2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? > < ! DOCTYPE TS > < TS language = "zh-CN" sourcelanguage = "en" version = "2.0" >
< context >
< name > AboutDialogBase < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "res/AboutDialogBase.ui" line = "38" / >
< source > About Synergy < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 关 于 Synergy < / translation >
< / message >
< message utf8 = "true" >
< location filename = "res/AboutDialogBase.ui" line = "53" / >
< source > & lt ; p & gt ;
Keyboard and mouse sharing application . Cross platform and open source . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ;
2016-09-07 14:24:00 +00:00
Copyright © 2012 - 2016 Symless Ltd . & lt ; br / & gt ;
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
Copyright © 2002 - 2012 Chris Schoeneman , Nick Bolton , Volker Lanz . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ;
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
Synergy is released under the GNU General Public License ( GPLv2 ) . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ;
Synergy is based on CosmoSynergy by Richard Lee and Adam Feder . & lt ; br / & gt ;
The Synergy GUI is based on QSynergy by Volker Lanz . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ;
2016-09-06 15:13:50 +00:00
Visit our website for help and info ( symless . com ) .
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
& lt ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< oldsource > & lt ; p & gt ;
Keyboard and mouse sharing application . Cross platform and open source . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ;
2016-09-07 14:24:00 +00:00
Copyright © 2012 - 2016 Symless Ltd . & lt ; br / & gt ;
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
Copyright © 2002 - 2012 Chris Schoeneman , Nick Bolton , Volker Lanz . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ;
Synergy is released under the GNU General Public License ( GPLv2 ) . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ;
Synergy is based on CosmoSynergy by Richard Lee and Adam Feder . & lt ; br / & gt ;
The Synergy GUI is based on QSynergy by Volker Lanz . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ;
2016-09-06 15:13:50 +00:00
Visit our website for help and info ( symless . com ) .
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
& lt ; / p & g t ; < / o l d s o u r c e >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< location filename = "res/AboutDialogBase.ui" line = "140" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Unknown < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 未 知 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< location filename = "res/AboutDialogBase.ui" line = "124" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Version : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 版 本 : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< location filename = "res/AboutDialogBase.ui" line = "163" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Ok < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 确 定 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ActionDialogBase < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Configure Action < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 行 为 配 置 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "20" / >
< source > Choose the action to perform < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 选 择 要 执 行 的 行 为 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "26" / >
< source > Press a hotkey < / source >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< translation type = "finished" > 按 下 热 键 < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "36" / >
< source > Release a hotkey < / source >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< translation type = "finished" > 松 开 热 键 < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "43" / >
< source > Press and release a hotkey < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 按 下 一 个 键 然 后 松 开 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "69" / >
< source > only on these screens < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 仅 仅 在 这 些 屏 幕 上 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "119" / >
< source > Switch to screen < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 切 换 到 屏 幕 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "150" / >
< source > Switch in direction < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 方 向 切 换 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "174" / >
< source > left < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 左 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "179" / >
< source > right < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 右 侧 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "184" / >
< source > up < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 上 方 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "189" / >
< source > down < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 下 方 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "201" / >
< source > Lock cursor to screen < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 锁 定 指 针 于 屏 幕 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "225" / >
< source > toggle < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 切 换 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "230" / >
< source > on < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 启 用 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "235" / >
< source > off < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 禁 用 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "248" / >
< source > This action is performed when < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 当 … … 时 启 用 此 行 为 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "254" / >
< source > the hotkey is pressed < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 热 键 被 按 下 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ActionDialogBase.ui" line = "264" / >
< source > the hotkey is released < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 热 键 被 松 开 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< context >
< name > AddClientDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "res/AddClientDialogBase.ui" line = "20" / >
< source > Dialog < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/AddClientDialogBase.ui" line = "35" / >
< source > TextLabel < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/AddClientDialogBase.ui" line = "83" / >
< source > Ignore auto connect clients < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< context >
< name > HotkeyDialogBase < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "res/HotkeyDialogBase.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Hotkey < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 热 键 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/HotkeyDialogBase.ui" line = "20" / >
< source > Enter the specification for the hotkey : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 输 入 热 键 的 说 明 : < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > MainWindow < / name >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "790" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Start < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 开 始 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "237" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; File < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 文 件 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "238" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Edit < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 编 辑 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "239" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Window < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 窗 口 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "240" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Help < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 帮 助 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "364" / >
