This commit is contained in:
@ -1,156 +1,3 @@
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# Bedrock
# UnderStrap WordPress Theme Framework
Website: [http://understrap.com](http://understrap.com)
Child Theme Project: [https://github.com/holger1411/understrap-child](https://github.com/holger1411/understrap-child)
## Changelog
- **0.4.0 Apr. 15th 2016 Pre-Release**
- Adding BrowserSync to gulpfile (again thx to @dvlopes)
- Preparing the navbar markup so that the current version will work with Bootstrap 3 AND 4
- Adding "gulp scripts" command - This uglifies and minifies all JS files (except jQuery...) into one single JS file called theme.min.js
- Updating Gulpfile - now "gulp copy-assets" command copies all files from dependency folders into mid-layer folder called "/src"
- Load jQuery again as extra script instead of concat it into on single file. After some problems with WooCommerce and other plugins
- Checking WordPress 4.5 compatibility
- Adding Bootstrap 4 Alpha as optional asset
- Updating language template
- Adding Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) translation (thx to @dvlopes).
- **0.3.8 Mar. 9th 2016 **
- Adding footer widget area
- Adjust Bootstrap markup for searchform and search widget
- **0.3.7 Jan. 8th 2016**
- Cleanup for submitting to WordPress.org theme repository:
- Fixing sticky post problem
- Fixing skip-to-content link
- re-activating the admin bar
- adding readme.txt
- Fixing missing translation strings in comments template
- **0.3.6 Jan. 4th 2016**
- Cleanup
- Updating dependencies
- Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.3.6 and Font Awesome 4.5.0
- **0.3.4 SEP. 9th 2015**
- Adding basic WooCommerce support
- Cleanup for submitting to wordpress.org
- Removing _s SASS ... no need for basic styling. Thats Bootstrap´s job.
- **0.3.1 AUG. 12th 2015**
- Adding bower dependency manager and replacing GRUNT taskrunner with GULP
- **0.3.0 Mar. 23th 2015**
- Streamlining some code, adding extra "sticky" area (sticky posts above the main content area inside an extra loop). Fixing some child theme issues (now its really child theme ready...really...trust me...)
- **0.2.9 Mar. 10th 2015**
- Adding a new theme customizer option. It lets you add a code snippet right before the closing </body> tag.
For example for Google Analytics, Google Tag Mananger, Pingdom etc. Just copy and past your code to the input field and save the setting.
So you don´t have to edit the theme source file´s directly and your theme stay´s updateable
- **0.2.8 Feb. 6th 2015**
- Adding Grunt and Grunt SASS task
- **0.2.7 Jan. 26th 2015**
- Adding some basic theme option for the build-in slider script
- **0.2.6 Dec. 28th 2014**
- CLean up
- **0.2 Dec. 22th 2014**
- Adding Jasny Off-Canvas nav and Owl.Carousel Slider script
- Enqueue scipts and styled dynamically
- **0.1 Dec. 10th 2014 - First commit**
## About
I’m a huge fan of Underscores, Bootstrap, and Sass. Why not combine these into a solid WordPress Theme Framework?
That’s what UnderStrap is (or will be…)
At the moment, UnderStrap is in a very early stage. But if you wan’t, feel free to use it for your own WordPress theme!
## Basic Features
- Combines Underscore’s PHP/JS files and Bootstrap’s HTML/CSS/JS.
- Comes with Bootstrap (v3.3.6) Sass source files and additional .scss files. Nicely sorted and ready to add your own variables and customize the Bootstrap variables.
- Uses a single and minified CSS file for all the basic stuff.
- [Font Awesome](http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/) integration (v4.5.0)
- Comes with extra slider script by [Owl Carousel](http://www.owlcarousel.owlgraphic.com/) (v2.0.0-beta.2.4)
- Simple RTL file.
- Jetpack ready.
- WooCommerce support.
- [Child Theme](https://github.com/holger1411/understrap-child) ready.
- Translation ready.
## Starter Theme + HTML Framework = WordPress Theme Framework
The _s theme is a good starting point to develop a WordPress theme. But it is “just” a raw starter theme. That means it outputs all the WordPress stuff correctly but without any layout or design.
Why not add a well known and supported layout framework to have a solid, clean and responsive foundation? That’s where Bootstrap comes in.
## Confused by All the CSS and Sass Files?
Some basics about the Sass and CSS files that come with UnderStrap:
- The theme itself uses the `/style.css`file just to identify the theme inside of WordPress. The file is not loaded by the theme and does not include any styles.
- The `/css/theme.css` file provides all styles. It is composed of five different SCSS sets and one variable file at `/sass/theme.scss`:
- 1 "theme/theme_variables"; // <--------- Add your variables into this file. Also add variables to overwrite Bootstrap or UnderStrap variables here
- 2 "../src/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap"; // <--------- All the Bootstrap stuff - Don´t edit this!
- 3 "understrap/understrap"; // <--------- Some basic WordPress stylings and needed styles to combine Boostrap and Underscores
- 4 "../src/fontawesome/scss/font-awesome"; // <--------- Font Awesome Icon styles
// Any additional imported files //
- 5 "theme/theme"; // <--------- Add your styles into this file
- Don’t edit the files no. 2-4 files/filesets or you won’t be able to update it without overwriting your own work!
- Your design goes into: `/sass/theme`. Add your styles to the `/sass/theme/_theme.scss` file and your variables to the `/sass/theme/_theme_variables.scss`. Or add other .scss files into it and `@import` it into `/sass/theme/_theme.scss`.
## Installation
- Download the understrap folder
- Upload it into your WordPress installation subfolder here: `/wp-content/themes/`
- Login to your WordPress backend
- Go to Appearance → Themes
- Activate the UnderStrap theme
## Developing With NPM, Bower, Gulp and SASS and [Browser Sync][1]
### Installing Dependencies
- Make sure you have installed Node.js, Bower, and Browser-Sync on your computer globally
- Then open your terminal and browse to the location of your UnderStrap copy
- Run: `$ npm install` then: `$ bower install` and finally: `$ gulp copy-assets`
### Running
To work and compile your Sass files on the fly start:
- `$ gulp watch`
Or, to run with Browser-Sync:
- First change the browser-sync options to reflect your environment in the file `/gulpfile.js` in the beginning of the file:
var browserSyncOptions = {
proxy: "localhost/theme_test/", // <----- CHANGE HERE
notify: false
- then run: `$ gulp watch-bs`
## How to Use the Build-In Widget Slider
The front-page slider is widget driven. Simply add more than one widget to widget position “Hero”.
- Click on Appearance → Widgets.
- Add two, or more, widgets of any kind to widget area “Hero”.
- That‘s it.
[1] Visit [http://browsersync.io](http://browsersync.io) for more information on Browser Sync
In the coming months, I will be building a lot of websites. More specifically — WordPress themes. Normally when I build a new WordPress theme, I start with [Underscores](http://underscores.me/), but I want to use [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/) to get me off the ground. I found [this cool project](https://github.com/holger1411/understrap) by [https://github.com/holger1411](holger1411) that combined Underscores and Bootstrap. Now, I want my boilerplate to be a little different, so that’s why I forked the project and renamed it Bedrock. Bedrock will be my starting point to every website.
Reference in New Issue