<?php /** * Understrap functions and definitions * * @package understrap */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } $understrap_includes = array( '/theme-settings.php', // Initialize theme default settings. '/setup.php', // Theme setup and custom theme supports. '/widgets.php', // Register widget area. '/enqueue.php', // Enqueue scripts and styles. '/template-tags.php', // Custom template tags for this theme. '/pagination.php', // Custom pagination for this theme. '/hooks.php', // Custom hooks. '/extras.php', // Custom functions that act independently of the theme templates. '/customizer.php', // Customizer additions. '/custom-comments.php', // Custom Comments file. '/jetpack.php', // Load Jetpack compatibility file. '/class-wp-bootstrap-navwalker.php', // Load custom WordPress nav walker. '/woocommerce.php', // Load WooCommerce functions. '/editor.php', // Load Editor functions. ); foreach ( $understrap_includes as $file ) { $filepath = locate_template( '/inc' . $file ); if ( ! $filepath ) { trigger_error( sprintf( 'Error locating /inc%s for inclusion', $file ), E_USER_ERROR ); } require_once $filepath; }