# Introduction `nvim-highlite` is a colorscheme template repository for Neovim 0.5+. This project aims to make the following * You can define/modify variables once instead of messing around with potentially botched substitutions. * You can distribute a lean colorscheme, free from unnecessary logic. * You can distribute the source alongside the colorscheme, making it easy for your users to experiment and adapt *your* colorscheme to *their* needs. * You can focus on the design of your colorscheme rather than its implementation. * You can start working on new colorscheme ideas very easily. # Prerequisites 1. Neovim 0.5+ # Usage Usage is simple. This repository should be cloned with `git clone https://github.com/Iron-E/nvim-highlite`, and then: 1. Rename `lua/highlite/` to `lua//`. 2. Follow the directions in [lua/``/init.lua](lua/highlite/init.lua). 3. Rename `colors/highlite.vim` to `colors/.vim`. 4. Follow the instructions in [colors/``.vim](colors/highlite.vim). ## Examples This repository in itself is an example of how to use `nvim-highlite`. Aside from this, the following colorschemes are built using `nvim-highlite`: * (if you use this, open an issue and I'll add it here!)