package config type Options struct { ConfigFile string `short:"c" long:"config" required:"true" description:"path to YAML config file"` Variables []string `short:"v" long:"variable" required:"false" description:"specify name=value variable to use in script placeholder as $name. This flag takes precedence over the same name variables, specified in config yml" long-description:"one or more variables can be specified as flags, in order to replace repeated patterns in the scripts, which can be replaced with {$variable-name} placeholder" ` Examples []string `short:"e" long:"example" required:"false" choice:"runchart" choice:"barchart" choice:"asciibox" choice:"textbox" choice:"gauge" choice:"sparkline" description:"add an example component to the specified config file" long-description:"one or more example component types can be added to the specified config file, in order to jump-start the configuration"` }