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; Your version of Synergy is out of date . Version & lt ; b & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / b & g t ; i s n o w a v a i l a b l e t o & l t ; a h r e f = & q u o t ; % 2 & q u o t ; & g t ; d o w n l o a d & l t ; / a & g t ; . & l t ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< oldsource > & lt ; p & gt ; Version % 1 is now available , & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 2 & quot ; & gt ; visit website & lt ; / a & g t ; . & l t ; / p & g t ; < / o l d s o u r c e >
< translation type = "finished" > & lt ; p & gt ; 您 正 在 使 用 的 Synergy版本有些过时了 , 有 新 版 & lt ; b & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / b & g t ; 可 以 & l t ; a h r e f = & q u o t ; % 2 & q u o t ; & g t ; 下 载 & l t ; / a & g t ; 。 & l t ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "577" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Program can not be started < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 程 序 无 法 启 动 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "577" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > The executable & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; % 1 & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; could not be successfully started , although it does exist . Please check if you have sufficient permissions to run this program . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 可 执 行 程 序 & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; % 1 & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; 没 有 成 功 运 行 , 虽 然 程 序 本 身 存 在 。 请 检 查 你 是 否 有 运 行 此 程 序 的 权 限 。 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "596" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Synergy client not found < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 未 找 到 Synergy客户端 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "597" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > The executable for the synergy client does not exist . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Synergy客户端的可执行程序不存在 。 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "625" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Hostname is empty < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 主 机 名 为 空 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "626" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Please fill in a hostname for the synergy client to connect to . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 请 为 Synergy客户端设置一个用于连接的主机名 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "646" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Cannot write configuration file < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 不 能 写 入 配 置 文 件 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "646" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > The temporary configuration file required to start synergy can not be written . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 启 动 Synergy所需的临时配置文件不可写 。 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "659" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Configuration filename invalid < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 配 置 文 件 名 非 法 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "660" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > You have not filled in a valid configuration file for the synergy server . Do you want to browse for the configuration file now ? < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 你 没 有 为 Synergy服务端设置一个可用的配置文件 。 需 要 现 在 浏 览 配 置 文 件 吗 ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "688" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Synergy server not found < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 未 找 到 Synergy服务端 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "689" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > The executable for the synergy server does not exist . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Synergy服务端可执行程序不存在 。 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "764" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Synergy terminated with an error < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Synergy因错终止运行 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "764" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Synergy terminated unexpectedly with an exit code of % 1 . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Please see the log output for details . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Synergy意外终止运行 , 退 出 代 码 % 1 。 & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; 请 查 看 输 出 日 志 了 解 详 情 。 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "783" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Stop < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 停 止 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "1038" / >
< source > Please add the server ( % 1 ) to the grid . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "1044" / >
< source > Please drag the new client screen ( % 1 ) to the desired position on the grid . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "1147" / >
< source > Failed to detect system architecture . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "1165" / >
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "1189" / >
< source > Failed to download Bonjour installer to location : % 1 < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "1226" / >
< source > Do you want to enable auto config and install Bonjour ?
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
This feature helps you establish the connection . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "1270" / >
< source > Auto config feature requires Bonjour .
Do you want to install Bonjour ? < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "815" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Synergy is starting . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Synergy正在启动 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "809" / >
< source > Synergy is running . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Synergy正在运行 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "819" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Synergy is not running . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Synergy没有运行 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "870" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Unknown < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 未 知 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "1146" / >
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "1225" / >
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "1269" / >
< source > Synergy < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Synergy < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "987" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Browse for a synergys config file < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 浏 览 Synergy配置文件 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "408" / >
< source > Synergy is now connected , You can close the config window . Synergy will remain connected in the background . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "434" / >
< source > Security question < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "435" / >
< source > Do you trust this fingerprint ?
