UnderStrap Wordpress Theme Framework === Basically I like the _s Wordpress Starter Theme from Automattic and the grid Framework Bootstrap. Additionally I´am a huge SASS/COMPASS fan. Why don´t combine all these three things into a solid Wordpress Theme Framework? That´s what UnderStrap is (or will be...) At the moment UnderStrap is in a very early stage. But if you wan´t feel free to use it for your own Wordpress theme! Some features = - Combines the _s Wordpress Starter Theme and Bootstrap - Comes with Bootstrap SASS source files and additonal scss files. Nicely sorted and ready to add your own variables/customize the Bootstrap variables. - Uses a single and minified CSS file - Font Awesome Icon Font integrated - Simple RTL file - Jetpack ready - Child Theme ready (A basic starter Child Theme will be released in the future as a separate Repository) - Translation ready