// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies const toHSL = require('hex-to-hsl'); // untested TODO - test function defineHSL(mixin, name, hue, sat, light) { const obj = {}; obj[name] = name; // need to ensure hue is a string otherwise postcss (is it postcss?) appends // 'px' to the property's value. obj[`${name}__h`] = hue.toString(); obj[`${name}__s`] = `${sat}%`; obj[`${name}__l`] = `${light}%`; return obj; } // defines a custom property with identifier name, along with individual hue, // saturation and lightness components function defineHex(mixin, name, hex) { const [hue, sat, light] = toHSL(hex); return defineHSL(name, hue, sat, light) } const postcssMixins = { defineHSL, defineHex, }; module.exports = postcssMixins;