% 1
This is a server fingerprint . You should compare this fingerprint to the one on your server 's screen. If the two don' t match exactly , then it 's probably not the server you' re expecting ( it could be a malicious user ) .
To automatically trust this fingerprint for future connections , click Yes . To reject this fingerprint and disconnect from the server , click No . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "1000" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Save configuration as . . . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 保 存 配 置 到 文 件 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "1004" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Save failed < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 保 存 失 败 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "1004" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Could not save configuration to file . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 不 能 保 存 配 置 到 文 件 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > MainWindowBase < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "26" / >
< source > Synergy < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Synergy < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "90" / >
< source > Ser & amp ; ver ( share this computer ' s mouse and keyboard ) : < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "243" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Screen name : < / source >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< translation type = "finished" > 屏 幕 名 : < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "257" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Server IP : < / source >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< translation type = "finished" > 服 务 端 IP < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "380" / >
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "409" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Start < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 开 始 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "181" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Use existing configuration : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 使 用 已 有 的 配 置 : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "190" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Configuration file : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 配 置 文 件 : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "210" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Browse . . . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 浏 览 … < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "147" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Configure interactively : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 交 互 配 置 : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "159" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Configure Server . . . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 设 置 服 务 端 … < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "350" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Ready < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 准 备 完 毕 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "296" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Log < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 日 志 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "373" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Apply < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 应 用 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "107" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > IP addresses : < / source >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< translation type = "finished" > IP地址 < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "131" / >
< source > Fingerprint : < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "228" / >
< source > & amp ; Client ( use another computer ' s mouse and keyboard ) : < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "270" / >
< source > Auto config < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "390" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; About Synergy . . . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 关 于 Synergy … < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "398" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Quit < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 退 出 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "401" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Quit < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 退 出 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "412" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Run < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 运 行 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "423" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > S & amp ; top < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 停 止 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "426" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Stop < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 停 止 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "434" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > S & amp ; how Status < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 显 示 状 态 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "442" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Hide < / source >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< translation type = "finished" > 隐 藏 < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "445" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Hide < / source >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< translation type = "finished" > 隐 藏 < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "453" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Show < / source >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< translation type = "finished" > 显 示 < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "456" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Show < / source >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< translation type = "finished" > 显 示 < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "464" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Save configuration & amp ; as . . . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 保 存 配 置 到 … < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "467" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Save the interactively generated server configuration to a file . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 保 存 通 过 交 互 配 置 生 成 的 配 置 到 文 件 。 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "475" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Settings < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 设 置 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "478" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Edit settings < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 编 辑 设 置 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/MainWindowBase.ui" line = "486" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Run Wizard < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 运 行 向 导 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > NewScreenWidget < / name >
< message >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< location filename = "src/NewScreenWidget.cpp" line = "32" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Unnamed < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 未 命 名 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< context >
< name > PluginManager < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "src/PluginManager.cpp" line = "58" / >
< source > Failed to get plugin directory . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/PluginManager.cpp" line = "63" / >
< source > Failed to get profile directory . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/PluginManager.cpp" line = "136" / >
< source > Failed to download plugin '%1' to : % 2
% 3 < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/PluginManager.cpp" line = "167" / >
< source > Could not get Windows architecture type . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/PluginManager.cpp" line = "191" / >
< source > Could not get Linux architecture type . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > PluginWizardPage < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "res/PluginWizardPageBase.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Setup Synergy < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 设 置 Synergy < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/PluginWizardPageBase.ui" line = "101" / >
