*highlite.txt* Plugin for maintaining colorschemes *highlite* Author: Iron-E – https://github.com/Iron-E & https://gitlab.com/Iron_E Web: https://github.com/Iron-E/nvim-highlite |highlite| is a plugin for creating and maintaining colorschemes. It can be configured by cloning the repository and following the README, or individually used to comprehensively highlight groups with its functions. ============================================================================== 0. Table of Contents *highlite-toc* 1. Requirements ............ |highlite-requirements| 2. Usage ................... |highlite-usage| ============================================================================== 1. Requirements *highlite-requirements* - Neovim 0.5+ ============================================================================== 2. Usage *highlite-usage* *highlite.group()* `highlite`.group({group_name}) *highlite-group()* Convert a pre-existing |highlight-group| into a format that |highlite| recognizes. Note: the |highlight-group| must have been either: - |:highlight|ed. - |highlite-highlight|ed. Parameters: ~ {group_name} A `string` which is the |highlight-group| to convert. Return: ~ - A `table` which can be used as the {attributes} parameter for |highlite.highlight()|. Example: ~ > local highlite = require('highlite') -- get the 'Error' highlight group local hl_error = highlite.group('Error') -- Define 'ErrorMsg' as foreground = background of 'Error' highlite.highlight('ErrorMsg', {fg=hl_error.bg, bg=BG}) < *highlite.highlight()* `highlite`.highlight({group}, {attributes}) *highlite-highlight()* Highlight some {group} according to its {attributes}. Note: this method is intended to be used instead of |:highlight|. Parameters: ~ {group} A `string` which is the |highlight-group| to |:highlight|. {attributes} A |lua| `table` which follows this format: > { -- The color for the background; or `NONE`, `FG` or `BG` bg = , -- The color for the foreground; or `NONE`, `FG` or `BG` fg = -- The |highlight-blend| value, if one is desired. [, blend = ] -- Style can be from |attr-list|. -- It can also have a color, and/or multiple s. [, style = |{ (, ) [color=]} ] } < Return: ~ - Nothing. Example: ~ > local highlite = require('highlite') local yellow = {'#f0df33', 220, 'yellow'} -- Highlight a new group highlite.highlight('Todo', {fg=yellow, style={'bold', 'underline'}}) -- Link a grou highlite.highlight('Identifier', 'Todo') < See also: ~ |group-names| Additional semantic highlighting groups. *highlite:highlight_terminal()* *highlite-highlight_terminal()* `highlite`:highlight_terminal({terminal_ansi_colors}) Override the |terminal| colors with a new table of {terminal_ansi_colors}. Parameters: ~ {terminal_ansi_colors} The colors to use in the |terminal|. They are defined according to this format: > { [1] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'black' [2] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'darkred' [3] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'darkgreen' [4] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'darkyellow' [5] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'darkblue' [6] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'darkmagenta' [7] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'darkcyan' [8] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'gray' [9] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'darkgray' [10] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'red' [11] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'green' [12] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'yellow' [13] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'blue' [14] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'magenta' [15] = {'#', bit_16, 'bit_8'}, -- overrides 'cyan' [16] = {'#', bit_16, ''}, -- overrides 'white' } < Return: ~ - Nothing. Example: ~ > local highlite = require('highlite') highlite:highlight_terminal({ [1] = {'#202020' , 0 , 'black'}, [2] = {'#a80000' , 124 , 'darkred'}, [3] = {'#50de60' , 83 , 'darkgreen'}, [4] = {'#ff8900' , 208 , 'darkyellow'}, [5] = {'#7090ff' , 63 , 'darkblue'}, [6] = {'#bb0099' , 126 , 'darkmagenta'}, [7] = {'#00d0c0' , 38 , 'cyan'}, [8] = {'#808080' , 244 , 'gray'}, [9] = {'#353535' , 236 , 'darkgrey'}, [10] = {'#ee4a59' , 196 , 'red'}, [11] = {'#77ff00' , 72 , 'green'}, [12] = {'#f0df33' , 220 , 'yellow'}, [13] = {'#2bff99' , 33 , 'blue'}, [14] = {'#cf55f0' , 129 , 'magenta'}, [15] = {'#33efff' , 87 , 'cyan'}, [16] = {'#c0c0c0' , 251 , 'gray'}, }) < See also: ~ |terminal-configuration| Information about how the groups are set. ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=4:ft=help:norl: