
857 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2001-10-06 14:13:28 +00:00
#include "CServer.h"
#include "CInputPacketStream.h"
#include "COutputPacketStream.h"
#include "CServerProtocol.h"
#include "CProtocolUtil.h"
#include "IPrimaryScreen.h"
#include "ISocketFactory.h"
#include "ProtocolTypes.h"
#include "XSynergy.h"
#include "CNetworkAddress.h"
#include "ISocket.h"
#include "IListenSocket.h"
#include "XSocket.h"
#include "CLock.h"
#include "CThread.h"
#include "CTimerThread.h"
#include "CStopwatch.h"
#include "TMethodJob.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <memory>
// CServer
CServer::CServer() : m_done(&m_mutex, false)
m_socketFactory = NULL;
m_securityFactory = NULL;
m_bindTimeout = 5.0 * 60.0;
void CServer::run()
try {
// connect to primary screen
// start listening for new clients
CThread(new TMethodJob<CServer>(this, &CServer::acceptClients));
// start listening for configuration connections
// wait until done
CLock lock(&m_mutex);
while (m_done == false) {
// clean up
catch (XBase& e) {
fprintf(stderr, "server error: %s\n", e.what());
// clean up
catch (...) {
// clean up
void CServer::setScreenMap(const CScreenMap& screenMap)
CLock lock(&m_mutex);
// FIXME -- must disconnect screens no longer listed
// (that may include warping back to server's screen)
// FIXME -- server screen must be in new map or map is rejected
m_screenMap = screenMap;
void CServer::getScreenMap(CScreenMap* screenMap) const
assert(screenMap != NULL);
CLock lock(&m_mutex);
*screenMap = m_screenMap;
void CServer::setInfo(const CString& client,
SInt32 w, SInt32 h, SInt32 zoneSize) throw()
CLock lock(&m_mutex);
// client must be connected
CScreenList::iterator index = m_screens.find(client);
if (index == m_screens.end()) {
throw XBadClient();
// update client info
CScreenInfo* info = index->second;
if (info == m_active) {
// FIXME -- ensure mouse is still on screen. warp it if necessary.
info->m_width = w;
info->m_height = h;
info->m_zoneSize = zoneSize;
bool CServer::onCommandKey(KeyID /*id*/,
KeyModifierMask /*mask*/, bool /*down*/)
return false;
void CServer::onKeyDown(KeyID id, KeyModifierMask mask)
assert(m_active != NULL);
// handle command keys
if (onCommandKey(id, mask, true)) {
// relay
if (m_active->m_protocol != NULL) {
m_active->m_protocol->sendKeyDown(id, mask);
void CServer::onKeyUp(KeyID id, KeyModifierMask mask)
assert(m_active != NULL);
// handle command keys
if (onCommandKey(id, mask, false)) {
// relay
if (m_active->m_protocol != NULL) {
m_active->m_protocol->sendKeyUp(id, mask);
void CServer::onKeyRepeat(KeyID id, KeyModifierMask mask)
assert(m_active != NULL);
// handle command keys
if (onCommandKey(id, mask, false)) {
onCommandKey(id, mask, true);
// relay
if (m_active->m_protocol != NULL) {
m_active->m_protocol->sendKeyRepeat(id, mask);
void CServer::onMouseDown(ButtonID id)
assert(m_active != NULL);
// relay
if (m_active->m_protocol != NULL) {
void CServer::onMouseUp(ButtonID id)
assert(m_active != NULL);
// relay
if (m_active->m_protocol != NULL) {
void CServer::onMouseMovePrimary(SInt32 x, SInt32 y)
// mouse move on primary (server's) screen
assert(m_active != NULL);
assert(m_active->m_protocol == NULL);
// ignore if mouse is locked to screen
