Add list of recommended syntax files to FAQ

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Iron_E 2020-11-11 11:10:07 -05:00
parent a7ddc75380
commit ad2833f232
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GPG Key ID: B0B37DE7EDC2335F
1 changed files with 57 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -58,12 +58,6 @@ This template's _design_ focuses on:
colorscheme highlite
## FAQ
> Why am I receiving `E5108: Error executing lua [string ":lua"]:1: module '<colorscheme>' not found`?
* Ensure your colorscheme's base folder is in Neovim's `rtp` before sourcing.
## Examples
This repository in itself is an example of how to use `nvim-highlite`. Aside from this, the following colorschemes are built using `nvim-highlite`:
@ -88,3 +82,60 @@ local highlight_groups = {
-- The rest is mostly handled by the template.
## FAQ
> Why am I receiving `E5108: Error executing lua [string ":lua"]:1: module '<colorscheme>' not found`?
* Ensure your colorscheme's base folder is in Neovim's `rtp` before sourcing.
> What syntax files should I use for `X` language?
You can either use [`nvim-treesitter`](, or one of the following:
| Language | Syntax Plugin |
| ALGOL | sterpe/vim-algol68 |
| C++ | bfrg/vim-cpp-modern |
| Dart | dart-lang/dart-vim-plugin |
| DTrace | vim-scripts/dtrace-syntax-file |
| F# | ionide/Ionide-vim |
| Gas | Shirk/vim-gas |
| Git | tpope/vim-git |
| Go | fatih/vim-go |
| GraphViz | liuchengxu/graphviz |
| HTML5 | othree/html5 |
| i3conf | mboughaba/i3config |
| JSON | elzr/vim-json |
| Java | uiiaoo/java-syntax |
| JavaScript | pangloss/vim-javascript |
| Julia | JuliaEditorSupport/julia-vim |
| Kotlin | udalov/kotlin-vim |
| LESS | groenewege/vim-less |
| LLVM | rhysd/vim-llvm |
| Lua | tbastos/vim-lua |
| Markdown | plasticboy/vim-markdown |
| MIPS | vim-scripts/mips |
| Moonscript | leafo/moonscript-vim |
| PlantUML | aklt/plantuml-syntax |
| Prettier | prettier/vim-prettier |
| Python | vim-python/python-syntax |
| Razor | adamclerk/vim-razor |
| RST | marshallward/vim-restructuredtext |
| Ruby | vim-ruby/vim-ruby |
| SCSS | cakebaker/scss-syntax |
| SQL | shmup/vim-sql-syntax |
| Shell | arzg/vim-sh |
| Stylus | wavded/vim-stylus |
| SystemD | wgwoods/vim-systemd-syntax |
| SystemTap | nickhutchinson/vim-systemtap |
| TOML | cespare/vim-toml |
| TeX | lervag/vimtex |
| Ungrammar | Iron-E/vim-ungrammar |
| VB.NET | vim-scripts/vbnet |
| Vim Logs | MTDL9/vim-log-highlighting |
| Vimscript | vim-jp/syntax-vim-ex |
| XML | amadeus/vim-xml |
| YAML | stephpy/vim-yaml |
| YATS | HerringtonDarkholme/yats |