docs(README): add Lua instructions
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
# Default Settings Preview
# nvim-highlite
## Default Settings Preview

# Introduction
## Introduction
`nvim-highlite` is a colorscheme template repository for Neovim 0.5+.
@ -24,13 +26,11 @@ This template's _design_ focuses on:
* Changes made to the highlighting algorithm won't affect how you write your colorscheme.
* New highlight group attributes which are unaccounted for in older versions will simply be ignored without errors due to Lua's `table`s.
# Prerequisites
## Installation
1. Neovim 0.5+
The only prerequisite is Neovim 0.5+
# Installation
## Creating Your Own
### Creating Your Own
1. Fork this repository, or clone it with `git clone`.
2. Follow the instructions in [`colors/highlite.vim`](colors/highlite.vim).
@ -44,25 +44,41 @@ This template's _design_ focuses on:
Whenever you want to update from then on, you can run the [update script]( This will load the latest upstream changes to the core highlighting library.
## Just The Defaults
### Just The Defaults
1. Install a plugin manager such as [`vim-plug`]( and use it to "plug" this repository.
" vim-plug example
Plug "Iron-E/nvim-highlite"
1. Install a plugin manager such as [`packer.nvim`](
-- packer.nvim example
local fn = vim.fn
local install_path = fn.stdpath('data')..'/site/pack/packer/opt/packer.nvim'
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(fn.glob(install_path)) then
os.execute('git clone '..install_path)
vim.api.nvim_command 'packadd packer.nvim'
return require('packer').startup {function(use)
use {'wbthomason/packer.nvim', opt=true}
use 'Iron-E/nvim-highlite'
2. Specify this colorscheme as your default colorscheme in the `init.vim`:
" Enable 24-bit color output. Only do this IF your environment supports it.
" This plugin is fully compatible with 8-bit, 16-bit, and 24-bit colors.
set termguicolors
" Use the colorscheme
colorscheme highlite
Or using `init.lua`:
vim.opt.termguicolors = true -- Set color mode
vim.api.nvim_command 'colorscheme highlite'
# Usage
## Examples
## Usage
This repository in itself is an example of how to use `nvim-highlite`. Aside from this, the following colorschemes are built using `nvim-highlite`:
@ -202,7 +218,7 @@ You can either use [`nvim-treesitter`](
| YAML | [stephpy/vim-yaml]( |
| YATS | [HerringtonDarkholme/yats]( |
# Contribution
## Contribution
This repository is looking for contributions! The following things are appreciated:
Reference in New Issue