# Default Settings Preview ![lua preview](./media/preview.png "Lua Preview") # Introduction `nvim-highlite` is a colorscheme template repository for Neovim 0.5+. This template's _defaults_ focus on: 1. Compatability with [semantic highlighting](https://medium.com/@evnbr/coding-in-color-3a6db2743a1e). * I was using colorschemes that often did not provide enough highlight groups to provide distinction between tokens. 2. Visibility in any range of blue-light. * I use `redshift` often, and many colorschemes did not allow for me to see when I had lower color temperatures. This template's _design_ focuses on: 1. Ease of use and rapid development. * New features may simply be integrated with current configurations, rather than rewritten over them. * Merging with the upstream repository is simplified by GitHub, allowing you to select what new defaults to add. * It provides a large supply of defaults for plugins and programming languages. * Define a smaller set of "categorical" highlights (see Neovim's `group-name` help page) and many more will `link` automatically. 2. Inversion of Control * Changes made to the highlighting algorithm won't affect how you write your colorscheme. * New highlight group attributes which are unaccounted for in older versions will simply be ignored without errors due to Lua's `table`s. # Prerequisites 1. Neovim 0.5+ # Usage ## Creating Your Own 1. This repository should be forked, or cloned with `git clone https://github.com/Iron-E/nvim-highlite`. 2. Follow the instructions in [`colors/highlite.vim`](colors/highlite.vim). * If you are on a Unix system, use the [setup script](setup.sh) like so: ```sh chmod +x ./setup.sh ./setup.sh highlite ``` Where `` is the name of your desired colorscheme. * If you are on Windows, rename the files manually. ## Just The Defaults 1. Install a plugin manager such as [`vim-plug`](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug) and use it to "plug" this repository. ```viml " vim-plug example Plug "Iron-E/nvim-highlite" ``` 2. Specify this colorscheme as your default colorscheme in the `init.vim`: ```viml " Enable 24-bit color output. Only do this if your environment supports it. " This plugin works 100% fine with 8-bit, 16-bit, and 24-bit colors. set setmguicolors " Use the colorscheme colorscheme highlite ``` ## FAQ > Why am I receiving `E5108: Error executing lua [string ":lua"]:1: module '' not found`? * Ensure your colorscheme's base folder is in Neovim's `rtp` before sourcing. ## Examples This repository in itself is an example of how to use `nvim-highlite`. Aside from this, the following colorschemes are built using `nvim-highlite`: * (if you use this, open an issue and I'll add it here!)