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October CMS Webpack Theme Boilerplate

This is a starter theme for October CMS that includes:

  • Webpack (using Laravel Mix)
  • PostCSS

To use it:

  • Install October CMS
  • Clone the repo in your theme directory
  • Inside cloned directory run npm install (node_modules folder will be created)
  • Install more packages using npm install --save
  • Require your installed packages in src/js/app.js
  • Modify the js and css files
  • Run npm run dev (npm run watch to recompile when something changes)
  • Add new pages, partials, content files...

When you are ready for production:

  • Run npm run prod

To add ajax framework

npm install jquery

Add framework tag to layouts/default.htm:

<script src="{{ this.layout.scripts }}"></script>

{% framework extras %}

{% scripts %}