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Thanks for contributing to `_s` (Underscores) — you rock!
## _s
Before getting started, make sure your issue has not been discussed earlier. You can search for existing tickets [here](https://github.com/Automattic/_s/search).
Here are some tips to consider and to help you write a great report:
* `_s` supports Internet Explorer 9 and greater, as well as the latest two versions of all other major browsers.
* `_s` is backwards compatible with the two versions prior to the current stable version of WordPress.
* `_s` uses HTML5 markup. In HTML5, it is common to use multiple `<h1>` elements.
* We decided to not include translations [[#50](https://github.com/Automattic/_s/pull/50)] beyond the exisiting `_s.pot` file, a RTL stylesheet [[#263](https://github.com/Automattic/_s/pull/263)], or editor styles [[#225](https://github.com/Automattic/_s/pull/225)], as they are likely to change during development of an `_s`-based theme.
By contributing code to `_s`, you grant its use under the [GNU General Public License v2 (or later)](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html).
## Underscores.me
If your issue is specific to the [Underscores.me](http://underscores.me) website, the [Underscores.me GitHub repo](https://github.com/Automattic/underscores.me) is the right place for you.
The preferred method of generating a new theme based on `_s` is the [Underscores.me](http://underscores.me) website. If you have an alternative method, such as a shell script, write a blog post about it or host it in a separate repo -- and make sure to mention [@underscoresme](https://twitter.com/underscoresme) in your tweets!
Want to have your avatar listed as one of the `_s` contributors [here](http://underscores.me/#contribute)? Just make sure you have an email address added to both GitHub and your local Git installation.