This modeline was used to allow syntax highlighting of Lua
in the `highlite.vim` file, but now that the file is a Lua file we don't
need to manually set the filetype.
This was a step I took from the plugin this colorscheme is forked from
(romainl/vim-rnb) but it turns out that it causes problems and doesn't
actually solve anything.
Taking out this line fixed a highlight group being cleared when it
should not have been, although interestingly not _all_ highlight groups
are being cleared consistently. So its just introducing inconsistency
into this plugin which I do not want.
SEE glepnir/galaxyline.nvim#88
This adds instructions on how to override highlight groups from `init.vim`,
as it seems this cannot be done with your average Neovim colorscheme.
Rather than just using `:hi!` in the `init.vim` (as one might be tempted
to do), it describes a process of adding the commands to an autocommand
event which will run them when the time is right.
SEE #9
This was caused by the index of `vim.g.terminal_color_X` beginning at 1
rather than 0. I thought initially that this would be translated by the
Lua metatable but I guess not!
For some reason, `tomlFloat` was linked to `Number`. There is a `Float`
highlight group dedicated for that.
Additionally, the `tomlDate` group was linked to `Constant`. I don't
think that's necessarily a fitting group, since a date is a literal,
and while literals _are_ constants it does not seem fitting. I gave it
the `Special` link instead, since `Special` is supposed to be used
whenever there is an "other" type in a language.
There are some more changes which should be made in order to maintain
consistency across environments. Directory is now used for file names,
and SpecialComment is used for the headers.