import gulp from "gulp"; import {spawn} from "child_process"; import hugoBin from "hugo-bin"; import log from "fancy-log"; import pluginError from "plugin-error"; import flatten from "gulp-flatten"; import postcss from "gulp-postcss"; import cssImport from "postcss-import"; import postcssPresetEnv from "postcss-preset-env"; import BrowserSync from "browser-sync"; import webpack from "webpack"; import webpackConfig from "./webpack.conf"; const browserSync = BrowserSync.create(); // Hugo arguments const hugoArgsDefault = ["-d", "../dist", "-s", "site", "-v"]; const hugoArgsPreview = ["--buildDrafts", "--buildFuture"]; // Development tasks gulp.task("hugo", (cb) => buildSite(cb)); gulp.task("hugo-preview", (cb) => buildSite(cb, hugoArgsPreview)); // Run server tasks gulp.task("server", ["hugo", "css", "js", "fonts"], (cb) => runServer(cb)); gulp.task("server-preview", ["hugo-preview", "css", "js", "fonts"], (cb) => runServer(cb)); // Build/production tasks gulp.task("build", ["css", "js", "fonts"], (cb) => buildSite(cb, [], "production")); gulp.task("build-preview", ["css", "js", "fonts"], (cb) => buildSite(cb, hugoArgsPreview, "production")); // Compile CSS with PostCSS gulp.task("css", () => ( gulp.src("./src/css/*.css") .pipe(postcss([cssImport({from: "./src/css/main.css"}), postcssPresetEnv()])) .pipe(gulp.dest("./dist/css")) .pipe( )); // Compile Javascript gulp.task("js", (cb) => { const myConfig = Object.assign({}, webpackConfig); webpack(myConfig, (err, stats) => { if (err) throw new pluginError("webpack", err); log(`[webpack] ${stats.toString({ colors: true, progress: true })}`); browserSync.reload(); cb(); }); }); // Move all fonts in a flattened directory gulp.task('fonts', () => ( gulp.src("./src/fonts/**/*") .pipe(flatten()) .pipe(gulp.dest("./dist/fonts")) .pipe( )); // Development server with browsersync function runServer() { browserSync.init({ server: { baseDir: "./dist" } });"./src/js/**/*.js", ["js"]);"./src/css/**/*.css", ["css"]);"./src/fonts/**/*", ["fonts"]);"./site/**/*", ["hugo"]); }; /** * Run hugo and build the site */ function buildSite(cb, options, environment = "development") { const args = options ? hugoArgsDefault.concat(options) : hugoArgsDefault; process.env.NODE_ENV = environment; return spawn(hugoBin, args, {stdio: "inherit"}).on("close", (code) => { if (code === 0) { browserSync.reload(); cb(); } else { browserSync.notify("Hugo build failed :("); cb("Hugo build failed"); } }); }