColumn = {bg=gray_darker, style='bold'},
Folded = {bg=purple_light, fg=black, style='italic'},
--[[ 4.2.6. Diffs]]
DiffAdd = {bg=NONE, fg=green_dark, style='inverse'},
DiffChange = {bg=NONE, fg=yellow, style='inverse'},
DiffDelete = {bg=NONE, fg=red, style='inverse'},
DiffText = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='inverse'},
DiffAdd = {fg=green_dark, style='inverse'},
DiffChange = {fg=yellow, style='inverse'},
DiffDelete = {fg=red, style='inverse'},
DiffText = {style='inverse'},
--[[ 4.2.7. Searching]]
IncSearch = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='inverse'},
Search = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'underline', color=white}},
MatchParen = {bg=NONE, fg=green, style={'bold', 'underline' }},
IncSearch = {style='inverse'},
Search = {style={'underline', color=white}},
MatchParen = {fg=green, style={'bold', 'underline'}},
--[[ 4.2.8. Spelling]]
SpellBad = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color=red }},
SpellCap = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color=yellow}},
SpellLocal = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color=green }},
SpellRare = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color=orange}},
SpellBad = {style={'undercurl', color=red}},
SpellCap = {style={'undercurl', color=yellow}},
SpellLocal = {style={'undercurl', color=green}},
SpellRare = {style={'undercurl', color=orange}},
--[[ 4.2.9. Conditional Column Highlighting]]
ColorColumn = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='inverse'},
SignColumn = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
ColorColumn = {style='inverse'},
SignColumn = {},
--[[ 4.2.10. Messages]]
ErrorMsg = {bg=NONE, fg=red, style='bold'},
HintMsg = {bg=NONE, fg=magenta, style='bold'},
InfoMsg = {bg=NONE, fg=pink_light, style='bold'},
ModeMsg = {bg=NONE, fg=yellow, style=NONE },
WarningMsg = {bg=NONE, fg=orange, style='bold'},
Question = {bg=NONE, fg=orange_light, style='underline'},
ErrorMsg = {fg=red, style='bold'},
HintMsg = {fg=magenta, style='bold'},
InfoMsg = {fg=pink_light, style='bold'},
ModeMsg = {fg=yellow},
WarningMsg = {fg=orange, style='bold'},
Question = {fg=orange_light, style='underline'},
--[[ 4.2.11. LSP ]]
LspDiagnosticsError = 'Error',
@ -327,19 +338,19 @@ local highlight_groups = {
LspDiagnosticsInformationFloating = 'InfoMsg',
LspDiagnosticsInformationSign = 'InfoMsg',
LspDiagnosticsUnderline = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color=white}},
LspDiagnosticsUnderline = {style={'undercurl', color=white}},
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError = 'CocErrorHighlight',
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint = 'CocHintHighlight',
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInfo = 'CocInfoHighlight',
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning = 'CocWarningHighlight',
--[[ 4.2.12. Cursor ]]
Cursor = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='inverse'},
Cursor = {style='inverse'},
CursorIM = 'Cursor',
CursorColumn = {bg=gray_dark, fg=NONE, style=NONE },
CursorColumn = {bg=gray_dark},
--[[ 4.2.13. Misc ]]
Directory = {bg=NONE, fg=ice, style='bold'},
Directory = {fg=ice, style='bold'},
Terminal = 'Normal',
--[[ 4.3. Programming Languages
@ -410,7 +421,7 @@ local highlight_groups = {
goFormatSpecifier = 'Character',
