Travis build: [![Build Status](]( #### See: [Official Demo]( | Read: [Official Docs Page]( # UnderStrap WordPress Theme Framework Website: []( Child Theme Project: []( ## About I’m a huge fan of Underscores, Bootstrap, and Sass. Why not combine these into a solid WordPress Theme Framework? That’s what UnderStrap is. You can use it as a starter theme and build your own theme on top of it. Or you can use it as a parent theme and create your own child theme for UnderStrap. ## License UnderStrap WordPress Theme, Copyright 2013-2018 Holger Koenemann UnderStrap is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2 ## Changelog See [changelog]( ## Basic Features - Combines Underscore’s PHP/JS files and Bootstrap’s HTML/CSS/JS. - Comes with Bootstrap (v4) Sass source files and additional .scss files. Nicely sorted and ready to add your own variables and customize the Bootstrap variables. - Uses a single minified CSS file for all the basic stuff. - [Font Awesome]( integration (v4.7.0) - Jetpack ready. - WooCommerce support. - Contact Form 7 support. - [Child Theme]( ready. - Translation ready. ## Starter Theme + HTML Framework = WordPress Theme Framework The _s theme is a good starting point to develop a WordPress theme. But it is “just” a raw starter theme. That means it outputs all the WordPress stuff correctly but without any layout or design. Why not add a well known and supported layout framework to have a solid, clean and responsive foundation? That’s where Bootstrap comes in. ## Confused by All the CSS and Sass Files? Some basics about the Sass and CSS files that come with UnderStrap: - The theme itself uses the `/style.css`file only to identify the theme inside of WordPress. The file is not loaded by the theme and does not include any styles. - The `/css/theme.css` and its minified little brother `/css/theme.min.css` file(s) provides all styles. It is composed of five different SCSS sets and one variable file at `/sass/theme.scss`: ```@import "theme/theme_variables"; // 1. Add your variables into this file. Also add variables to overwrite Bootstrap or UnderStrap variables here @import "../src/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap"; // 2. All the Bootstrap stuff - Don´t edit this! @import "understrap/understrap"; // 3. Some basic WordPress stylings and needed styles to combine Boostrap and Underscores @import "../src/fontawesome/scss/font-awesome"; // 4. Font Awesome Icon styles // Any additional imported files // @import "theme/theme"; // 5. Add your styles into this file ``` - Don’t edit the number 2-4 files/filesets listed above or you won’t be able to update Understrap without overwriting your own work! - Your design goes into: `/sass/theme`. - Add your styles to the `/sass/theme/_theme.scss` file - And your variables to the `/sass/theme/_theme_variables.scss` - Or add other .scss files into it and `@import` it into `/sass/theme/_theme.scss`. ## Installation There are several ways to install UnderStrap. We'll look at three of them: (1) classic install by uploading UnderStrap to a WordPress install, (2) using npm, and (3) using the theme directory in WordPress. ### Classic install - Download the understrap folder from GitHub or from []( - IMPORTANT: If you download it from GitHub make sure you rename the "" file just to "" or you might have problems using child themes! - Upload it into your WordPress installation theme subfolder: `/wp-content/themes/` - Login to your WordPress backend - Go to Appearance → Themes - Activate the UnderStrap theme ### npm install - Open your terminal - Change to the directory where you want to add UnderStrap - Type `npm install understrap` ### install - Open your WordPress backend - Click on "Appearance -> Themes" - Hit the "Add new" button - Search for "UnderStrap" - Hit the "install" button - Activate the theme ## Developing With npm, Gulp and SASS and [Browser Sync][1] ### Installing Dependencies - Make sure you have installed Node.js and Browser-Sync (optional) on your computer globally - Then open your terminal and browse to the location of your UnderStrap copy - Run: `$ npm install` ### Running To work with and compile your Sass files on the fly start: - `$ gulp watch` Or, to run with Browser-Sync: - First change the browser-sync options to reflect your environment in the file `/gulpconfig.json` in the beginning of the file: ```javascript { "browserSyncOptions" : { "proxy": "localhost/theme_test/", // <----- CHANGE HERE "notify": false }, ... }; ``` - then run: `$ gulp watch-bs` ## How to Use the Built-In Widget Slider The front-page slider is widget driven. Simply add more than one widget to widget position “Hero”. - Click on Appearance → Widgets. - Add two, or more, widgets of any kind to widget area “Hero”. - That’s it. ## RTL styles? Add a new file to the themes root folder called rtl.css. Add all alignments to this file according to this description: ## Page Templates UnderStrap includes several different page template files: (1) blank template, (2) empty template, and (3) full width template. ### Blank Template The `blank.php` template is useful when working with various page builders and can be used as a starting blank canvas. ### Empty Template The `empty.php` template displays a header and a footer only. A good starting point for landing pages. ### Full Width Template The `fullwidthpage.php` template has full width layout without a sidebar. ## Footnotes [1] Visit []( for more information on Browser Sync Licenses & Credits = - Font Awesome: (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License) - Bootstrap: | (Code licensed under MIT documentation under CC BY 3.0.) and of course - jQuery: | (Code licensed under MIT) - WP Bootstrap Navwalker by Edward McIntyre: | GNU GPL - Bootstrap Gallery Script based on Roots Sage Gallery: [![Analytics](](