if (isLockedToScreen()) {
// see if we should change screens
CScreenMap::EDirection dir;
if (x < m_active->m_zoneSize) {
x -= m_active->m_zoneSize;
dir = CScreenMap::kLeft;
else if (x >= m_active->m_width - m_active->m_zoneSize) {
x += m_active->m_zoneSize;
dir = CScreenMap::kRight;
else if (y < m_active->m_zoneSize) {
y -= m_active->m_zoneSize;
dir = CScreenMap::kTop;
else if (y >= m_active->m_height - m_active->m_zoneSize) {
y += m_active->m_zoneSize;
dir = CScreenMap::kBottom;
else {
// still on local screen
// get jump destination
CScreenInfo* newScreen = getNeighbor(m_active, dir, x, y);
// if no screen in jump direction then ignore the move
if (newScreen == NULL) {
// remap position to account for resolution differences
mapPosition(m_active, dir, newScreen, x, y);
// switch screen
switchScreen(newScreen, x, y);
void CServer::onMouseMoveSecondary(SInt32 dx, SInt32 dy)
// mouse move on secondary (client's) screen
assert(m_active != NULL);
assert(m_active->m_protocol != NULL);
// save old position
const SInt32 xOld = m_x;
const SInt32 yOld = m_y;
// accumulate motion
m_x += dx;
m_y += dy;
// switch screens if the mouse is outside the screen and not
// locked to the screen
CScreenInfo* newScreen = NULL;
if (!isLockedToScreen()) {
// find direction of neighbor
CScreenMap::EDirection dir;
if (m_x < 0)
dir = CScreenMap::kLeft;
else if (m_x > m_active->m_width - 1)
dir = CScreenMap::kRight;
else if (m_y < 0)
dir = CScreenMap::kTop;
else if (m_y > m_active->m_height - 1)
dir = CScreenMap::kBottom;
newScreen = m_active;
// get neighbor if we should switch
if (newScreen == NULL) {
// TRACE(("leave %s on %s", m_activeScreen->getName().c_str(),
// s_dirName[dir]));
SInt32 x = m_x, y = m_y;
newScreen = getNeighbor(m_active, dir, x, y);
// remap position to account for resolution differences
if (newScreen != NULL) {
mapPosition(m_active, dir, newScreen, x, y);
m_x = x;
m_y = y;
else {
if (m_x < 0)
m_x = 0;
else if (m_x > m_active->m_width - 1)
m_x = m_active->m_width - 1;
if (m_y < 0)
m_y = 0;
else if (m_y > m_active->m_height - 1)
m_y = m_active->m_height - 1;
else {
// clamp to edge when locked
// TRACE(("clamp to %s", m_activeScreen->getName().c_str()));
if (m_x < 0)
m_x = 0;
else if (m_x > m_active->m_width - 1)
m_x = m_active->m_width - 1;
if (m_y < 0)
m_y = 0;
else if (m_y > m_active->m_height - 1)
m_y = m_active->m_height - 1;
// warp cursor if on same screen
if (newScreen == NULL || newScreen == m_active) {
// do nothing if mouse didn't move
if (m_x != xOld || m_y != yOld) {
// TRACE(("move on %s to %d,%d",
// m_activeScreen->getName().c_str(), m_x, m_y));
m_active->m_protocol->sendMouseMove(m_x, m_y);
// otherwise screen screens
else {
switchScreen(newScreen, m_x, m_y);
void CServer::onMouseWheel(SInt32 delta)
assert(m_active != NULL);
// relay
if (m_active->m_protocol != NULL) {
bool CServer::isLockedToScreen() const
return false;
void CServer::switchScreen(CScreenInfo* dst,
SInt32 x, SInt32 y)
assert(dst != NULL);
assert(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < dst->m_width && y < dst->m_height);
assert(m_active != NULL);
// TRACE(("switch %s to %s at %d,%d", m_active->m_name.c_str(),
// dst->m_name.c_str(), x, y));
// wrapping means leaving the active screen and entering it again.