goFunction = 'Function',
goFunctionCall = 'goFunction',
goFunctionReturn = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
goFunctionReturn = {},
goMethodCall = 'goFunctionCall',
goParamType = 'goReceiverType',
goPointerOperator = 'SpecialChar',
@ -426,7 +437,7 @@ local highlight_groups = {
--[[ 4.3.8. HTML ]]
htmlArg = 'Label',
htmlBold = {bg=NONE, fg=gray_light, style='bold'},
htmlBold = {fg=gray_light, style='bold'},
htmlTitle = 'htmlBold',
htmlEndTag = 'htmlTag',
htmlH1 = 'markdownH1',
@ -435,7 +446,7 @@ local highlight_groups = {
htmlH4 = 'markdownH4',
htmlH5 = 'markdownH5',
htmlH6 = 'markdownH6',
htmlItalic = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style='italic'},
htmlItalic = {style='italic'},
htmlSpecialTagName = 'Keyword',
htmlTag = 'Special',
htmlTagN = 'Typedef',
@ -481,12 +492,12 @@ local highlight_groups = {
makeSpecTarget = 'Type',
--[[ 4.3.13. Markdown ]]
markdownH1 = {bg=NONE, fg=red, style='bold'},
markdownH2 = {bg=NONE, fg=orange, style='bold'},
markdownH3 = {bg=NONE, fg=yellow, style='bold'},
markdownH4 = {bg=NONE, fg=green_dark, style='bold'},
markdownH5 = {bg=NONE, fg=cyan, style='bold'},
markdownH6 = {bg=NONE, fg=purple_light, style='bold'},
markdownH1 = {fg=red, style='bold'},
markdownH2 = {fg=orange, style='bold'},
markdownH3 = {fg=yellow, style='bold'},
markdownH4 = {fg=green_dark, style='bold'},
markdownH5 = {fg=cyan, style='bold'},
markdownH6 = {fg=purple_light, style='bold'},
mkdBold = 'SpecialChar',
mkdCode = 'Comment',
mkdCodeDelimiter = 'mkdBold',
@ -595,10 +606,10 @@ local highlight_groups = {
ALEWarningSign = 'WarningMsg',
--[[ 4.4.2. coc.nvim ]]
CocErrorHighlight = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color='red' }},
CocHintHighlight = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color='magenta' }},
CocInfoHighlight = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color='pink_light'}},
CocWarningHighlight = {bg=NONE, fg=NONE, style={'undercurl', color='orange' }},
CocErrorHighlight = {style={'undercurl', color='red'}},
CocHintHighlight = {style={'undercurl', color='magenta'}},
CocInfoHighlight = {style={'undercurl', color='pink_light'}},
CocWarningHighlight = {style={'undercurl', color='orange'}},
CocErrorSign = 'ALEErrorSign',
CocHintSign = 'HintMsg',
CocInfoSign = 'InfoMsg',
@ -609,10 +620,10 @@ local highlight_groups = {
JumpMotion = 'EasyMotion',
--[[ 4.4.4. vim-gitgutter / vim-signify ]]
GitGutterAdd = {bg=NONE, fg=green, style=NONE},
GitGutterChange = {bg=NONE, fg=yellow, style=NONE},
GitGutterDelete = {bg=NONE, fg=red, style=NONE},
GitGutterChangeDelete = {bg=NONE, fg=orange, style=NONE},
GitGutterAdd = {fg=green},
GitGutterChange = {fg=yellow},
GitGutterDelete = {fg=red},
GitGutterChangeDelete = {fg=orange},
SignifySignAdd = 'GitGutterAdd',
SignifySignChange = 'GitGutterChange',
@ -620,8 +631,8 @@ local highlight_groups = {
SignifySignChangeDelete = 'GitGutterChangeDelete',
--[[ 4.4.5. vim-indent-guides ]]
IndentGuidesOdd = {bg=gray_darker, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
IndentGuidesEven = {bg=gray_dark, fg=NONE, style=NONE},
IndentGuidesOdd = {bg=gray_darker},
IndentGuidesEven = {bg=gray_dark},
--[[ 4.4.7. NERDTree ]]
NERDTreeCWD = 'Label',
@ -4,9 +4,6 @@ local vim = vim
-- Clear the highlighting.
vim.cmd('hi clear')
-- Set the background to dark.
