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29 lines
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A simple and clean blog theme for [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/).

## Quick Start
1. Add the repository into your Hugo Project repository as a submodule, `git submodule add https://github.com/luizdepra/hugo-coder.git themes/hugo-coder`.
2. Configure your `config.toml`. You can either use the [this minimal configuration](https://github.com/luizdepra/hugo-coder/wiki/Configurations#complete-example) as a base, or look for a complete explanation about all configurations [here](https://github.com/luizdepra/hugo-coder/wiki/Configurations). The [`config.toml`](https://github.com/luizdepra/hugo-coder/blob/master/exampleSite/config.toml) inside the [`exampleSite`](https://github.com/luizdepra/hugo-coder/tree/master/exampleSite) is also a good reference.
3. Build your site with `hugo serve` and see the result at `http://localhost:1313/`.
## Extra Guides
* [Multilingual Mode](https://github.com/luizdepra/hugo-coder/wiki/Multilingual-Mode)
## License
Coder is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/luizdepra/hugo-coder/blob/master/LICENSE.md).
## Maintenance
This theme is maintained by its author [Luiz de Prá](https://github.com/luizdepra) with the help from these awesome [contributors](CONTRIBUTORS.md).
## Special Thanks
- Gleen McComb, for his great [article](https://glennmccomb.com/articles/how-to-build-custom-hugo-pagination/) about custom pagination.
- All contributors, for every PR and Issue reported.