This repository has been archived on 2020-04-22. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

147 lines
4.2 KiB

baseurl = "/"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Strata"
theme = "hugo-strata-theme"
disqusShortname = "spf13"
# Enable Google Analytics by inserting your tracking code
googleAnalytics = ""
# Define how many posts should appear on a site
paginate = 10
# To provide some metadata for search engines feel free to add a few
# information about you and your website.
name = "Your name"
description = "Describe your website"
# Format dates with Go's time formatting
date_format = "2006-01-02"
# Add custom assets with their paths relative to the static folder
custom_js = []
custom_css = []
# Replace the avatar with a picture of your own under static/images
avatar = "avatar.jpg"
# Use Markdown to format the string. This works nearly all over the theme
bio = "**I'm Strata**, a super simple<br> responsive site template freebie<br> crafted by [HTML5 UP](//"
# The icons will be shown if you enter your username
twitter = "spf13"
github = "spf13"
gitlab = "spf13"
dribbble = ""
facebook = ""
googleplus = ""
flickr = ""
linkedin = ""
copyright = [
"&copy; John Doe",
"Design: [HTML5 UP](//",
"Demo Images: [Unsplash](//"
hide = false
title = "Ipsum lorem dolor aliquam ante commodo magna sed accumsan arcu neque."
content = "Accumsan orci faucibus id eu lorem semper. Eu ac iaculis ac nunc nisi lorem vulputate lorem neque cubilia ac in adipiscing in curae lobortis tortor primis integer massa adipiscing id nisi accumsan pellentesque commodo blandit enim arcu non at amet id arcu magna. Accumsan orci faucibus id eu lorem semper nunc nisi lorem vulputate lorem neque cubilia."
hide = false
title = "Recent Work"
# The images and thumbnails are stored under static/images
# Create and change subfolders as you like
image = "fulls/01.jpg"
thumb = "thumbs/01.jpg"
title = "Lorem ipsum dolor."
description = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."
image = "fulls/02.jpg"
thumb = "thumbs/02.jpg"
title = "Lorem ipsum dolor."
description = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."
image = "fulls/03.jpg"
thumb = "thumbs/03.jpg"
title = "Lorem ipsum dolor."
description = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."
image = "fulls/04.jpg"
thumb = "thumbs/04.jpg"
title = "Lorem ipsum dolor."
description = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."
image = "fulls/05.jpg"
thumb = "thumbs/05.jpg"
title = "Lorem ipsum dolor."
description = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."
image = "fulls/06.jpg"
thumb = "thumbs/06.jpg"
title = "Lorem ipsum dolor."
description = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."
hide = false
title = "Recent blog posts"
hide = false
title = "Get In Touch"
content = "Accumsan pellentesque commodo blandit enim arcu non at amet id arcu magna. Accumsan orci faucibus id eu lorem semper nunc nisi lorem vulputate lorem neque lorem ipsum dolor."
address = [
"1234 Somewhere Rd.",
"Nashville, TN 00000",
"United States"
phone = "000-000-0000"
# Since this template is static, the contact form uses as a
# proxy. The form makes a POST request to their servers to send the actual
# email. Visitors can send up to a 1000 emails each month for free.
# What you need to do for the setup?
# - set your email address under 'email' below
# - upload the generated site to your server
# - send a dummy email yourself to confirm your account
# - click the confirm link in the email from
# - you're done. Happy mailing!
email = ""
# Set custom strings for the form if your native
# language isn't English
name = "Name"
email = "Email"
message = "Message"
submit = "Send message"
# Menu links that appear on the left sidebar
name = "Home"
url = "/"
weight = 0
name = "About"
url = "about"
weight = 5
name = "Blog"
url = "post/"
weight = 10