tag. $args['class'][] = 'form-group'; // Add a class to the form input itself. $args['input_class'] = array( 'form-control', 'input-lg' ); $args['label_class'] = array( 'control-label' ); $args['custom_attributes'] = array( 'data-plugin' => 'select2', 'data-allow-clear' => 'true', 'aria-hidden' => 'true', // Add custom data attributes to the form input itself. ); break; // By default WooCommerce will populate a select with the country names - $args // defined for this specific input type targets only the country select element. case 'country' : $args['class'][] = 'form-group single-country'; $args['label_class'] = array( 'control-label' ); break; // By default WooCommerce will populate a select with state names - $args defined // for this specific input type targets only the country select element. case 'state' : // Add class to the field's html element wrapper. $args['class'][] = 'form-group'; // add class to the form input itself. $args['input_class'] = array( '', 'input-lg' ); $args['label_class'] = array( 'control-label' ); $args['custom_attributes'] = array( 'data-plugin' => 'select2', 'data-allow-clear' => 'true', 'aria-hidden' => 'true', ); break; case 'password' : case 'text' : case 'email' : case 'tel' : case 'number' : $args['class'][] = 'form-group'; $args['input_class'] = array( 'form-control', 'input-lg' ); $args['label_class'] = array( 'control-label' ); break; case 'textarea' : $args['input_class'] = array( 'form-control', 'input-lg' ); $args['label_class'] = array( 'control-label' ); break; case 'checkbox' : $args['label_class'] = array( 'custom-control custom-checkbox' ); $args['input_class'] = array( 'custom-control-input', 'input-lg' ); break; case 'radio' : $args['label_class'] = array( 'custom-control custom-radio' ); $args['input_class'] = array( 'custom-control-input', 'input-lg' ); break; default : $args['class'][] = 'form-group'; $args['input_class'] = array( 'form-control', 'input-lg' ); $args['label_class'] = array( 'control-label' ); break; } return $args; }