This repository has been archived on 2020-05-08. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

150 lines
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// Some basic padding for all wrappers
.wrapper {
padding: $grid-gutter-width 0;
// Reset hero wrapper padding to 0
#wrapper-hero {
padding: 0px !important;
// Adding basic WordPress classes to pass the tests
.bypostauthor {
font-size: inherit;
// Separate sticky wrapper from main content
.wrapper#wrapper-sticky {
border-bottom: 1px solid $gray-300;
// Adding some contrast background color to footer full widget
#wrapper-static-hero {
background-color: $gray-200;
// Necessary WP classes
.wp-caption {
font-size: inherit;
.wp-caption-text {
font-size: inherit;
.screen-reader-text {
@extend .sr-only;
.alignleft {
display: inline;
float: left;
margin-right: 1.5em;
.alignright {
display: inline;
float: right;
margin-left: 1.5em;
.aligncenter {
@extend .mx-auto,
.widget_archive {
select {
@extend .form-control;
// Post design
.entry-footer span {
padding-right: 10px;
article img,
#secondary img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
// Skip to content link
a.skip-link {
position: fixed;
z-index: 1000;
top: 0px;
right: 0px;
// Reset Jumbotron default margin
.jumbotron {
margin-bottom: 0px;
// Dropdown translation
.navbar-dark .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu .nav-link {
display: block;
width: 100%; // For `<button>`s
padding: $dropdown-item-padding-y $dropdown-item-padding-x;
clear: both;
font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
color: $dropdown-link-color !important;
text-align: inherit; // For `<button>`s
white-space: nowrap; // prevent links from randomly breaking onto new lines
background: none; // For `<button>`s
border: 0; // For `<button>`s
@include hover-focus {
color: $dropdown-link-hover-color !important;
text-decoration: none;
background-color: $dropdown-link-hover-bg;
&:active {
color: $dropdown-link-active-color !important;
text-decoration: none;
background-color: $dropdown-link-active-bg;
&:disabled {
color: $dropdown-link-disabled-color !important;
background-color: transparent;
// Remove CSS gradients if they're enabled
@if $enable-gradients {
background-image: none;
.navbar-light .navbar-brand a {
color: $navbar-light-active-color;
@include hover-focus {
color: $navbar-light-active-color;
.navbar-dark .navbar-brand a {
color: $navbar-dark-active-color;
@include hover-focus {
color: $navbar-dark-active-color;
.navbar h1 {
font-weight: $font-weight-normal;