< source > Please wait . . . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/PluginWizardPage.cpp" line = "72" / >
< source > Error : % 1 < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/PluginWizardPage.cpp" line = "80" / >
< location filename = "src/PluginWizardPage.cpp" line = "201" / >
< source > Setup complete . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/PluginWizardPage.cpp" line = "93" / >
< source > Downloading '%1' plugin ( % 2 / % 3 ) . . . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/PluginWizardPage.cpp" line = "104" / >
< source > Plugins installed successfully . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/PluginWizardPage.cpp" line = "120" / >
< source > Generating SSL certificate . . . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/PluginWizardPage.cpp" line = "170" / >
< source > Downloading plugin : % 1 ( 1 / % 2 ) < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/PluginWizardPage.cpp" line = "239" / >
< source > Getting plugin list . . . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< context >
< name > QObject < / name >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "60" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Synergy Configurations ( * . sgc ) ; ; All files ( * . * ) < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Synergy配置文件 ( * . sgc ) ; ; 所 有 文 件 ( * . * ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/MainWindow.cpp" line = "67" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Synergy Configurations ( * . conf ) ; ; All files ( * . * ) < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Synergy配置文件 ( * . conf ) ; ; 所 有 文 件 ( * . * ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/main.cpp" line = "119" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > System tray is unavailable , quitting . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 系 统 托 盘 不 可 用 , 程 序 退 出 。 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ScreenSettingsDialog < / name >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/ScreenSettingsDialog.cpp" line = "67" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Screen name is empty < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 屏 幕 名 为 空 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/ScreenSettingsDialog.cpp" line = "68" / >
< source > The screen name cannot be empty . Please either fill in a name or cancel the dialog . < / source >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< translation type = "finished" > 屏 幕 名 不 能 为 空 。 请 填 入 一 个 名 字 或 者 关 闭 对 话 框 。 < / translation >
< / message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< message >
< location filename = "src/ScreenSettingsDialog.cpp" line = "83" / >
< source > Screen name matches alias < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 屏 幕 名 对 应 别 名 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/ScreenSettingsDialog.cpp" line = "84" / >
< source > The screen name cannot be the same as an alias . Please either remove the alias or change the screen name . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 屏 幕 名 不 能 与 别 名 相 同 , 请 取 消 或 者 更 改 别 名 。 < / translation >
< / message >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > ScreenSettingsDialogBase < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Screen Settings < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 屏 幕 设 置 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "22" / >
< source > Screen & amp ; name : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 屏 幕 名 : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "42" / >
< source > A & amp ; liases < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 别 名 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "57" / >
< source > & amp ; Add < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 添 加 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "74" / >
< source > & amp ; Remove < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 删 除 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "97" / >
< source > & amp ; Modifier keys < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 修 改 按 键 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "106" / >
< source > & amp ; Shift : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Shift : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "117" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "164" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "211" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "258" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "305" / >
< source > Shift < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Shift < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "122" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "169" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "216" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "263" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "310" / >
< source > Ctrl < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Ctrl < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "127" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "174" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "221" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "268" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "315" / >
< source > Alt < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Alt < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "132" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "179" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "226" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "273" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "320" / >
< source > Meta < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Meta < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "137" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "184" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "231" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "278" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "325" / >
< source > Super < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 超 级 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "142" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "189" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "236" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "283" / >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "330" / >
< source > None < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 无 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "150" / >
< source > & amp ; Ctrl : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Ctrl : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "197" / >
< source > Al & amp ; t : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Alt : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "244" / >
< source > M & amp ; eta : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Meta : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "291" / >
< source > S & amp ; uper : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Super : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "358" / >
< source > & amp ; Dead corners < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 死 角 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "367" / >
< source > Top - left < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 左 上 角 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "374" / >
< source > Top - right < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 右 上 角 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "381" / >
< source > Bottom - left < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 左 下 角 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "388" / >
< source > Bottom - right < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 右 下 角 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "397" / >
< source > Corner Si & amp ; ze : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 死 角 大 小 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "428" / >
< source > & amp ; Fixes < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 修 改 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "437" / >
< source > Fix CAPS LOCK key < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 修 复 caps lock键 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "444" / >
< source > Fix NUM LOCK key < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 修 复 num lock键 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "451" / >
< source > Fix SCROLL LOCK key < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 修 复 scroll lock键 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ScreenSettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "458" / >