// since that's a waste of time we skip that and just warp the
// mouse.
if (m_active != dst) {
// leave active screen
if (m_active->m_protocol == NULL) {
else {
// cut over
m_active = dst;
// enter new screen
if (m_active->m_protocol == NULL) {
m_primary->enter(x, y);
else {
m_active->m_protocol->sendEnter(x, y);
else {
if (m_active->m_protocol == NULL) {
m_primary->warpCursor(x, y);
else {
m_active->m_protocol->sendMouseMove(x, y);
// record new position
m_x = x;
m_y = y;
CServer::CScreenInfo* CServer::getNeighbor(CScreenInfo* src,
CScreenMap::EDirection dir) const
assert(src != NULL);
CString srcName = src->m_name;
for (;;) {
// look up name of neighbor
const CString dstName(m_screenMap.getNeighbor(srcName, dir));
// if nothing in that direction then return NULL
if (dstName.empty())
return NULL;
// look up neighbor cell. if the screen is connected then
// we can stop. otherwise we skip over an unconnected
// screen.
CScreenList::const_iterator index = m_screens.find(dstName);
if (index != m_screens.end()) {
return index->second;
srcName = dstName;
CServer::CScreenInfo* CServer::getNeighbor(CScreenInfo* src,
CScreenMap::EDirection srcSide,
SInt32& x, SInt32& y) const
assert(src != NULL);
// get the first neighbor
CScreenInfo* dst = getNeighbor(src, srcSide);
CScreenInfo* lastGoodScreen = dst;
// get the source screen's size (needed for kRight and kBottom)
SInt32 w = src->m_width, h = src->m_height;
// find destination screen, adjusting x or y (but not both)
switch (srcSide) {
case CScreenMap::kLeft:
while (dst != NULL) {
lastGoodScreen = dst;
w = lastGoodScreen->m_width;
h = lastGoodScreen->m_height;
x += w;
if (x >= 0) {
// TRACE(("skipping over screen %s", dst->m_name.c_str()));
dst = getNeighbor(lastGoodScreen, srcSide);
case CScreenMap::kRight:
while (dst != NULL) {
lastGoodScreen = dst;
x -= w;
w = lastGoodScreen->m_width;
h = lastGoodScreen->m_height;
if (x < w) {
// TRACE(("skipping over screen %s", dst->m_name.c_str()));
dst = getNeighbor(lastGoodScreen, srcSide);
case CScreenMap::kTop:
while (dst != NULL) {
lastGoodScreen = dst;
w = lastGoodScreen->m_width;
h = lastGoodScreen->m_height;
y += h;
if (y >= 0) {
// TRACE(("skipping over screen %s", dst->m_name.c_str()));
dst = getNeighbor(lastGoodScreen, srcSide);
case CScreenMap::kBottom:
while (dst != NULL) {
lastGoodScreen = dst;
y -= h;
w = lastGoodScreen->m_width;
h = lastGoodScreen->m_height;
if (y < h) {
// TRACE(("skipping over screen %s", dst->m_name.c_str()));
dst = getNeighbor(lastGoodScreen, srcSide);
// if entering primary screen then be sure to move in far enough
// to avoid the jump zone. if entering a side that doesn't have
// a neighbor (i.e. an asymmetrical side) then we don't need to
// move inwards because that side can't provoke a jump.
