package config import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" ) type Config struct { Theme *console.Theme `yaml:"theme,omitempty"` RunCharts []RunChartConfig `yaml:"runcharts,omitempty"` BarCharts []BarChartConfig `yaml:"barcharts,omitempty"` AsciiBoxes []AsciiBoxConfig `yaml:"asciiboxes,omitempty"` } type ComponentConfig struct { Title string `yaml:"title"` RefreshRateMs *int `yaml:"refresh-rate-ms,omitempty"` Position Position `yaml:"position"` Size Size `yaml:"size"` } type RunChartConfig struct { ComponentConfig `yaml:",inline"` Legend *LegendConfig `yaml:"legend,omitempty"` Scale *int `yaml:"scale,omitempty"` Items []data.Item `yaml:"items"` } type BarChartConfig struct { ComponentConfig `yaml:",inline"` Scale *int `yaml:"scale,omitempty"` Items []data.Item `yaml:"items"` } type AsciiBoxConfig struct { ComponentConfig `yaml:",inline"` data.Item `yaml:",inline"` Font *asciibox.AsciiFont `yaml:"font,omitempty"` } type LegendConfig struct { Enabled bool `yaml:"enabled"` Details bool `yaml:"details"` } type Position struct { X int `yaml:"w"` Y int `yaml:"h"` } type Size struct { X int `yaml:"w"` Y int `yaml:"h"` } type ComponentType rune const ( TypeRunChart ComponentType = 0 TypeBarChart ComponentType = 1 TypeTextBox ComponentType = 2 TypeAsciiBox ComponentType = 3 ) type ComponentSettings struct { Type ComponentType Title string Size Size Position Position } func Load() *Config { if len(os.Args) < 2 { println("Please specify config file location. See for the reference") os.Exit(0) } cfg := readFile(os.Args[1]) cfg.validate() cfg.setDefaults() return cfg } func Update(settings []ComponentSettings) { cfg := readFile(os.Args[1]) for _, s := range settings { componentConfig := cfg.findComponent(s.Type, s.Title) componentConfig.Size = s.Size componentConfig.Position = s.Position } saveFile(cfg) } func (c *Config) findComponent(componentType ComponentType, componentTitle string) *ComponentConfig { switch componentType { case TypeRunChart: for i, component := range c.RunCharts { if component.Title == componentTitle { return &c.RunCharts[i].ComponentConfig } } case TypeBarChart: for i, component := range c.BarCharts { if component.Title == componentTitle { return &c.BarCharts[i].ComponentConfig } } case TypeAsciiBox: for i, component := range c.AsciiBoxes { if component.Title == componentTitle { return &c.AsciiBoxes[i].ComponentConfig } } } panic(fmt.Sprintf( "Can't find component type %v with title %v", componentType, componentTitle)) } func readFile(location string) *Config { yamlFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(location) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Can't read config file: %s", location) } cfg := new(Config) err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, cfg) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Can't read config file: %v", err) } return cfg } func saveFile(config *Config) { file, err := yaml.Marshal(config) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Can't marshal config file: %v", err) } err = ioutil.WriteFile("config.yml", file, 0644) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Can't save config file: %v", err) } }