< source > Fix XTest for Xinerama < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 修 复 Xinerama的XTest < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ScreenSetupModel < / name >
< message >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< location filename = "src/ScreenSetupModel.cpp" line = "51" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & lt ; center & gt ; Screen : & lt ; b & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / b & g t ; & l t ; / c e n t e r & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; D o u b l e c l i c k t o e d i t s e t t i n g s & l t ; b r & g t ; D r a g s c r e e n t o t h e t r a s h c a n t o r e m o v e i t < / s o u r c e >
< translation type = "finished" > & lt ; center & gt ; 屏 幕 设 置 : & lt ; b & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / b & g t ; & l t ; / c e n t e r & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; 双 击 以 修 改 设 置 & l t ; b r & g t ; 将 屏 幕 拖 到 废 纸 篓 来 移 除 < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< / context >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< context >
< name > ServerConfigDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "src/ServerConfigDialog.cpp" line = "75" / >
< source > Configure server < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< context >
< name > ServerConfigDialogBase < / name >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "14" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Server Configuration < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 服 务 端 配 置 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "24" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Screens and links < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 屏 幕 和 联 接 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "35" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Drag a screen from the grid to the trashcan to remove it . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 从 格 子 中 拖 动 屏 幕 到 垃 圾 桶 进 行 删 除 。 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "60" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Configure the layout of your synergy server configuration . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 设 置 Synergy服务端配置的屏幕布局 。 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "73" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Drag this button to the grid to add a new screen . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 拖 动 此 按 钮 到 格 子 中 进 行 添 加 屏 幕 。 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "128" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Drag new screens to the grid or move existing ones around .
Drag a screen to the trashcan to delete it .
Double click on a screen to edit its settings . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 拖 动 屏 幕 ( 图 标 ) 到 网 格 中 或 者 移 动 已 经 在 网 格 中 的 屏 幕 的 位 置 。
拖 动 屏 幕 到 垃 圾 桶 进 行 删 除 。
双 击 屏 幕 编 辑 其 设 置 。 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "157" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Hotkeys < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 热 键 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "163" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Hotkeys < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 热 键 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "175" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; New < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 新 建 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "185" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Edit < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 编 辑 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "195" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Remove < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 删 除 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "218" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > A & amp ; ctions < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 行 为 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "230" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Ne & amp ; w < / source >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< translation type = "finished" > 新 建 < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "240" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > E & amp ; dit < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 编 辑 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "250" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Re & amp ; move < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 删 除 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "274" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Advanced server settings < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 服 务 端 高 级 设 置 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "280" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Switch < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 切 换 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "291" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Switch & amp ; after waiting < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 等 待 后 切 换 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "330" / >
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "383" / >
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "458" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > ms < / source >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< translation type = "finished" > 毫 秒 < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "344" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Switch on double & amp ; tap within < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 双 击 tap切换 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "408" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Options < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 选 项 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "419" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Check clients every < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 客 户 端 检 查 周 期 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "470" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Use & amp ; relative mouse moves < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 使 用 相 关 的 鼠 标 动 作 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "480" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > S & amp ; ynchronize screen savers < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 同 步 屏 幕 保 护 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "490" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Don ' t take & amp ; foreground window on Windows servers < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 不 要 移 动 前 台 窗 口 在 Windows服务器上 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "510" / >
< source > Ignore auto config clients < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "520" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Dead corners < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 死 角 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "529" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > To & amp ; p - left < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 左 上 角 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "536" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Top - rig & amp ; ht < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 右 上 角 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "543" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Bottom - left < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 左 下 角 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "550" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Bottom - ri & amp ; ght < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 右 下 角 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/ServerConfigDialogBase.ui" line = "572" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Cor & amp ; ner Size : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 死 角 大 小 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > SettingsDialog < / name >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/SettingsDialog.cpp" line = "131" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Save log file to . . . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 保 存 日 志 文 件 … < / translation >
< / message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< message >
< location filename = "src/SettingsDialog.cpp" line = "151" / >
< source > Elevate Synergy < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 评 价 Synergy < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/SettingsDialog.cpp" line = "152" / >
< source > Are you sure you want to elevate Synergy ?