vim.o.background = 'dark'
-- Disable automatic coloring for the IndentGuides plugin.
vim.g.indent_guides_auto_colors = 0
@ -14,17 +11,19 @@ vim.g.indent_guides_auto_colors = 0
if vim.fn.exists('syntax_on') then vim.cmd('syntax reset') end
-- Determine which set of colors to use.
local use_hex_and_256 = string.find(vim.fn.expand('$TERM'), '256')
or vim.g.t_Co >= 256
local using_hex_or_256 = tonumber(vim.o.t_Co) >= 256
or vim.o.termguicolors
or vim.fn.has('gui_running')
or string.find(vim.fn.expand('$TERM'), '256')
-- If we aren't using the hex and 256 colorset, then set the &t_Co variable to 16.
if not use_hex_and_256 then vim.g.t_Co = 16 end
if not using_hex_or_256 then vim.o.t_Co = 16 end
-- These are constants for the indexes in the colors that were defined before.
local BIT_16 = 3
local BIT_256 = 2
local HEX = 1
local PALETTE_ANSI = 3
local PALETTE_256 = 2
local PALETTE_HEX = 1
local NONE = "NONE"
-- Get the color value of a color variable, or "NONE" as a default.
local function get(color, index)
@ -33,24 +32,24 @@ local function get(color, index)
elseif type(color) == 'string' then
return color
return "NONE"
return NONE
--[[ If using hex and 256-bit colors, then populate the gui* and cterm* args.
If using 16-bit colors, just populate the cterm* args. ]]
local colorize = use_hex_and_256 and function(command, attributes) command[#command + 1] =
' ctermbg='..get(, BIT_256)
..' ctermfg='..get(attributes.fg, BIT_256)
..' guibg='..get(, HEX)
..' guifg='..get(attributes.fg, HEX)
local colorize = using_hex_or_256 and function(command, attributes) command[#command + 1] =
' ctermbg='..get(, PALETTE_256)
..' ctermfg='..get(attributes.fg, PALETTE_256)
..' guibg='..get(, PALETTE_HEX)
..' guifg='..get(attributes.fg, PALETTE_HEX)
end or function(command, attributes) command[#command + 1] =
' ctermbg='..get(, BIT_16)
..' ctermfg='..get(attributes.fg, BIT_16)
' ctermbg='..get(, PALETTE_ANSI)
..' ctermfg='..get(attributes.fg, PALETTE_ANSI)
-- This function appends `selected_attributes` to the end of `highlight_cmd`.
local stylize = use_hex_and_256 and function(command, attributes)
local stylize = using_hex_or_256 and function(command, attributes)
command[#command + 1] = ' cterm='..attributes..' gui='..attributes
end or function(command, attributes)
command[#command + 1] = ' cterm='..attributes
@ -73,13 +72,13 @@ local function highlight(highlight_group, attributes) -- {{{ †
highlight_cmd[#highlight_cmd + 1] = ' blend='..attributes.blend
local style =
local style = or NONE
if type(style) == 'table' then
-- Concat all of the entries together with a comma between before styling.
stylize(highlight_cmd, table.concat(style, ','))
if style.color then -- there won't is a color for undercurl.
highlight_cmd[#highlight_cmd + 1] = ' guisp='..get(style.color, HEX)
highlight_cmd[#highlight_cmd + 1] = ' guisp='..get(style.color, PALETTE_HEX)
else -- just style the single entry.
stylize(highlight_cmd, style)
@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ return function(Normal, highlights, terminal_ansi_colors)
-- Set the terminal colors.
for index, color in ipairs(terminal_ansi_colors) do
vim.g['terminal_color_'..index] = color[HEX] or color[BIT_256] or color[BIT_16]
if using_hex_or_256 then for index, color in ipairs(terminal_ansi_colors) do
vim.g['terminal_color_'..index] = vim.o.termguicolors and color[PALETTE_HEX] or color[PALETTE_256]
end end
Reference in New Issue