assert(lastGoodScreen != NULL);
if (lastGoodScreen->m_protocol == NULL) {
const CString dstName(lastGoodScreen->m_name);
switch (srcSide) {
case CScreenMap::kLeft:
if (!m_screenMap.getNeighbor(dstName, CScreenMap::kRight).empty() &&
x > w - 1 - lastGoodScreen->m_zoneSize)
x = w - 1 - lastGoodScreen->m_zoneSize;
case CScreenMap::kRight:
if (!m_screenMap.getNeighbor(dstName, CScreenMap::kLeft).empty() &&
x < lastGoodScreen->m_zoneSize)
x = lastGoodScreen->m_zoneSize;
case CScreenMap::kTop:
if (!m_screenMap.getNeighbor(dstName, CScreenMap::kBottom).empty() &&
y > h - 1 - lastGoodScreen->m_zoneSize)
y = h - 1 - lastGoodScreen->m_zoneSize;
case CScreenMap::kBottom:
if (!m_screenMap.getNeighbor(dstName, CScreenMap::kTop).empty() &&
y < lastGoodScreen->m_zoneSize)
y = lastGoodScreen->m_zoneSize;
return lastGoodScreen;
void CServer::mapPosition(CScreenInfo* src,
CScreenMap::EDirection srcSide,
CScreenInfo* dst,
SInt32& x, SInt32& y) const
assert(src != NULL);
assert(dst != NULL);
assert(srcSide >= CScreenMap::kFirstDirection &&
srcSide <= CScreenMap::kLastDirection);
switch (srcSide) {
case CScreenMap::kLeft:
case CScreenMap::kRight:
assert(y >= 0 && y < src->m_height);
y = static_cast<SInt32>(0.5 + y *
static_cast<double>(dst->m_height - 1) /
(src->m_height - 1));
case CScreenMap::kTop:
case CScreenMap::kBottom:
assert(x >= 0 && x < src->m_width);
x = static_cast<SInt32>(0.5 + x *
static_cast<double>(dst->m_width - 1) /
(src->m_width - 1));
#include "CTCPListenSocket.h"
2001-10-06 14:13:28 +00:00
void CServer::acceptClients(void*)
// add this thread to the list of threads to cancel. remove from
// list in d'tor.
CCleanupNote cleanupNote(this);
std::auto_ptr<IListenSocket> listen;
try {
// create socket listener
// listen.reset(m_socketFactory->createListen());
listen.reset(new CTCPListenSocket); // FIXME
2001-10-06 14:13:28 +00:00
// bind to the desired port. keep retrying if we can't bind
// the address immediately.
CStopwatch timer;
CNetworkAddress addr(50001 /* FIXME -- m_port */);
for (;;) {
try {
catch (XSocketAddressInUse&) {
// give up if we've waited too long
if (timer.getTime() >= m_bindTimeout) {
// wait a bit before retrying
// accept connections and begin processing them
for (;;) {
// accept connection
ISocket* socket = listen->accept();
// start handshake thread
CThread(new TMethodJob<CServer>(
this, &CServer::handshakeClient, socket));
catch (XBase& e) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot listen for clients: %s\n", e.what());
void CServer::handshakeClient(void* vsocket)
// get the socket pointer from the argument
assert(vsocket != NULL);
std::auto_ptr<ISocket> socket(reinterpret_cast<ISocket*>(vsocket));
// add this thread to the list of threads to cancel. remove from
// list in d'tor.
CCleanupNote cleanupNote(this);
CString name("<unknown>");
try {
// get the input and output streams
IInputStream* srcInput = socket->getInputStream();
IOutputStream* srcOutput = socket->getOutputStream();
std::auto_ptr<IInputStream> input;
std::auto_ptr<IOutputStream> output;
// attach the encryption layer
if (m_securityFactory != NULL) {
/* FIXME -- implement ISecurityFactory
input.reset(m_securityFactory->createInputFilter(srcInput, false));
output.reset(m_securityFactory->createOutputFilter(srcOutput, false));
srcInput = input.get();
srcOutput = output.get();
// attach the packetizing filters
input.reset(new CInputPacketStream(srcInput, true));
output.reset(new COutputPacketStream(srcOutput, true));
std::auto_ptr<IServerProtocol> protocol;
std::auto_ptr<CConnectionNote> connectedNote;
// give the client a limited time to complete the handshake
CTimerThread timer(30.0);
// limit the maximum length of the hello
static const UInt32 maxHelloLen = 1024;
// say hello
CProtocolUtil::writef(output.get(), "Synergy%2i%2i",
kMajorVersion, kMinorVersion);
// wait for the reply
UInt32 n = input->getSize();
if (n > maxHelloLen) {
throw XBadClient();
// get and parse the reply to hello
SInt32 major, minor;
try {
CProtocolUtil::readf(input.get(), "Synergy%2i%2i%s",
&major, &minor, &name);
catch (XIO&) {
throw XBadClient();
if (major < 0 || minor < 0) {
throw XBadClient();
// create a protocol interpreter for the version
protocol.reset(CServerProtocol::create(major, minor,
this, name, input.get(), output.get()));
// client is now pending
connectedNote.reset(new CConnectionNote(this,
name, protocol.get()));
// ask and wait for the client's info
// handle messages from client. returns when the client
// disconnects.