This allows Synergy to interact with elevated processes and the UAC dialog , but can cause problems with non - elevated processes . Elevate Synergy only if you really need to . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 您 确 定 要 elevate Synergy吗 ?
这 会 允 许 Synergy和elevated进程交互和UAC对话框 , 但 是 可 能 引 起 一 切 和 非 elevated进程交互的问题 。 只 有 在 你 需 要 的 时 候 才 Elevate Synergy 。 < / translation >
< / message >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > SettingsDialogBase < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Settings < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 设 置 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "32" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Sc & amp ; reen name : < / source >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< translation type = "finished" > 屏 幕 名 称 : < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "49" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > P & amp ; ort : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 端 口 : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "78" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Interface : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 界 面 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "120" / >
< source > Elevate mode < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "127" / >
< source > & amp ; Hide on startup < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "146" / >
< source > & amp ; Network Security < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "155" / >
< source > Use & amp ; SSL encryption ( unique certificate ) < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "184" / >
< source > Logging < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 日 志 记 录 < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "202" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Logging level : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 日 志 等 级 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "251" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Log to file : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 记 录 到 文 件 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "268" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Browse . . . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 浏 览 … < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "213" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Error < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 错 误 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "107" / >
2013-05-29 20:46:24 +00:00
< source > & amp ; Language : < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 语 言 : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "20" / >
< source > & amp ; Miscellaneous < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 其 他 < / translation >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "218" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Warning < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 警 告 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "223" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Note < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 注 意 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "228" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Info < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 信 息 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "233" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Debug < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 调 试 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "238" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Debug1 < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 调 试 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SettingsDialogBase.ui" line = "243" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Debug2 < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 调 试 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > SetupWizard < / name >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/SetupWizard.cpp" line = "72" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Setup Synergy < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 设 置 Synergy < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/SetupWizard.cpp" line = "113" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Please select an option . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 请 选 择 一 个 选 项 < / translation >
< / message >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/SetupWizard.cpp" line = "80" / >
< source > Please enter your email address and password . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 请 输 入 您 的 邮 箱 地 址 和 密 码 。 < / translation >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< / message >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > SetupWizardBase < / name >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "26" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Setup Synergy < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 设 置 Synergy < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "30" / >
2013-05-29 20:46:24 +00:00
< source > Welcome < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 欢 迎 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "39" / >
2013-05-29 20:46:24 +00:00
< source > Thanks for installing Synergy ! < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 感 谢 您 安 装 Synergy ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "114" / >
2013-05-29 20:46:24 +00:00
< source > Synergy lets you easily share your mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on your desk , and it 's Free and Open Source. Just move your mouse off the edge of one computer' s screen on to another . You can even share all of your clipboards . All you need is a network connection . Synergy is cross - platform ( works on Windows , Mac OS X and Linux ) . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Synergy允许你轻松地在你办公桌上多台计算机之间共享你的鼠标和键盘 , 它 免 费 并 且 开 放 源 代 码 。 你 只 要 将 鼠 标 ( 指 针 ) 从 一 台 计 算 机 的 屏 幕 边 缘 移 出 到 另 一 个 屏 幕 就 行 了 。 甚 至 可 以 共 享 你 的 剪 贴 板 。 你 所 需 要 的 仅 仅 是 一 个 网 络 连 接 。 Synergy是跨平台的 ( 可 以 运 行 于 Windows , Mac OS X和Linux ) 。 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "125" / >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< source > Activate < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "131" / >
