diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2573826..ab3eae5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -44,7 +44,11 @@ Using Sampler is basically a 3-step process:
- [Interactive shell (database interaction, remote server access, etc)](#interactive-shell-support)
- [Variables](#variables)
- [Color theme](#color-theme)
-- [Real-world examples (contributions welcome)](#real-world-examples)
+- [Real-world recipes (contributions welcome!)](#real-world-recipes)
+ - [Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Neo4j)](#databases)
+ - [Kafka](#kafka)
+ - [SSH](#ssh)
+ - [JMX](#jmx)
## Components
The following is a list of configuration examples for each component type, with macOS compatible sampling scripts.
@@ -249,5 +253,99 @@ sparklines:
sample: ps -A -o %cpu | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'
-## Real-world examples
+## Real-world recipes
+### Databases
+The following are different databases connection examples. Interactive shell (init script) usage is recommended to establish connection only once and then reuse it during sampling.
+# prerequisite: installed mysql shell
+ mysql_connection: mysql -u root -s --database mysql --skip-column-names
+ - title: MySQL (random number example)
+ pty: true
+ init: $mysql_connection
+ sample: select rand();
+# prerequisite: installed psql shell
+ postgres_connection: psql -h localhost -U postgres --no-align --tuples-only
+ - title: PostgreSQL (random number example)
+ init: $postgres_connection
+ sample: select random();
+# prerequisite: installed mongo shell
+ mongo_connection: mongo --quiet --host=localhost test
+ - title: MongoDB (random number example)
+ init: $mongo_connection
+ sample: Math.random();
+# prerequisite: installed cypher shell
+ neo4j_connection: cypher-shell -u neo4j -p pwd --format plain
+ - title: Neo4j (random number example)
+ pty: true
+ init: $neo4j_connection
+ sample: RETURN rand();
+ transform: echo "$sample" | tail -n 1
+### Kafka
+Kafka lag per consumer group
+ kafka_connection: $KAFKA_HOME/bin/kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
+ - title: Kafka lag per consumer group
+ scale: 0
+ items:
+ - label: A->B
+ sample: $kafka_connection --group group_a --describe | awk 'NR>1 {sum += $5} END {print sum}'
+ - label: B->C
+ sample: $kafka_connection --group group_b --describe | awk 'NR>1 {sum += $5} END {print sum}'
+ - label: C->D
+ sample: $kafka_connection --group group_c --describe | awk 'NR>1 {sum += $5} END {print sum}'
+### SSH
+### JMX
+### Spring Boot