catch (XIncompatibleClient& e) {
// client is incompatible
fprintf(stderr, "client is incompatible (%s, %d.%d)\n",
name.c_str(), e.getMajor(), e.getMinor());
// FIXME -- could print network address if socket had suitable method
catch (XBadClient&) {
// client not behaving
fprintf(stderr, "protocol error from client %s\n", name.c_str());
// FIXME -- could print network address if socket had suitable method
catch (XBase& e) {
// misc error
fprintf(stderr, "error communicating with client %s: %s\n",
name.c_str(), e.what());
// FIXME -- could print network address if socket had suitable method
void CServer::quit() throw()
CLock lock(&m_mutex);
m_done = true;
// FIXME -- use factory to create screen
#include "CXWindowsPrimaryScreen.h"
void CServer::openPrimaryScreen()
assert(m_primary == NULL);
// open screen
m_primary = new CXWindowsPrimaryScreen;
// add connection
m_active = addConnection(CString("primary"/* FIXME */), NULL);
// update info
m_primary->getSize(&m_active->m_width, &m_active->m_height);
m_active->m_zoneSize = m_primary->getJumpZoneSize();
// FIXME -- need way for primary screen to call us back
2001-10-06 14:13:28 +00:00
void CServer::closePrimaryScreen() throw()
assert(m_primary != NULL);
// remove connection
removeConnection(CString("primary"/* FIXME */));
// close the primary screen
try {
catch (...) {
// ignore
// clean up
delete m_primary;
m_primary = NULL;
void CServer::addCleanupThread(const CThread& thread)
CLock lock(&m_mutex);
m_cleanupList.insert(m_cleanupList.begin(), new CThread(thread));
void CServer::removeCleanupThread(const CThread& thread)
CLock lock(&m_mutex);
for (CThreadList::iterator index = m_cleanupList.begin();
index != m_cleanupList.end(); ++index) {
if (**index == thread) {
delete *index;
void CServer::cleanupThreads() throw()
while (m_cleanupList.begin() != m_cleanupList.end()) {
// get the next thread and cancel it
CThread* thread = m_cleanupList.front();
// wait for thread to finish with cleanup list unlocked. the
// thread will remove itself from the cleanup list.
// FIXME -- delete remaining threads from list
CServer::CScreenInfo* CServer::addConnection(
const CString& name, IServerProtocol* protocol)
CLock lock(&m_mutex);
assert(m_screens.count(name) == 0);
CScreenInfo* newScreen = new CScreenInfo(name, protocol);
m_screens.insert(std::make_pair(name, newScreen));
return newScreen;
void CServer::removeConnection(const CString& name)
CLock lock(&m_mutex);
CScreenList::iterator index = m_screens.find(name);
assert(index == m_screens.end());
delete index->second;
// CServer::CCleanupNote
CServer::CCleanupNote::CCleanupNote(CServer* server) : m_server(server)
assert(m_server != NULL);
// CServer::CConnectionNote
CServer::CConnectionNote::CConnectionNote(CServer* server,
const CString& name,
IServerProtocol* protocol) :
assert(m_server != NULL);
m_server->addConnection(m_name, protocol);
// CServer::CScreenInfo
CServer::CScreenInfo::CScreenInfo(const CString& name,
IServerProtocol* protocol) :
m_width(0), m_height(0),
// do nothing
// do nothing