< source > & amp ; Activate now . . . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "152" / >
< source > Email : < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "178" / >
< source > Password : < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "204" / >
2016-09-06 15:13:50 +00:00
< source > & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //symless.com/account/reset/">Forgot password</a></source>
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "232" / >
< source > & amp ; Skip activation < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "277" / >
< source > & amp ; Server ( share this computer ' s mouse and keyboard ) < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "290" / >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' M S S h e l l D l g 2 ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 8 . 2 5 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :8pt ; & quot ; & gt ; My main mouse and keyboard are connected to this computer . This will allow you to move your mouse over to another computer ' s screen . There can only be one server in your setup . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / message >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "326" / >
< source > & amp ; Client ( use another computer ' s mouse and keyboard ) < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "339" / >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' M S S h e l l D l g 2 ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 8 . 2 5 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :8pt ; & quot ; & gt ; You have already set up a server . This computer will be controlled using the server ' s mouse and keyboard . There can be many clients in your setup . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "res/SetupWizardBase.ui" line = "262" / >
< source > Server or Client ? < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > ( 此 计 算 机 作 为 ) 服 务 端 还 是 客 户 端 ? < / translation >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< / message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > SslCertificate < / name >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/SslCertificate.cpp" line = "42" / >
< source > Failed to get profile directory . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/SslCertificate.cpp" line = "141" / >
< source > SSL certificate generated . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/SslCertificate.cpp" line = "170" / >
< source > SSL fingerprint generated . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< location filename = "src/SslCertificate.cpp" line = "173" / >
< source > Failed to find SSL fingerprint . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< / message >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > VersionChecker < / name >
< message >
2013-05-04 15:30:00 +00:00
< location filename = "src/VersionChecker.cpp" line = "102" / >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< source > Unknown < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 未 知 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2015-05-06 14:28:19 +00:00
< context >
< name > WebClient < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "src/WebClient.cpp" line = "44" / >
< source > An error occurred while trying to sign in . Please contact the helpdesk , and provide the following details .
% 1 < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/WebClient.cpp" line = "65" / >
< source > Login failed , invalid email or password . < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 登 录 失 败 , 邮 箱 地 址 或 密 码 错 误 。 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/WebClient.cpp" line = "78" / >
< source > Login failed , an error occurred .
% 1 < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 登 录 失 败 , 出 错 了 。
% 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/WebClient.cpp" line = "86" / >
< source > Login failed , an error occurred .
Server response :
% 1 < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > 登 录 失 败 , 出 错 了 。
服 务 器 回 应 :
% 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/WebClient.cpp" line = "101" / >
< source > An error occurred while trying to query the plugin list . Please contact the help desk , and provide the following details .
% 1 < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/WebClient.cpp" line = "120" / >
< source > Get plugin list failed , invalid user email or password . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/WebClient.cpp" line = "131" / >
< source > Get plugin list failed , an error occurred .
% 1 < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/WebClient.cpp" line = "137" / >
< source > Get plugin list failed , an error occurred .
Server response :
% 1 < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ZeroconfService < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "src/ZeroconfService.cpp" line = "82" / >
< source > zeroconf server detected : % 1 < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/ZeroconfService.cpp" line = "91" / >
< source > zeroconf client detected : % 1 < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/ZeroconfService.cpp" line = "99" / >
< location filename = "src/ZeroconfService.cpp" line = "130" / >
< source > Zero configuration service < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/ZeroconfService.cpp" line = "100" / >
< source > Error code : % 1 . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/ZeroconfService.cpp" line = "131" / >
< source > Unable to start the zeroconf : % 1 . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/ZeroconfService.cpp" line = "140" / >
< source > Synergy < / source >
< translation type = "finished" > Synergy < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/ZeroconfService.cpp" line = "141" / >
< source > Failed to get local IP address . Please manually type in server address on your clients < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "src/ZeroconfService.cpp" line = "147" / >
< location filename = "src/ZeroconfService.cpp" line = "154" / >
< source > % 1 < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2012-07-31 16:44:33 +00:00
< / TS >