/* * Use existing Bootstrap 4 classes and * variables to extend - override CF7 style * * Useful CF7 classes: * .wpcf7 the wrapper element * .wpcf7-form * .wpcf7-form-control * .wpcf7-text * .wpcf7-email * .wpcf7-textarea * .wpcf7-submit */ // keep a max width in case it is just the form and nothing else // we do not want a form spanning whole page .wpcf7 { max-width: 600px; margin: 0 auto !important; // all inputs except radios and checkboxes inherit from form-control input[type=text], input[type=search], input[type=url], input[type=tel], input[type=number], input[type=range], input[type=date], input[type=month], input[type=week], input[type=time], input[type=datetime], input[type=datetime-local], input[type=color], input[type=email], input[type=file], input[type=submit], select, textarea { @extend .form-control; } // submit button, inherit .btn and .btn-outline-primary classes. input[type=submit] { @extend .btn; @extend .btn-outline-primary; } .wpcf7-form { // set paragraphs to behave like divs with class .form-group p { @extend .form-group; } // let labels be 100% label { width: 100%; } } // not valid tip for each control .wpcf7-not-valid-tip { color: theme-color("danger"); } // validation errors ourput bottom of form .wpcf7-validation-errors { @extend .form-control; color: theme-color("danger"); border: 1px solid $gray-200; } }