Basically I like the _s Wordpress Starter Theme from Automattic and the grid Framework Bootstrap. Additionally I´am a huge SASS/COMPASS fan. Why don´t combine all these three things into a solid Wordpress Theme Framework?
That´s what UnderStrap is (or will be...)
At the moment UnderStrap is in a very early stage. But if you wan´t feel free to use it for your own Wordpress theme!
- Combines the _s Wordpress Starter Theme and Bootstrap
- Comes with Bootstrap SASS source files and additonal scss files. Nicely sorted and ready to add your own variables/customize the Bootstrap variables.
- Off-Canvas navigation - By Jasny Bootstrap Plugin (activate it by adding a widget to widget position "Off Canvas" - It works but did not looks good at the moment... )
The _s theme is a good starting point to develope a Wordpress theme. But it is "just" a raw starter theme. Means it outputs all the Wordpress stuff correctly but without any layout or design.
Why don´t add a well known and supported layout framework to have a solid, clean and responsive foundation? Thats where Bootstrap comes in.
- The theme itself uses the style.css in the root directory just to identify the theme inside of Wordpress. The file is not loaded by the theme and did not include any styles
- The theme.css file in /css/ subdirectory provides all styles. It is composed by six different SCSS sets and one variables file from /sass/ directory:
- Your design goes into: /sass/theme directory. Add your styles to the theme.scss file and your variables to the _theme_variables.scss. Or add other scss files into it and @import it into theme.scss