/***************************************************************** Import all needed 3rd party sass files plus your own style and variables 0. ../bower_components/_s/sass/style // Adding underscores default styles. Don´t needed if you use Bootstrap for styling -------------------------------------- 1. theme/theme_variables.scss // Overwriting Bootstrap variables and for own variables <-- ADD YOUR VARIABLES HERE -------------------------------------- 2.../bower_components/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap // adding bootstrap from bower components folder. Make sure you run bower install before! <- Dont edit this files! -------------------------------------- 3. understrap/understrap.scss // Some basic understrap styles. Helps to combine Bootsrap and _s theme and provides some basic styleing for additonal functions <- Dont edit this files! -------------------------------------- 4. ../bower_components/fontawesome/scss/font-awesome <- Dont edit this files! If you don´t need/want Font Awesome support comment out this line -------------------------------------- * * * ******* ***** *** * // Any additional imported files // 6. theme/theme.scss"; // <-- ADD YOUR STYLES HERE ***************************************************************** */ // @import "../bower_components/_s/sass/style"; @import "theme/theme_variables"; // <--------- Add your variables into this file. Also add variables to overwrite Bootstrap or UnderStrap variables here @import "../src/sass/bootstrap4/bootstrap";// <--------- Change from /bootstrap3 to /bootstrap4 Watch out! just for testing in the moment! @import "understrap/understrap"; @import "../src/sass/fontawesome/font-awesome"; @import "../src/sass/owl-carousel2/owl.carousel"; @import "../src/sass/owl-carousel2/owl.animate"; @import "../src/sass/owl-carousel2/owl.autoheight"; @import "../src/sass/owl-carousel2/owl.lazyload"; @import "../src/sass/owl-carousel2/owl.video"; @import "../src/sass/owl-carousel2/owl.theme.default"; // Any additional imported files // @import "theme/theme"; // <--------- Add your styles into this file